
The Bodyguard Assassin

Betrayal, Hatred, and Revenge. After stealing her daughter away and setting her home on Fire, Emily had more than 1 reason to hate Kris, Who also turns out to be her Husband and the Mafia of the Crimson. Emily's mission is to befriend her darling husband and take back what belonged to her, Firstly, bearing a new identity, Lesley Granade. But it wouldn't be as easy as predicted. MATURE CONTENT!!! Warning: This contains some triggering scenes in most chapters, blood, and violence

trixxxmoonlight · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 5- Team 101


"Right, Emily?" Ethan speaks

My blood drenched

"Excuse me?" I tried to act curious but deep down, I was getting nervous about him figuring out my identity

He stared deep into my eyes and I stared back.

"Let's head to the Battlefield, We'll talk later" He smirked

I felt my blood drop cold like I'd been caught stealing candy from a kid.

"Right" I replied glueing my eyes to the ground.

We walked to the Battlefield and there weren't many guards there. It was a maximum of 6 of them.

The Darknesses still crowded the surface but the Morning was approaching fast.

I watched the Guys shoot their targets but they stopped immediately they saw Ethan and I walk in. They must be wondering why a girl is wearing the same uniform as they were.

"These are the Crimson team, Lesley. Since you said you're a pro at using guns, then it shouldn't be a problem training with them. I'll take my leave now. And as I said, we will talk later" He smirked and left the battlefield leaving me with the guys who were busy staring at me like I'm an alien.

"You haven't seen a lady with the blood of a fighter or what?" I said coldly.

They went back to what they were doing and so did i.

I brought out my gun and targeted the dummies and the target points. The guys were wowed by my skills and abilities and couldn't help but face my direction.

"She's so cool" One of them whispered from behind my back

I looked back to see the person that complimented me.

He looked so blown away but the person next to him didn't think the same, instead glaring anxiously at me.

"Why are you guys so surprised? Even I can shoot with my eyes closed" He mumbled loudly

"No, you can't Mike" The other one disagreed

So his name is Mike? Such a Diva.

"You don't have to feel discouraged." I reloaded my gun

"I don't need your damn opinion. Much less from a girl" Mike uttered angrily

Suddenly, his friend put on an uncomfortable smile and walked up to me.

"Sorry about my friend, He's just shocked to see a pretty-" He paused trying to guess my position

"I'm an Assassin and the Boss's bodyguard" I completed

"That Explains how you're so good at targetting" He beamed up a smile

"I'm Damian" Damian pulls out his hand for a handshake as I recalled his features

Damian had white hair, hazel eyes, and a small mole lying under his lip. He even put on a cheeky smile to go with his personality.

"I'm Lesley" I answered accepting his handshake.

"That's my friend Mike, he just has some anger issues so it shouldn't be that much of a surprise when he thoroughly bullies you"

I looked over at Mike who was still glaring over at Damian and me.

As for Mike, he had dirty brown hair, Caramel skin, Emerald green eyes, and an angry expression worth serving. No surprise there...

"I see," I said

"So, who's the Leader of this team?" I asked

"It's Alen" He points to one of the guys who was wrestling with one of his teammates

I scanned Alen from head to two, the only thing notable was his black hair with a blue strip in front, his White skin, and his Grey eyes

"He is just as skilled as you are, a great leader, and a good fighter as well," Damian says.

Alen looked over at me with a numb look on his face and didn't bother walking over to introduce himself, he just kept on wrestling his mates.

"Is everyone always a snub?" I asked

"No! He is just never on a goofy or nice term with anyone, He always has this serious look on his face" Damian replies

"Ah" I nodded

"The only way you can gain his respect is by winning a fight with him, no one has been able to do that, Including Mr Grumpy's pants over there" He signalled his head over to Mike.

"I see"

"Well, now that you know more about the team, you wouldn't mind training with us would you?" Domain asked

"Why not?" I smirked

This would be a good opportunity for me to get to know more about Kris and the Crimson Mafia itself.

Damian introduced me to the rest of the team members 'Jason and Nathaniel' including Alen who did nothing but stare at me for 5 seconds, Carry his eyes away and get back to shooting the dummies.

"This is the first time I've seen a female bodyguard working here!" Nathaniel exclaimed

"What's your name?" Jason interrupted

"Lesley, Lesley Granade" I introduced myself

"It's nice meeting you Lesley," Jason and Nathaniel chorused

It made me relieved that I have such nice crew mates, In just a day, I've made 6 friends [excluding Alen and Mike] but what were the odds?

"That's our team leader, Alen. He doesn't talk much but he's cool" Nathaniel puts his arm around Alen

"Get off me," He says coldly

"I take that back" Nathaniel frowns

I chuckled lightly as Alen threw a gun at me "I hope your skills are just as pretty as your face" He comments

Wait was that a compliment or an insult? It was impossible to verify but I took the guns anyways and showed them The best moves and skills I can do with a gun.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, Without opening them, I pictured the target in my head and pulled the trigger.

The place was dead ass silent and I was extremely confident about this. I opened my eyes nervously and with no doubt, the target made it straight to the head of the dummy blowing the parts away.

"You were saying?" I smirked and blew the steam from the gunpowder

Yet, Alen didn't look surprised. He puts on a blindfold and snatched the gun from my hand. Without hesitating, He aims at the rest of the targets aiming at the head of each one by one. He removed the blindfold after he felt satisfied and smirked wildly at me.

"Weak" he jacked past me

I felt my blood boil.

"Excuse me?" I turned around

"You heard me" He repeats

"Are you tryna annoy me because it's not working at all" I tried to control myself

"Leave her alone Alen, She can't handle what we can, she is a girl after all" Mike joined with a smirk on his face

I was about to load my gun when Alen spoke up

"I never asked for your support Mike, You're one to talk yet I've found someone that is at least 1% better than you" Alen points out

Mike immediately walked up to Alen unalarmed and without hesitation, he punched Alen straight in the face so hard, that he fell over.

"You want a fight? Fine" Alen muttered angrily.