
The Blooming Tree

The Kingdom of Ancilly was close to destruction but was saved by the unfathomable powers of the Blossoms. They became dependent on the Blossom's support. While they thrived, others suffered. Through the years they were able to maintain their dominance with the help of the Blossoms but what will happen when new threats appear and things starts to fall apart... Both visible and hidden enemies will begin to approach.

Lan_Light · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Needed Part 1

They decided to focus on combat training the next day. In the morning they all got ready as usual but the Crown Prince was nowhere to be seen when it was time to leave. He was never one to be late. Alexander sent a servant to check on the Crown Prince but he wasn't in his room. Alexander couldn't think of any particular place he would go. They continued to wait but couldn't even catch a glimpse of his shadow.

"My Lady you are so cute with a bun! This hairstyle really shows off your amazing bone structure! This soldier's training uniform looks perfect on you my lady!" said Delia as she gushed over Viola.

"Don't you think you're being a bit much?" asked Alexander.

Delia suddenly stopped and looked over at the second prince.

"Are you saying I'm wrong, your Highness?" retorted Delia.

"Well, no but, but she looks good in anything," said Alexander as he blushed.

"He's right! Ah! My Lady is the best!" continued Delia as she shrieked with joy.

"Thank you both for your kind words," said Viola as she giggled.

Alexander found that her smile could lift his spirits but the more he looked at her, he worried that there wasn't much he could do for her. He then turned away from her. Would he be able to get her to stay with him? Would they be able to live happily together? Did she even have those kinds of feelings towards him? Many questions ran through Alexander's mind. Noticing that Viola had been staring at him, he smiled at her but there was so much hidden behind his smile.

After about an hour of waiting they decided to leave. Delia bid them farewell as they left. They would be going to Training Ground 20, one of the many training grounds that were designed for the soldiers. Each division had their own training ground. The King had assigned them to do their training with a division of soldiers under Captain Stanley Brigg. He commanded a total of fifteen soldiers. He was once someone to look out for within the military but now he was just a dull blade. He was still in his twenties and had time to make progress but his growth remained stagnant. As the prominence of mages increased, many soldiers that weren't capable of using magic rarely received any assignments. As a result they became lax in their daily duties and started to feel obsolete in their positions. Unlike the soldiers commanded by General Stacks, these soldiers were barely putting in any effort in their training. Captain Brigg didn't set much of an example himself. While some of the soldiers were putting in at least some effort, he sat under the shade of a tree while drinking. It was a large, open space and he stood out amongst the soldiers.

As Alexander approached, many soldiers acknowledged him and put more effort into their training as he was after all a royal. There were a range of emotions within the grounds. They also wanted to make a good impression on Viola. She looked delicate yet powerful. They both sparked many questions and thoughts within the soldiers' minds. Captain Brigg on the other hand didn't move an inch. With each step Alexander shortened the distance between them but the Captain didn't seem to care.

"Isn't he the leader?" asked Viola.

"He is but I wonder if he knows that," responded Alexander.

Alexander now stood before Captain Brigg but there was no reaction. Birds continued to fly by, leaves twirled as the wind blew. For Captain Brigg there was no change worth noticing. Alexander wasn't sure what to do. He cleared his throat as a way to get his attention but he simply looked at him then turned away. He took another gulp of his drink then leaned against the tree.

"We're here by orders of the King to train with you guys. It would be best for you to get your people in a structured formation," said the second prince in an annoyed tone.

"Oh my, it's the second prince! I didn't realize that the King actually spoke to you, I thought for sure you were ignored as much as we were. Guess I was wrong, my bad!" scoffed Captain Brigg.

The second prince was shocked by his comments but he couldn't say a word. He couldn't expose the possible threat to the kingdom due to the risk of the news spreading and causing a panic. He also saw a part of himself in the Captain. The feeling of being unwanted when you have so much to give. The second prince felt as though he was being pulled into that dark place once more. He couldn't breathe, he gripped his chest.

"Breathe," said Viola as she placed her hand on Alexander's shoulder.

Alexander took a deep breath. The darkness started to fade away. He was reminded that he was in the presence of his light. He smiled as he looked at Viola and gently touched her hand.

"I know what to do. I'll get the training started," said Alexander as he turned to walk away.

"What about him?" asked Viola as she glanced over at Captain Brigg.

"If he doesn't want to do anything then so be it. We don't need him," responded Alexander.

Captain Brigg dropped his bottle of alcohol and sprung up. He was incited by the second prince's comment. He tried to go after Alexander. He soon noticed that he wasn't moving. Viola had taken hold of his collar. He tried to break free but couldn't overpower her. He continued his useless struggle until Viola threw him aside like garbage.

"Why bother?" asked Viola.

"It's none of your business," answered the Captain as he spat blades of grass from his mouth.

He tried to get up but Viola pushed him down again. Each time she used more and more force but he kept getting up. This continued and drew the attention of everyone there.

"If you really don't care, then don't get up... Why bother?" asked Viola as she tossed the bottle of alcohol towards him.

He grabbed the bottle and slammed it on the ground until it broke. Some of the shards cut his hand. He clenched his fist and started to pound the ground. His hand was covered in dirt and blood. The skin on his knuckles was being worn away. His soldiers looked on with heavy hearts.

"I've given so much just to end up in this state… How could you possibly understand how it feels to be tossed aside?! Whether it's a Blossom or mages, you all think you're better than us. No one sees a soldier's pride anymore!" said Captain Brigg as he shed tears in frustration.

"All you're doing is blaming others for your own shortcomings. If the times change then change with them… No one will wait for you to catch up, you have to get there on your own. If you want to be acknowledged then do something to earn it. Be someone they can be proud to call their captain," said Viola as she walked away.

Her words might have been harsh but they rung true. He had given up on himself but his men never left. He never truly tried to improve because he thought it would've been pointless. How could he hope to be as good as a mage? Why bother?

Captain Brigg sat on the ground as he watched the second prince lead his men. Despite how some viewed him, the prince never gave up on himself. He continued to do the best he could, whether it be for himself or his mother. Stanley wasn't sure when his downward spiral started. It might have been when mages took over most of the army or when he lost the opportunity for a promotion due to his inability to use magic. He couldn't be like the Snows who were proficient at both magic and combat. He had no attainable goal to look towards and yet he couldn't forget her words. Her words weren't said out of arrogance or spite but concern. It was as though she saw something in him that was worth igniting. What could it have been though? Aside from his men, there was no one else that he would've believed those words from. Captain Brigg watched as Viola trained earnestly with the men. There's no doubt that she could've beaten them all easily but she was still willing to be one of them and work hard.

Stanley got up, dusted himself off then left the training grounds. His men watched him as he left. There was nothing they could do for him except remind him of the fire he once had. They continued to push on in their training. A few minutes later, he came back in a new training outfit and no longer smelt of alcohol. Viola and Alexander smiled at each other as they saw him. Rather than taking the lead, he joined his men in the drills. As he did the army crawl, he was reminded of his earlier days, days when he would be the first to arrive and the last to leave the grounds. This familiar feeling energized him as he moved forward.