
The Bonds [Mated To supernaturals]

There will be a time when the balance between light and darkness will overlap, when the dark ones will rule over every being, to overcome this times the three powerful kingdoms must unite together and fight against the dark Lord and the darklings. A Bond formed from birth, a destiny designed by fate. The Three must come together as one to defeat evil. But who are they? She's the freak, an abnormally. A misfit and many more. That's just who she was and who she'd ever be. A lost heir unaware of her heritage. He's the crown prince, a laid-back easy-going fun person that's who everyone perceived him to be, but not all that glitters is gold. And there are things very dark the eyes can't see. He's the Alpha above all Alphas. The Alpha King. Possessive and dominating he's the complete opposite of easy going. Cold and calculating, he's the last person anyone wants to associate with. He's called the beast, a literal killing machine, who kills anything and anyone that cross him. In cold blood without showing mercy.

Sharonjewells4028 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Bond (Mated To Supernaturals)

Chapter Six

. " Want to talk about love? First get your heart broken by the one you love, only then can you tell me not to choose hatred". Ryan from mated to Supernaturals


Blake was already at the airport when they landed. He stood besides an Aston Martin one-77 car, typing ceaselessly on his newest version of iphone, when suddenly his head snapped up and turned in the direction where no doubt he caught the scent of his alpha coming and best friend coming from.

During the years Ryan had stayed abroad, he and Blake had stayed in touch and Blake had also been to crescent moon pack once for his beta training, but as required he had only spent five years before returning to the palace and also his pack. Normally, it's not allowed and also not sensible for both the alpha and beta to be away from the pack at the same time for a long period of time, but theirs was different cause Blake hadn't taken up his beta position and that's what the beta training was for. As well as other training academy for the different positions held in the pack.

Theo, the soon to be Delta of the pack and Pate the soon to be Gamma of the pack went to Blue Moon pack, one of the top three packs, for their training. They couldn't go the same year Ryan and Blake left for the crescent moon pack to begin their alpha and beta training cause although they hadn't taken up their posts yet except for Blake, all the high ranking officials or soon to be can't be away from pack land all at once for security reasons. They left when Blake had returned from the crescent moon pack after completing his beta training.

Ryan alighted from the plane observing his friend who seems to be doing the same thing. His friend hadn't changed over the years,he was still the same person he grew up with. He still had the same features, but more defined and manly, compared to the last time they saw each other he's gotten more built with ripped muscles he and there, it seemed they were gonna rip his shirt apart any moment, he's grown taller , skin more tanned, hair longer than the last time they saw each other, he looked different yet familiar. He's no longer that cute mischievous kid he grew up with, but now a man, "man? More like an overgrown baby,I doubt he'll ever mature" Hati quipped. He's no longer the beta's son but the beta himself. " Not yet" hati interjected. "You're well aware the coronation Day also a day picked for ranking of the top post in the pack is all formalities". I reminded .

" Yeah whatever makes you feel better". Hati grumbled".

" yeah, better than what makes you" i returned.

" Petty as always", he said sourly. "A cry baby as usual". I mocked him.

" Shut the hell up". Hati grumbled. " Hold on a sec, you still exist, I almost thought you went extinct", I mocked him again. " Almost thought? Seriously and you're supposedly king of our kind", Hati fired back before he managed to block him.

He was extremely tired, it felt like he was just returning from "The supernatural world war III". The ride had drained every bit of energy in him, probably not the ride but Malina who had prevented him from resting, "Properly". She was insufferable. Had flirted with him every chance she got the entire time they spent on the plane, her whiny voice grated on his nerves, the only reason he's holding himself back was (1) they were up in the air, though the thought of flinging her out of the plane through the windows is beginning to seem like a very good idea, (2) she's a lady, though to him it sounds lame, cause she's a lady doesn't mean she can molest him and he should just deal with it. Seriously she'd even tried touching Mr sensitive thank goddess for his fast reflex he'd quickly stopped her before things went out of hand. "Mr sensitive? Hati scoffed. She was annoying to the point where he had to lie about needing to use the bathroom, she had suggested tagging along but he had refused successfully getting rid of her, for the meantime. After stalling for a few minutes in the bathroom, he turned on the faucet and leaving it on, the water flowing in the mini bathtub in the plane, he snuck out of the bathroom and went to the bedroom in the plane to get some sleep. That plan flew out the window, as soon as I entered the room only to find her in it with a knowing look on her face. She smirked as I stared at her frozen in place. I groaned as I sat on the edge of the bed, it hadn't been two minutes he sat on the chair when the spawn of the devil had crawled on the bed to his side, she stretched her hands aiming for his zipper no doubt wanting to give him a blowjob, like the actual fuck! He had had enough of her pestering him and out of anger had not so gently pushed her off the bed she had landed with her butt on the floor.. "More like flinged her". Piped Hati. The look on her face was priceless, he would have laughed at her if not for his identity. She was still in shock, not believing what had happened, it took her a while to get over her shock and when she regained her composure she got up, dusted herself and stomped out of the room.

" Hahaha, real funny, if only you had seen the look on her face". Hati cackled unable to control himself. " I did see the look on her face, least you forgot dummy". I reminded him. " You're no fun". He grumbled displeased with me.

"Finally I can get some rest without any disturbance". I said. " I doubt it". Hati quipped. As soon as he said those words, the pilot as if waiting for him to talk, he announced right on cue, that they'll be landing very soon.

"Seriously!". I exclaimed out of annoyance. The pilot unaware of my distress, instructed every passengers, even though we are only four, to fasten their seatbelt. I got up from the bed begrudgingly and went to seat down somewhere that's not too close to Malina for the sake of my sanity. But I don't have to worry cause it seems like she'd rather be anywhere than been seated next to me. " seems like she's still sulking, I wonder how long it will last before she's back to clinging to you". Hati said amused. " I pray It's forever". I replied. "You wish". He mocked me, laughing at my expense. He was happy at my discomfort, such a sadist. " Like you're one to talk". Was his response before I blocked him.