

THIS BOOK IS COMPLETED! ~~~ Kevin Beischel was a renowned scientist in Serein City. He was a werewolf specialist who lost his parents because of werewolves. On a fateful night, he met an annoying man who tested his patience. The relationship between him and the man gradually developed, but he didn't know that the other man was a werewolf. Meanwhile, the werewolf clan was planning to conquer mankind. All werewolves had red eyes, but there was a prophecy about a blue-eyed werewolf that would help them to defeat humans. But, the blue-eyed werewolf in the prophecy was just a young girl who lived in an orphanage. She was the one who was growing up with Kevin and had a place as a younger sister in Kevin's heart. The situation grew tenser when Kevin finally learned the truth. It was getting worse when the blue-eyed girl in the prophecy finally fell into the werewolves’ hands. Moreover, there was a secret behind a secret, there was a conspiracy behind a conspiracy. How would Kevin overcome the tribulations? Would his love help him to save the world? It's not an ordinary werewolf story! ~~~ Author note: 1. Warning: slow-burn romance! The romance hint will start showing in chapter 10. 2. Devoted top x smart bottom! 3. There is a girl character in this book, but this is a BL book, so the main couple is boy x boy. THE GIRL IS NOT A THIRD WHEEL! :) 4. Original cover by callmeotooosan. (Commission is open! Contact her on her IG!)

26stars · LGBT+
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288 Chs


A car sped up like red lightning. The red luxury vehicle traveled super fast on a lonely street. The time was right at the midnight, so it was no wonder that the smooth asphalt was not rubbed by anything other than the wheels of the luxurious red car.

The driver of the car was none other than Kris. After leaving Kevin's residence, Kris drove his red car to leave the city. He didn't have any destination and just kept speeding following the road. It took him dozen minutes before he finally stopped his vehicle at the outskirts of the city.

Kris's car stopped at the edge of a forest. The forest was still natural without human disturbance. He hadn't gotten out of the car yet. His hands were still gripping the steering wheel tightly as if trying to channel his emotions through the grip.

He couldn't believe what just happened. His cover was discovered in a blink of an eye, and the accident had exposed his real identity. His father was right, humans in the city were smarter and not easy to be fooled.

His mixed feelings had an impact on his physical condition. His andalusite-like irises gradually turned to a pair of ruby, his canines started to grow long and pointy like daggers, and his fingernails became spiky like bayonets. He was going to transform into his other form!

He was already outside the car when he completely transformed into a big wolf in caramel brown fur. The big wolf bravely challenged the blackness of the night. There was no artificial light source in that place, and the only light source was from the moonlight, which was now in the full moon phase.

There may be many fairy tales about werewolves that were at their peak during a full moon night, but that only existed in fairy tales. In fact, the moonlight did not affect Kris and other werewolves. Kris's unstable condition this time was only caused by his turbulent heart.

The caramel brown wolf suddenly ran as fast as the light. The four-legged creature moved swiftly through the thick trees in the forest. He continued to go further into the deep forest at high speed tirelessly, and finally, the creature arrived at the deepest core of the forest.

That was the darkest part of the forest where the moonlight could not penetrate the trees' dense canopy.

But, the dark setting did not affect the young werewolf. His crimson eyes flashed a bright light as if they were a flashlight to penetrate the darkness. The werewolf could see clearly in the pitch-black night.

Kris wolf's body stopped running at that place. The creature slowly raised its head towards the sky, then howled very loudly. The sound was so loud that it startled the birds that rested on the trees' branches. The birds were scared and chose to fly away in fear.

The howl sounded harsh, but it was actually tucked in pain and sadness. It sounded like a cry.

Soon, the sound of Kris's howling stopped, and the wolf's body slowly transformed back into a tall human. Kris fell to his knees on the cold ground as tears started rolling down his cheeks.

"Mom, what should I do now?" He whispered sadly.

Kris cried for a while, but the crying stopped when his sharp nose caught a familiar smell. As fast as lightning, he rose from his kneeling position and ran towards the source of the smell. And sure enough, the smell came from someone he knew very well.

"Jack! What are you doing?" Kris screamed out loud when he found Jack, who had his mouth close to the hand of a woman who appeared to be unconscious.

The woman was lying helplessly on the cold ground, and Kris briefly shifted his gaze to her. He could breathe a sigh of relief when he saw her chest was still moving up and down.

Jack, who had been squatting beside the woman, slowly stood up and looked at Kris arrogantly. "You interfere with my meal again!" He exclaimed in annoyance.

Kris clenched his fists to hold back his anger. "Why did you do that? Did you forget the newest rules in our clan? We shouldn't eat humans, so humans will not detect our presence!" He replied angrily.

Jack seemed unfazed by Kris's anger. "What's wrong with it if we eat humans? It is our nature that we are not satisfied if we don't eat human flesh. I have been fasting for almost seventeen years, and now I can't hold it anymore." The tattooed man still insisted on continuing his 'business.'

"I will report you to my father if you dare to do that!" Kris gave an ultimatum in a low voice.

"Ah, should I be afraid of your threat?" Jack casually asked. "You think your father will believe what you say? Listen to me carefully, Kris. Your father never trusted you at all. From the beginning until now, you have never gained his trust!"

Kris felt humiliated. He exactly knew that his father never trusted him from the start, but Jack didn't need to rub salt on his already wounded heart.

The tattooed man casually walked over to Kris. His strong hand patted the latter's broad shoulder and said, "You certainly haven't forgotten about your betrayal seventeen years ago, have you? Your father certainly hasn't forgotten as well, and he certainly still hates you a lot."

Kris fiercely brushed Jack's hand off his shoulder and retorted, "Stop your bullshit, Jack! You don't know anything about me!"

Jack smirked at Kris's counter. He looked at Kris in disdain and said, "I originally wondered why you insisted on saving the scientist even though he was a human. I thought you really hated humans after what they did to your mother. But, when I think about that again, it's only natural that you don't hate humans because you are the one who killed your mother!"

This time, Kris couldn't tolerate Jack's words. His red eyes sparked sharply as he transformed into a big brown wolf again. He immediately pounced on Jack, but the latter quickly transformed into a wolf and managed to dodge the attack.

The two wolves with brown and black fur then got into a fierce battle. The wolf form actually was not the strongest form of werewolves. They were strongest in their half-human and half-wolf form; a creature that walked on two legs like a human but had body features like a wolf. That was the werewolf monster form.

Werewolves' powers were at their peak in that form, but that form required more energy. That was the reason why they rarely transformed into that form if not in an urgent condition.

The two strong wolves were still fighting each other. They bit each other, chased each other, then bit each other again. Fresh red blood started to soak their fur, indicating that the fight was no joke.

One time, the caramel brown wolf seemed to get the upper hand. It pressed the other wolf's body on the ground, then bit the black wolf's body hard. But, the black wolf initiated a counterattack and reversed their positions.

Now the caramel brown wolf was being pressed on the cold ground by the black wolf. The black wolf's sharp canines then pierced the brown wolf's body mercilessly.

The two of them kept returning each other's attack. They were seriously trying to kill each other, and they probably wouldn't stop until one of them died.

Minutes passed, and it was Kris who fell helplessly on the cold ground in the end. His form transformed back to human form. His red eyes had lost their light and darkened again. His neck was severely torn, and his arms were also badly injured.

The human form was the weakest and required the least energy, so when werewolves were beaten and lost their energy, they quickly transformed into human form.

On the other hand, Jack was also injured, but his wounds were not as bad as Kris's. The black werewolf had returned to his human form and was still able to stand up even though staggering.

He smirked at the opponent and said, "I didn't expect you to be this weak, Kris. You hang out with weak humans too much that you become weak like them."

Kris groaned in pain. He used his right hand to cover his torn neck. Crimson blood was still flowing from that part of his body.

"Since I come out as the winner, then I will take my prize," Jack spoke again as he walked away to leave Kris, who was still lying on the ground.

The tattooed man walked over to the woman who since some time ago became his prey. He lifted the woman's body effortlessly, then slung her body over his shoulder before he left the place. The poor woman surely would be Jack's midnight meal.

Kris saw all that, but he no longer had the strength to chase Jack and save the woman. It was true what Jack had said, he was indeed very weak.

He failed and felt useless, and he could only scream in frustration. His sorrowful scream echoed in the dense forest.

Hello! This chapter is very hard for me. Usually, I maintained my writing score above 95 on Grammarly, but I stuck on 92 at this chapter. I apologize if this chapter doesn't meet your expectation. I will try to make it better again later :(

Anyway, thank you for your support! This story will be more interesting after this. I promise!

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