
The Bodyguard CEO

The Bodyguard CEO is a heart-pounding and very interesting story. It takes us through the journey of two different but loving individuals; Gem and Leon. Gem is a Model in the Modeling/Fashion Industry. After her Mother’s death, her Father who she once hoped for, betrayed her by marrying a new wife who is now her stepmother by the name of Maria. Maria also has a daughter named Jolene. Jolene is Gem’s Step-sister and rival in the Modeling Industry. She always wants to be perfect, respected, and more beautiful like Gem. Everything changes and unfolds when Gem met Leon. The most powerful, handsome CEO of the world's biggest security agency and the first world-class owner of the Bodyguard Industry. Gem made Leon her personal Bodyguard without knowing the secrets of her Bodyguard. Find out in the Story When more secrets get unfold. Will Gem’s Father and Step-Mother be forgiven after what he’s done to Gem and her deceased Mother? Will Jolene ever get what she wants? What happens when Leon finds Gem as an amazing and interesting woman to be with? THE STORY HAS JUST BEGUN…..!

MoniSky · Urban
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15 Chs

  CHAPTER 11  

Everyone was stunned.

"Isn't that Miss Gem? Isn't she a small actress... how can she afford a professional bodyguard?" they gossiped.

"Leon?" I called.

"Shhh…. let's go inside first….." He said as he led me inside the set.

"Leon, I thought I fired you….." I said and Ruth gave me a pinch. "Ouch!"

"Gem, you should be thanking Leon here…. don't be rude." She said.

"Thanking him? he's only there to see his goddess, Jolene, now he's the main character in the movie!" I yelled.

"Gem, what's with you?" Ruth asked, Leon was quiet the whole time.

"What's with me? what's with me? Today, he's acting a kissing scene with Jolene and…and….."

"And I'm not acting anymore." his deep voice cut in.

"What?!" I was surprised.

"Let's talk after your scene today… I have something important to say….."

"Hi, Mr Leon…." It was the game spoiler, the fun killer… I call her the boredom bitch…. Jolene. She smiled at Leon and hooked his hands around his huge arm.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily "Oh, I'll excuse you two…. I guess you have something to say." I said about to walk away but Leon dragged me back and suddenly kissed me….. again. It was slow but didn't last long.

"I have nothing to say to her….let's go get you ready." He said and drag me along. I was still not myself. I touched my lips again.


"I'll explain everything to you on our date tonight…. right now focus on walking my men will guard you to the restaurant..." He said and kissed my head before he left.

I wasn't myself anymore... date? I have a date, with Leon?

Just then Fin came into my locker room.

Fin was a famous actor too….I have to admit I had a crush on him.

"Gem?...hi." He said.

"Oh, hi, senior Fin," I said smiling sheepishly.

"Hey, I told you before just call Fin." He said and licked his lips. "I have a party tonight at my place…. it will be full of celebrities and many artists….. I can introduce you to them….. and…. we can talk about us." He said.

"Fin, I'd love to come but..."

"Great, I'd tell my driver to come to pick you up at your place…bye." He said and walk away.

"But…. wait…. I didn't accept that I'd come!" I yelled but he pretended not to hear.

Acting went well today and we went home early. But my bags were gone.

"Where are my things?" I asked.

"Oh, they took it back to Leon's apartment…." Ruth said.

"What… I'm not going back!" I said.

"Suit yourself… you're already blushing." She said and smiled.

"So who are you going to meet tonight... hmm let me guess Leon." She said.

"Well, you're right and wrong. I'd first go to Fin's little party and just say hi to him…..I'll leave immediately to go see Leon." I said.

"But won't you keep him wait?" She asked.

"Not really, the party is by 5…..by 6 am out….. I should go get ready…. Uhmm, can you lend me some clothes since the men took mine?" I said and she nodded.

Leon went to see Kelvin.

"I said it…..I said it…you are in love with her," he yelled after hearing Leon confess his feelings for Gem

"I'm telling her today…." He said.

"You're really going to date her? dude….. Rose…"

"I don't want to hear your rubbish..." he turned cold and furious.

"I'm leaving take care." He said and left.

Kelvin called Rosemary. Her sweet voice echoed from the phone.


"Bad news…. you have to come back now…. He's falling for another girl….if you don't come to stop him now…. I'm afraid you'd lose him forever..."

"I'm coming back by the weekend…. Please do something before I come back." she pleaded

I got dressed in a blue gown and went to see Fin.

"Hi, beautiful." Fin said and hook his hands on my waist. I quickly push his hands away.

"I'd leave early…. I have an important thing to attend to." I said.

"It's okay, I understand…. well let's make a toast first." he gave me a wine glass and poured me a wine. "To the future." He said and I smiled and finish my drink in one go.

Fin smiled and alert his friends. He had drugged the drink unknown to me.

"So, come to Gem, let me show you off in front of others." He said and I followed him.

Leon decided to personally go pick up Gem as a gentleman. But getting there he heard a different story.

He was suspicious. His instincts told him Gem was been tricked.

He quickly drove to the party.

Fin started introducing me to people and suddenly I was dizzy, I almost fell but Fin caught me. Immediately I felt his touch…. my body started to grow hot….. I was feeling horny...I quickly withdrew.

"I….I should get going now." I said.

"Okay let me show you to the door." He said and I nodded.

He led me to a door and as I opened the door….he pushed me inside and I saw it was a bedroom.

"Fin…..what…. what's going on?" I asked.

"Oh Gem you're so beautiful…. don't worry….. I've drugged you to make you want sex…..you'll love tonight….after tonight, I'll find you a role in the next movie 'Together with her." He said taking off his belts.

Seeing his body made me arouse even more….I tried to resist but my body won't listen to me. I moaned as his hands cupped my cheeks.

"Please don't!" I said.

"Don't stop?" He said and captured my lips. I used my last strength to push him away.

"Be good Gem or I'll have to use the hard way." He said and drag me back to himself as he pinned me in between his legs.

"No….. please…. stop... ah….. Leon...… Leon help me…. ahhh….. uhmm."I cried and moaned at the same time as he started kissing my body and tearing my dress off.



