
The Bodyguard CEO

The Bodyguard CEO is a heart-pounding and very interesting story. It takes us through the journey of two different but loving individuals; Gem and Leon. Gem is a Model in the Modeling/Fashion Industry. After her Mother’s death, her Father who she once hoped for, betrayed her by marrying a new wife who is now her stepmother by the name of Maria. Maria also has a daughter named Jolene. Jolene is Gem’s Step-sister and rival in the Modeling Industry. She always wants to be perfect, respected, and more beautiful like Gem. Everything changes and unfolds when Gem met Leon. The most powerful, handsome CEO of the world's biggest security agency and the first world-class owner of the Bodyguard Industry. Gem made Leon her personal Bodyguard without knowing the secrets of her Bodyguard. Find out in the Story When more secrets get unfold. Will Gem’s Father and Step-Mother be forgiven after what he’s done to Gem and her deceased Mother? Will Jolene ever get what she wants? What happens when Leon finds Gem as an amazing and interesting woman to be with? THE STORY HAS JUST BEGUN…..!

MoniSky · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs



Leon was so angry. How could she insult me like that?

"Sir...." An old woman came in.

"Grandma... why…. why are you here?" Leon asked, looking surprised but the woman kept on walking around like she was searching for something.

"Where is she?" She asked.

"Who?" Leon asked.

"Don't play dumb with me, boy…. I know you are hiding a young lady in this house….so you got a new girlfriend and you couldn't introduce her!" she yelled.

"What?! Gem is not my girlfriend…..!" Leon yelled.

"Oh her name is Gem…. hmm…. beautiful…. then how do you explain kissing her?" She said and Leon was shocked, he knew this old woman was a spy in his life but he didn't know she'd go as far as putting a CCTV camera all around his house.

"Where is she?!" she yelled.

"She's not my girlfriend and by the way, she's not here anymore…. we had a fight and she left." He said looking angry.

"That's because you messed up." She said. "I know everything…. I was watching the both of you on my laptop….. how could you divert the topic after kissing her...you're too dumb." She said.

"I….. I don't want to date anymore…. what if she leaves like Rose..." Leon said.

"This Miss Gem is nothing like that gold digger Rosemary... The girl doesn't even know you're rich…. and you're the famous mighty CEO….. to her you're just an ordinary bodyguard... Look son, I've never seen you like this before….. Go to her." She said.

"Granny!" Leon yelled.

"Shut up and let go of your pride for once you love her and you're the only one that can protect her…. her life is in grave danger." She said.

"I know but… but granny she's our business enemy," Leon said.

"There is a saying…the enemy of your enemy is your friend….. go find your love son…. don't be late." She said and smiled.

"Thanks, ma…." He said.

"By Xmas, I want to see you introducing her as your girlfriend. Bring her to the family's Xmas party….." She said and left.

Ruth came to see me in my room.

"Gem….. talk to me please." She said.

"Ruth….." I told her everything.

"It's just a kiss ….. why are you so angry." She said.

"Just a kiss? It was my first kiss…. and he stole it… after making me feel like this he turned the topic…." I yelled.

"Wait…. Making you feel like what? don't tell me you're falling in love with your bodyguard!" She said.

"No, I'm not." I denied.

"Yes, you are…." She said.

"Fine….. but he doesn't like me too…." I said.

"Then, why did he kiss you…. I think he cares about you a lot." She said.

"Aww…. and I messed up….do you think I should apologize?" I asked.

"Yes….. do that tomorrow…. Speaking of tomorrow…. you have a scene to act…. and there would be reporters everywhere….. so we will leave early to avoid them….since you don't have a guard anymore….. rest now….. we're leaving by 6." She said.

We got to the set and behold there were many reporters everywhere.

"Oh no…. what do we do now?" I said because I knew reporters were wild.

"I don't know… but we are late, they can cut you off the movie…." Ruth said.

"I can do this, let's go," I said Ruth step down first and I followed suit….. When the reporters saw us, they started running towards us.

"Oh no!" I said in fear. Suddenly, the sweet scent of perfume hit my nose. It was him, why was he here….. I looked up and saw Leon's handsome face. But he wasn't alone….. a lot of men in Black showed up. They held the crowd.

"Kitten, am I late again? Sorry….hope you're okay?" He said and cupped my cheeks and smiled.



