

THIS BOOK IS COMPLETED! ~~~ Kevin Beischel was a renowned scientist in Serein City. He was a werewolf specialist who lost his parents because of werewolves. On a fateful night, he met an annoying man who tested his patience. The relationship between him and the man gradually developed, but he didn't know that the other man was a werewolf. Meanwhile, the werewolf clan was planning to conquer mankind. All werewolves had red eyes, but there was a prophecy about a blue-eyed werewolf that would help them to defeat humans. But, the blue-eyed werewolf in the prophecy was just a young girl who lived in an orphanage. She was the one who was growing up with Kevin and had a place as a younger sister in Kevin's heart. The situation grew tenser when Kevin finally learned the truth. It was getting worse when the blue-eyed girl in the prophecy finally fell into the werewolves’ hands. Moreover, there was a secret behind a secret, there was a conspiracy behind a conspiracy. How would Kevin overcome the tribulations? Would his love help him to save the world? It's not an ordinary werewolf story! ~~~ Author note: 1. Warning: slow-burn romance! The romance hint will start showing in chapter 10. 2. Devoted top x smart bottom! 3. There is a girl character in this book, but this is a BL book, so the main couple is boy x boy. THE GIRL IS NOT A THIRD WHEEL! :) 4. Original cover by callmeotooosan. (Commission is open! Contact her on her IG!)

26stars · LGBT+
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288 Chs


["The police found an incomplete corpse on the outskirts of the city early this morning. It was suspected that the victim was killed in the middle of the night. All of the victim's flesh was gone. The organs also disappeared without a trace, and all that was left was the skull, hair and, bones. The autopsy result showed that the victim was female."]

That was the news that shocked the public this afternoon, and Kevin was earnestly listening to it through a television broadcast in his laboratory. He was still waiting for the corpse of the first victim to be examined, but suddenly he heard the news that a new victim had been found.

["It was the second corpse found by the police with the same condition, and they stated that it may be the werewolf's doing. The police ask all the citizens to stay calm and remain vigilant as they will continue to investigate the case."]

The day before, the information about the re-appearance of the werewolves was still kept from the public, but the government decided to let the public know today.

The genius scientist felt a little guilty for the unknown woman who became the victim of the werewolf ferocity last night. Even if no one told him, but he knew very well that he should have been the victim if Kris didn't come on time to save him. Perhaps, after failing to eat him, the vicious beast then looked for other prey for his dinner.

Kevin could not imagine if he was the victim and left only the bones and strands of hair. The scars on his neck had not even healed yet and were still wrapped in bandages.

Some of his coworkers asked about the bandage, and Kevin answered that his neck was bleeding after he accidentally scratched it by his jacket's zipper. It was just an absurd excuse, but luckily they believed it.

"Now the public knows that the werewolves have returned. They are in an uproar right now."

The voice that suddenly sounded from behind made Kris's reverie shattered. The man turned his head and found Andre standing behind him, engrossed in chewing peanuts. His colleague still had an appetite when scary news was broadcasting on TV.

"Didn't I often tell you not to bring food while we're in the laboratory?" Kevin asked Andre, who was now sitting on a chair next to him casually.

"Only peanuts, it won't contaminate this place," his ignorant colleague defended himself. "By the way, I have sent a request letter to the police station to borrow the first victim's corpse, but they rejected our request. The corpse had been identified, and the family wanted to bury the corpse quickly."

Kevin showed a disappointed expression. "If it's like that, then we don't have specimens for research material. We can't analyze the changes in DNA composition that might be experienced by werewolves."

Andre nodded his head in agreement with his colleague's words. "What if we beg the victim's family to give up the corpse as a specimen for our research? In this way, they will be seen as heroes to save mankind. Isn't that cool?" He asked while looking at Kevin with a wide smile.

But, Kevin rewarded the question by hitting a thick stack of documents on his colleague's head.

"Don't you think about the feelings of the victim's family? They just lost one of their family members, and even the corpse is not intact. Don't you imagine how hurt they would be if they weren't even allowed to properly bury their family member?"

Andre rubbed his head which had just received a 'special gift' from Kevin. "I was just trying to find a solution," he defended himself pitifully. "If we can't do that, then how can we continue our research? Our efforts have made absolutely no progress lately. We can't do anything without specimens."

Kevin frowned, thinking that what Andre said was somehow not wrong. He couldn't continue his parents' efforts if they couldn't get hold of the newest werewolf specimens.

The werewolves likely had already undergone an evolution, so he couldn't just rely on their old specimens. If only he could find a werewolf to serve as a specimen.

And, that was when Kevin got enlightened. With fiery enthusiasm, the handsome scientist reached for his smartphone, which had been idle on the table, then looked for the contacts stored in the sophisticated object.

Andre was amazed to see Kevin's attitude, who suddenly became so excited as if he had just received an important clue.

Kevin ignored Andre's questionable gaze and immediately tried to contact someone with his phone. He pressed the smart object to his ear and waited, only to be disappointed that the number he had dialed was unreachable. Kevin's previously excited look was now completely replaced by a look of disappointment.

"Who do you want to contact?" Andre finally asked.

Kevin turned to his colleague but was still silent without saying anything. It made Andre moved his chair away, thinking that his friend was possessed by a spirit or something.

Andre was even more shocked when Kevin suddenly got up from his chair, took off his laboratory coat, and grabbed the car keys that had been lying on the table. "I'll go outside for a moment," he said as he started walking to the laboratory door.

Andre could only scratch his head in confusion. "Is Kevin dating someone recently? He looks so weird these days," he could only ask the wind after his colleague left him alone.

Meanwhile, Kevin quickly got into his car as soon as he reached the parking lot in front of the building. His car had been repaired. Early in the morning, he asked a crane to take the car to the shop for repair, and a mechanic drove it to his workplace a few hours ago.

Before starting the car engine, he frowned deeply. "Where do you think he is now? Even though he said he was going to get out of our lives, my gut is saying he isn't really leaving. But, where does he live now?" Kevin monologued in his car.

Unfortunately, until his head felt dizzy, he did not get a definite answer to his questions. Even so, Kevin still started his car's engine and immediately stepped on the gas pedal with his foot. He still had to search even though he had absolutely no clue.

In the end, the young scientist decided to look at several hotels around Blue's apartment. There were no hotels around his house, so he assumed that person would be staying in a hotel close to Blue's apartment.

The black-haired scientist entered the hotels one by one, asking the receptionists if the person was staying at their hotel. He didn't even remember the person's last name, for God's sake!

He once heard the last name when Blue was adopted, but he didn't think that it would be important, so he didn't really pay attention to the last name at that time.

His carelessness made things harder for him, but he was determined to try his luck and didn't want to just give up

"Yes, Sir. There is a guest who has that name staying in this hotel. He has been staying here since two days ago."

Finally, Kevin heard that one sentence that he waited for the most today. He had been in and out of five or six hotels near Blue's apartment, and finally, a big smile spread on his handsome face.

Kevin actually was not sure that he was the person he was looking for, but he wanted to give it a try. He then asked for the room number occupied by that person. The female receptionist asked what his relationship with that person and Kevin casually replied that they were brothers.

The answer was apparently enough to get the female receptionist to give him the information he needed. Perhaps the receptionist was drugged by Kevin's good looks. She was even willing to leak the personal information of guests at their hotel.

After thanking her, the scientist immediately ran towards the elevator. Based on the information he got from the receptionist, the room occupied by the person was on the 13th floor, room number 1313.

'Why are they all 13? Aren't hotels usually don't have the 13th floor? Isn't 13 an unlucky number?' Kevin couldn't help but wonder in his mind.

The black-haired man shook his head to brush off the myth and immediately got out of the elevator after the door opened on the 13th floor. He hurriedly looked for room number 1313, and after he found it, he stopped in front of the door.

He then caught his gasping breath. He had been running for a long time this afternoon, and he was out of breath now.

After he returned to his regular breathing, he reached out his right hand to knock on the dark brown polished door. He waited until the occupant of the room opened the door for him, but there was no movement from inside the room after several minutes passed.

Kevin finally reached out his hand to knock again, but his hand floated in the air when suddenly the door opened from the inside. As soon as he saw who was the figure who had just opened the door for him, Kevin felt like running away from that place.

Hello! Are you enjoying this book so far? I really enjoy writing the second volume of this book, and I hope you feel the same way LOL.

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