
The Blooming Tree

The Kingdom of Ancilly was close to destruction but was saved by the unfathomable powers of the Blossoms. They became dependent on the Blossom's support. While they thrived, others suffered. Through the years they were able to maintain their dominance with the help of the Blossoms but what will happen when new threats appear and things starts to fall apart... Both visible and hidden enemies will begin to approach.

Lan_Light · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Needed Part 2

The Crown Prince watched as they trained. He had witnessed the entire scene and heard everything that was said. He could empathize with the Captain. Although he was highly skilled in using magic and was now a 3 Star Mage, he wasn't perfect and his combat skills left much to be desired. The difference between them, however, was that he could do both while the Captain had only his combat skills to prove himself. If the Captain could still find the willpower to get up, then couldn't he do the same?

William always tried his best to be on top. He had to, he had to be capable of protecting everyone in the kingdom. For him, being second might as well be last place. William was green-eyed as he looked at Alexander. Despite the fact that Alexander was only a 2 Star Mage and had less backing, he seemed to be the epitome of a leader. If not for his lineage, the King might have favoured him instead. He might've been the prince that would've inherited it all. William could feel his jealousy becoming disdain. Alexander had never done anything wrong, rather he always tried to please him since they were children. However, once he understood the differences between them he couldn't go back to being his big brother. He could now only see Alexander as an enemy. Now with Viola's arrival, he felt that he was getting lost in a growing shadow. William turned his back to them. There was a clear path before him that had no people. He thought he could just leave and no one would notice. As he was about to walk away he heard a voice that caused him to stop.

"You should join us, before it gets late," said Captain Brigg as he panted.

William didn't even realize when he got next to him. He tried to shrug him off but Captain Brigg remained.

"Why leave when you could join us? Over there, everyone's equal. We all sweat, we all fall, we all have goals… just forget everything else for a moment and let yourself breathe," said Captain Brigg. He brushed some dirt from his pants then jogged over as he rejoined the group.

William was surprised by the Captain's casual tone. At first he was taken aback by him being so forward but there was something in his words that he couldn't ignore. It was as though he could tell what burdens weighed him down. He wasn't seeing him as the Crown Prince but simply as a man. That seemed to have been what William needed to remove his shackles. The weight he felt earlier seemed to have lessened and one step at a time he could advance. He followed his brother's lead.

Back at the castle, things weren't going very smoothly for Amelia. Due to Alexander and Viola's increased training, she was often alone in her small room. She would normally do as much as she could to keep herself occupied but it wasn't always effective. On some days she would often make dresses for herself and Viola, and tailor suits for Alexander. On her off days she would wear dresses that would remind her of home and on that day she decided to wear a turquoise dress. It was made in Hayon and was one of her favourites. It was based off of a design done by her late mother so she wouldn't wear it often.

Shortly after Alexander and Viola had left in the morning, Amelia started her day. Amelia completed multiple tasks before leaving her room to get the laundry. Once she got to the laundry room she saw that the clothes were already folded in a basket waiting for her. A servant handed the basket to her and she was now on her way back to her room. While on her way, she met Gretchen. She was accompanied by a servant carrying a pail of water. Gretchen tried to provoke Amelia but she maintained her composure. Once she got the opportunity, Amelia tried to leave. As she passed Gretchen, she fell to the floor. The basket with clothes tumbled and some clothes spilt out. She turned to see Gretchen stepping on her dress. Gretchen had a smug look on her face.

"Oh my, it seems the princess has taken a nasty fall… but wait, you're not really a princess anymore," sneered Gretchen. Gretchen removed her foot as though she did nothing.

Gretchen continued to hurl snide remarks at Amelia. Amelia however, turned away from her and ignored her. Gretchen became incensed by this. She signaled to the servant to spill the water. The servant hesitated but ultimately could not refuse. She poured the water over Amelia. Amelia was soaked, her long hair stuck to her. She looked like a wet rat. There were now many eyes on her but no one said a word. The servants could only look on powerless, their eyes filled with pity. She didn't blame them though, as she felt she wasn't in a much better situation than they were. She wouldn't be able to protect them. Amelia could only bear it. She had to force down all she was feeling.

As she tried to get to her feet, Gretchen stepped on her dress once again and pulled on it, causing the dress to tear. The sound of the fabric being torn caused something to snap within Amelia. For a moment there was nothing, then her mind was filled with years of suffering, pain and embarrassment. She slowly turned to face Gretchen. Amelia clenched her fists. The normally passive Amelia now gave off a spine-chilling gaze. The air around them started to feel heavy, Gretchen and the servant were being weighed down.

"Y- you… what do you think you're doing?" said Gretchen as she struggled.

The servant that spilled the water begged to be spared. Amelia was terrifying. The air around them became heavier. They couldn't move a finger. Amelia slowly approached them. The sound of her footsteps as she approached was blood-curdling. They could barely breathe. The other servants were frozen with fear. They didn't dare make a sound. They had never seen this side of Amelia.

Amelia couldn't understand why they couldn't just leave her alone. She tried to make herself invisible. She had always endured. She had already lost so much. She would only speak up for her son. She only wanted to protect her son. So why? Amelia kept thinking these things over and over. Gretchen and the servant trembled in fear as she approached them.

"My Lady!" said a voice.

Amelia broke from her trance. She turned to see Delia.

"My Lady, let me help you with this," said Delia as she placed the clothes back in the basket.

"Oh, yes… Thank you," responded Amelia in an apathetic tone.

Amelia opened her fists to see blood. The tips of her nails were lined with it. Amelia released the air pressure as she walked towards Delia. As the pressure was released Gretchen and the servant could be heard coughing but Amelia paid no attention to it. Delia couldn't believe what she had witnessed. She followed Amelia back to her room without uttering another word.

"That… bitch… how, how dare… she!" exclaimed Gretchen.

"It's your own fault Lady Baulm…" said a voice.


Gretchen was surprised to see the Princess.

"P-princess, you don't understand she was-"

"None of your excuses! You should be aware that the Blossom is on her side, yet you dared to act so foolishly... I hope we don't need to talk about this again."

Princess Cecilia left shortly after.

"How could she treat me like this?" mumbled Gretchen with her head lowered.

Realizing the other servants had witnessed it all, Gretchen quickly got up.

"If I hear a word of this I will make sure you all suffer," said Gretchen as she left.

Once Amelia got to her room she started thinking of everything that had happened. If not for Delia's intervention it could've been worse. She was still wet but it wasn't as bad as before. She changed into another dress and started to dry her hair. After she was done she put away the laundry. Once she was done, she noticed there was a sheet left on the bed along with her torn dress. She picked up the white sheet and ran her fingers across it. She gripped it then pulled with both hands. It seemed durable. She placed it back on the bed then put a small stool by the window. She removed the hanging flower pot from the hook. As she looked at it, she thought things would be better if she weren't there. She went back to the bed and looked at her dress then picked up the sheet. She ran her fingers across it once more.

She seemed to have decided, then all of a sudden, she felt herself being wrapped in warmth. It was Alexander. He could tell that something was wrong but decided not to ask. He held her close and positioned his head by her neck. She dropped the sheet. She lifted her arms and held his hands as he hugged her. Viola entered the room shortly after and hugged them both. Amelia laughed as she did. She remembered this warm feeling and decided not to let it go.

Later that day, after having dinner, Amelia started to mend the dress. She also showed Viola some basics as well. Alexander told her all that had happened during the day as she did. Alexander and Viola started to spend more time with Amelia when they could.

For the next couple of days, they alternated between magic and combat training. William and Alexander were not only getting stronger but were also gaining more confidence in themselves. The distance between them was getting smaller. The teamwork all three had begun to develop was commendable.