
The Bonds [Mated To supernaturals]

There will be a time when the balance between light and darkness will overlap, when the dark ones will rule over every being, to overcome this times the three powerful kingdoms must unite together and fight against the dark Lord and the darklings. A Bond formed from birth, a destiny designed by fate. The Three must come together as one to defeat evil. But who are they? She's the freak, an abnormally. A misfit and many more. That's just who she was and who she'd ever be. A lost heir unaware of her heritage. He's the crown prince, a laid-back easy-going fun person that's who everyone perceived him to be, but not all that glitters is gold. And there are things very dark the eyes can't see. He's the Alpha above all Alphas. The Alpha King. Possessive and dominating he's the complete opposite of easy going. Cold and calculating, he's the last person anyone wants to associate with. He's called the beast, a literal killing machine, who kills anything and anyone that cross him. In cold blood without showing mercy.

Sharonjewells4028 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Bond (Mated To Supernaturals)

Chapter Five

Then his heart, now broken into a thousand pieces slowly began to turn to ice. Morgan Rhodes, Falling Kingdoms


" Why her? He questioned, rhetorically. " I've been trying to put this behind me, why does she have to show her face to me again, for fuck sake". He complained to his wolf. As his human complained on and on about not wanting to be in the space as Malina, he on the other hand was amused by the situation and couldn't help laughing at his other half's discomfort.

Once upon a time Ryan would do anything to be in the place with Malina, would do the unspeakable just so, she can notice him. He had participated a competition between alphas of different packs just so he could prove his worth to her. The first time he will talk to her, he was a stuttering mess. While Ryan was acting like a love struck puppy whenever Malina was mentioned, Hati despised her, he had been wary of her since the day his human half met her, there was just something shady about her, he just didn't like her presence, this is the only time, the wolf found her presence entertaining and that's at the expense of his human half.

The entire ride to the airport was filled with awkward silence, aside from when Malina had engaged in a one-sided conversation. The whole ride was uncomfortable for Ryan, the tension in the car was thick one could slice a knife through it.

" This definitely is going to be a hell of a ride home'. Ryan thought. " Well I'm surely looking forward to it". Hati cackled in his head.

Soon enough they got to the airport and Malina drove to the airport's information desk to collect a paper brochure, for what? Is beyond Ryan. She collected it along with the map of all P+ R parkings and parking garages. After that she bought a ticket and went to park in a place she called" the white zone, parking zone." Like Alpha King cares about where she park's the car. It was the last thing on his mind.

"The maximum parking time is usually ninety minutes, but cause of who you are, in the supernatural world and the connection you have in the human world, you were given an hour and by then a pack member of the crescent moon pack would have arrived to drive the car back to the pack". She explained, blatantly fishing for his attention. Anything to get him to acknowledge her presence.

Immediately after parking the car, Ryan had turned to carry the backpack he placed in the back seat of the car when he entered the car wanting to be rid of her presence for however long it takes, when he noticed Malina holding his hand, even for just a few minutes he wanted to be away from her why is she clinging unto him? He looked at her face then to where her hand rested on his questioningly. She said nothing to the unasked question and just stared at him as if searching for something on his face. Her stare was intense that it made him feel uneasy. He knows how manipulative she can be, he had experienced it first hand, he was one of her many victims, and the only one alive till date. Most of them in his pack are oblivious of her true nature including his beta. He was well aware of her expertise in manipulation but he still couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at the way he had treated her. He had vowed to never be a victim of her mind games ever again but why is he still..... His thoughts were cut off by his wolf." We can't accept her never ever, I'll leave you if you ever think of getting back together with her". Hati threatened." Besides we have a mate somewhere out there, you can't get attached to someone else, and I hate her it's what you know, you'd better know what you're doing our mate can pop up at anytime". His wolf warned him". " Well we can always reject her". Ryan interjected without giving a second thought. " No! Never! Hati loves mate, won't reject mate". His wolf growled at him. " Suit yourself", Ryan replied dismissively. He blocked the link between him and his wolf preventing any protest from his wolf. He looked at Malina, thinking she's just like every other girls, she doesn't give a fuck about her mate, and probably would have decided to reject whoever her mate turned out to be if he isn't someone of power, all she wants is wealth and power, she'd let any man in her pants just so she could attain power and whatever wealth the man possess, a typical bitch. Ryan thought shaking his head.

She waited patiently for him to say something and when she realized he wasn't going to entertain her sighed heavily, slumping her shoulders dramatically in defeat before getting out of the car, slamming the car-door not-so-gently. "Poor car". Ryan said sympathizing with the car. " That could have been you". Hati piped in.

He got out of the vehicle, took his luggages and walked to the terminal, he had barely taken five steps when two men dressed in a two piece black suit walking up to them, making Malina who was a few steps ahead of him stop in her tracks, dropping the bags she was carrying not so subtly as she waited for him to catch up with her. As soon as he a few feet away from her she moved closer to him and clung to him like a bee. The men reached the in no time, obviously witness to what had happened but kept mum about it and instead helped them with their luggages and with Malina clinging to him like someone on life support they escorted them to the private jet . The jet was more than what he had expected, he was impressed with how well Mr Bertoldo's pack was doing. He hadn't expected crescent moon pack to be able to afford such luxury, not that he's been obnoxious it's just that he had no idea the crescent moon pack was very wealthy but then he should have expected them to be seeing as they are the second top pack.