

THIS BOOK IS COMPLETED! ~~~ Kevin Beischel was a renowned scientist in Serein City. He was a werewolf specialist who lost his parents because of werewolves. On a fateful night, he met an annoying man who tested his patience. The relationship between him and the man gradually developed, but he didn't know that the other man was a werewolf. Meanwhile, the werewolf clan was planning to conquer mankind. All werewolves had red eyes, but there was a prophecy about a blue-eyed werewolf that would help them to defeat humans. But, the blue-eyed werewolf in the prophecy was just a young girl who lived in an orphanage. She was the one who was growing up with Kevin and had a place as a younger sister in Kevin's heart. The situation grew tenser when Kevin finally learned the truth. It was getting worse when the blue-eyed girl in the prophecy finally fell into the werewolves’ hands. Moreover, there was a secret behind a secret, there was a conspiracy behind a conspiracy. How would Kevin overcome the tribulations? Would his love help him to save the world? It's not an ordinary werewolf story! ~~~ Author note: 1. Warning: slow-burn romance! The romance hint will start showing in chapter 10. 2. Devoted top x smart bottom! 3. There is a girl character in this book, but this is a BL book, so the main couple is boy x boy. THE GIRL IS NOT A THIRD WHEEL! :) 4. Original cover by callmeotooosan. (Commission is open! Contact her on her IG!)

26stars · LGBT+
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288 Chs


Kris felt that now his life had changed drastically since he was given a mission to go to the city. Since he met Kevin, then he met Blue, his life was no longer the same.

For nearly seventeen years since the war ended, since 50 werewolves managed to escape the slaughter, he spent more time disguising himself as an ordinary human.

He had been experiencing hard times since he started his career from zero until now he had a shipyard business at Shallop harbor. He was living a difficult life because he did not have a formal educational background.

His entire identity as a human was just a fake, and he was fortunate enough to have a talent as an entrepreneur that had grown naturally since he was a teenager.

But, after he received a mission from his father to find Blue in the city, Kris was no longer directly taking care of his business at the harbor. He spent a lot of time in the city and rarely returned to the coast.

If there was no urgent need, he would not leave the city to return to his house in the coastal area. There was a sense of longing disturbing his heart, but he had to be consistent in carrying out this mission.

Kris's life changed even more after he officially adopted Blue. The young girl would turn 17 soon, so he really needed to do his job properly. He had to complete this mission no matter how high the price he had to pay.

On this basis, Kris informally ordained himself as the blue-eyed girl's private servant, and today was his first day of work.

His work started this morning when he sent Blue to school. The girl refused, but Kris Allaband would not be his name if he couldn't force the girl. In the end, Blue was forced to get into Kris's red car, and the two of them headed to school together.

This afternoon, Kris was patiently waiting for the bell to signal the end of school. He was sitting on the hood of his car. His dazzling appearance in front of the school successfully caught the attention of the public.

Who could ignore the charm of the handsome Kris? The tall man looked so charming in his casual clothes; a white t-shirt under the black leather jacket, tight jeans, white sneakers, and a pair of sunglasses perched on top of his straight nose.

As if that wasn't enough to attract attention, the presence of his luxury car also drew public attention. Moreover, the four-wheeled car had a very eye-catching color.

The handsome man who looked like a model ignored the hungry gazes of the passersby. He was so engrossed in playing with his cellphone. For a moment he considered, 'Should I contact him?'

The incident that took place last night was enough to upset him, and he should not make mistakes if he didn't want his mission to fail.

After thinking for a while, Kris finally pressed his thumb to one of the contacts stored on his smartphone, then brought the super thin and transparent object closer to his ear. After waiting for a few seconds, someone on the other end of the line finally answered the call.


The voice coming from the other end of the phone was very familiar to his ears, causing him to sigh and briefly close his eyes. "It's me," he said in a low voice as he opened his eyes again.

"I know, I've saved your number," someone replied on the other end of the line.

There was silence for a moment. The two men who were in two different places did not make a sound anymore. Only their breath could be heard, without a word coming out of their lips.

Until finally, Kris decided to break the silence by asking, "Don't you trust me?"

That question was not immediately answered by the other man. There was a long pause until finally, the man answered, "I trust you, but I just want to make sure everything is alright."

Kris sighed again, his eyes staring at the blue sky which was now started losing its light. "I'm trying to do my best. Didn't you tell me to take care of Blue?" He then asked again.

"Yes, I told you that, but I'm still worried."

This time, it was Kris who took the time to reflect. Worried, he said? The statement made Kris smile wryly. It seemed that the person on the other end of the line had picked a word that didn't quite describe what was in his heart.

"You don't need to worry," Kris finally replied. "I will look after Blue until the time comes. Have I ever let you down, Dad?" There was a particular emphasis on the word 'Dad.' Yes, the person who had been talking to him over the phone was his father.

The father, Mike, chuckled at Kris's question. "Ask yourself that question, Son. Have you ever let me down?" He asked back.

Again, Kris's face showed a displeasing smile. "I think we both know the answer to that question," he said dejectedly. "But, I will not disappoint you this time, Dad. I will do my best, so can you ask Jack not to interfere with my mission?"

"I know you don't like Jack, but he will still be around you for now. You have less than two months left, Kris. I want Jack to make sure you don't do anything wrong."

That was all Mike said before hung up the phone without saying goodbye.

"I know you never trust me," Kris said weakly to the phone. His phone was still pressed on his right ear even after his father ended their phone call.

Shortly thereafter, Kris put his cellphone back into his pants pocket and rubbed his face roughly. "And, I also know that you are there, Blue," he said without looking back at where Blue was currently hiding not far from his car.

Blue winced in surprise at Kris's words. She was standing about eight meters from Kris and was slightly hiding behind a large tree, but that man could easily detect her presence.

Without realizing it, Blue's thin hands pinched her school skirt. She felt that Kris was no ordinary human.

With a little nervousness, Blue finally walked over to Kris, who was now getting off the hood of his car. The two creatures of the opposite sex were now standing opposite each other.

"Who were you calling?" Blue asked in a nervous tone.

"Why do you ask? Are you worried if I called Kevin and told him that I would come back to live with him?" Instead of answering, Kris asking Blue back. It was clear that he was teasing the young girl.

Blue gave Kris an annoyed look. "That's none of my business," she replied.

A devilish grin appeared on Kris's face after hearing Blue's answer. "It's good that you're finally self-conscious," he said. "I'll take you home now. I need to find a place to stay after this. You know what? Finding a place to stay at a cheap price in this city is not easy. I've been looking all day but have not found any good place."

Kris's explanation made Blue frown. "Why are you looking for a place to stay at a cheap price? Don't you have a lot of money?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I do have a lot of money," Kris replied, nodding his head a few times arrogantly. "But, I have a niece and have to be responsible for her now. I can't waste too much money because I have to make sure that you don't run out of any money in the future. Am I not a good uncle?"

Instead of being touched by Kris's words, Blue was disgusted. "You think I'll take your words? You're just a cheapskate, and you can't fool me," she said while rolling her eyes.

Kris burst out laughing at the sarcastic accusation that his new niece had just voiced. "You really know me," he replied. "Never mind. I don't want to waste time, so I'll take you home now. Let's get in the car quickly."

Kris had started walking to get into his car, but Blue's voice stopped him, "I'll be working at the café right away after this, and you don't need to take me there. The café is not far from here."

Those words made Kris turn his head and stare at Blue in astonishment. "Are you still going to work at the café? But why? You are now my responsibility, and I can provide for your needs without you having to work there," he asked.

Blue looked at Kris then replied in a deadpan tone, "You have adopted me, but my life and happiness are still my responsibility. You can save your money, perhaps you can save it for your future marriage. That is if there are girls who want to marry you."

And, Blue's sharp words stabbed painfully into Kris's heart. Did he not deserve to be loved?

Hello! Kevin will appear again tomorrow, but tomorrow's chapter will be a bit... surprising, I guess.

Thank you so much for your support! I will word hard to make this book enjoyable~

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