
The Bone Hero, Jokara

The world of villains and heroes. Something right out of comic books. But for these people, it's a reality. And it's nowhere near as fun as the comics make it seem. Tag along with Jokara, an enigma even in his own world, as he tries to discover some kind of meaning and drive for himself. Disclaimer: Jokara will become a hero. But at the same time, his actions will often be very questionable for a hero, as well as a villain. (This is my first story. In my opinion, it's really not that good, and I want to get much better. Please keep that in mind as you read it. I would seriously appreciate constructive criticism, but please don't be a dick about it.)

Wilna_Kapp · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Chapter 27: Study Group

(Daily Music: Dearly Beloved But Your Beloved Is Dead) (All the songs I list are the titles of the listed songs on Youtube, so just look these up on Google and you can listen to the video on YouTube with the same title)

Aizawa told us that to go to the summer camp for the training, we would have to pass our exams, and after that, we would have to do a practical exam as well.

Mina: Oh no! I'm so far down in my studies! I won't ever be able to recover and go to camp... (Rank 19 in Midterm Exams)

Kaminari: Same... this isn't fair!! (Rank 20 in the Midterm Exams)

Me: What do you struggle with? (Rank 8 in Midterm Exams)

Momo: I could help you with your studies if you wanted?

Her invitation excited lots of the failing students, and Momo ended up getting a lot more people asking to get her to help with studies. She got rather excited about it.

Mina: Bean! Do you wanna come study with us too?

Momo and the others looked at me expectantly.

Me: Very well. On one condition: I am allowed to bring Ryujin.

Momo: Who?

Me: My snake companion.

Momo: Oh. Alright, I don't see why not.

When the school day ended, I ran over to my home, told my family about me going over to Momo's house for studies, packed some simple things I would need, such as a toothbrush, and ran to Momo's house. I knew where it was now because she gave the location of it in the group chat. The other students had chosen to hitch a ride with Momo to her house in the vehicle that came to pick her up from school, so they were all at her house already, waiting for me.

I reached the house shortly. I went up to the giant gate, and pressed the buzzer at the front.

Momo: Yes, who is it?

Me: It's me, Momo. Jokara. I just went to get some stuff I would need.

Momo: Alright, hold on for a second.

4 seconds later, the gate opened. I went into the large building, and Momo and my other classmates were waiting for me at the front door.

Mina: Come on in! Check this place out! It's giant!!

Me: I see nothing special in large housing spaces. Besides, it's not that large when you live in an entire forest. Less peaceful too.

Mina: Woah, didn't know you lived that luxuriously!

Me: I didn't know you knew how to say that word. Anyways, we came here to study, correct? Let's get started on that, then we can waste as much time as we want afterwards.

Momo: Okay. Would any of you like some tea?

Me: What is tea?

Momo: You've never heard of tea before?

Me: Well, excuse the boy from a warrior tribe for not knowing about things that you city dwellers enjoy.

Momo: What?

Me: Study first, answers will come later.

And so, we all got to studying. I didn't need the help that much, but I would at least somewhat benefit from the study session.

We all studied for 4 hours before calling it a day for studying.

Kaminari: So, what did you mean by "the boy from a warrior tribe"?

Me: I told this to Mina and Kirishima, so I see no issue telling you all. Have any of you heard of the Kaguya tribe?

Momo: Ah, isn't that the tribe really famous for being extremely resilient and brutal?

Me: The same one. Well, I come from that tribe.

All of them, apart from Mina, showed visible shock.

Momo: I never would have expected you to be from a tribe.

Kaminari: What's it like being in a tribe?

I told him about the kinds of things the shamans and elders taught the tribesmen. They seemed to find it rather interesting.

We must have been talking for a while, as soon, it was dark out.

Momo: Oh, it's rather late. We should get some rest.

She took us to a room with luxurious beds.

Me: Momo, is it alright if I sleep outside?

Momo: Huh? Wouldn't it be far more comfortable to sleep in a proper bed? Plus, it gets pretty cold at night.

Me: I find more comfort in nature than I do in the concrete jungle. It just feels better to me.

Momo: ... Alright, but you're welcome to come inside and get in a bed whenever you want.

I nodded, and went outside. I jumped on the highest branch on the tallest tree I could find, let Ryujin coil around the branch for his resting spot, and went to sleep, falling asleep almost instantly.

(Actual picture of what you guys look like, even on your worst days)