
The Bloodshed Crown

Erytheia Knight who was the queen of Egothedia was lost since she was at her six years of age. She was engaged together with the Crown Prince of Serdruan Alexander Le Normand III at the age of four through a public announcement by their parents. This countries were partnered together because of a one common enemy, the Kaastiana, and it is to strengthen Egothedia's military as Kaastiana was acquiring more lands to their neighbor. Since the Queen of Egothedia was lost for ten years, the country was in perish because of Kaastiana's desire to conquer the lands. She was declared dead as no one can't find her. Never did they know that in her ten years of absence, she grew stronger and stronger each day.

avykatty17 · History
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31 Chs

Chapter 29: Range, Anger, And Loosing Control

"You are getting bolder and bolder each day," a woman said as she opened the curtains and stood in front of Ayla.

"W--What?" Ayla murmured and slowly opened her eyes.

"I really hate you," She said, and as Ayla saw her face, she stood up and bowed.

"I--I apologize, your majesty," Ayla said as she quickly fixed herself.

"Mother? Don't sermon her early in the morning," Louis said as he stretched his arms.

"But why is she here?" The Queen asked as she went to his son's bed to dress him up.

"Oh, about that, Mother, I was looking for you and my brothers everywhere because I just had nightmares, but she was the first person I saw. You should also consider taking her into the orchestra; she's talented," Louis said as he jumped off his bed.

"I should excuse myself as you enjoy your time with each other," Ayla said as she bowed and walked fast out the door.

"Wait!" The Queen shouted. Ayla was exhausted, but she slowly went back to the room.

"Yes, your majesty?" She said.

"I thought assigning you to the ladies of Egothedia would make you suffer and run errands, but I guess I'm wrong. I have a new assignment for you, and you should serve her." She said with a smirk, and Ayla was just so freaking tired of doing errands because she should be out there looking for her parents.

She headed to the room where Louis gave her some clothes for the first time. She opened the curtains and windows, inviting the sun's rays in.

"Rise and shine, my lady! You are requested to be at the dining table as your Mother ordered." Ayla said as she pulled the blankets and saw a beautiful woman with brown eyes, a pointy nose, curly blond hair, and very thin, glossy lips.

"Well then, tell the Queen to let me sleep; I have been traveling for days," She replied, covering herself with a blanket.

"She told me that you would do that and do actions that will wake you up," Ayla replied

"Like what?" She said as she removed the blanket from her face.

Ayla splashed the water directly on her face, and she did not expect her to remove the blanket.

"How dare you!" Clamentine was mad, and she immediately stood up.

"Forgive me, princess, but I wouldn't go behind her orders, or she will get me killed," Ayla replied as she gave her a sign that a guard was looking at her every move.

Clamentine looked at where she was looking, and she saw her Mother's very trustworthy guard.

"Oh! Walter, good morning!" She said as Ayla pulled her to the dressing area.

"We should hurry up, princess," Ayla said as she dressed, fixed her hair, and put the jewels in her ears, neck, and hand.

"We're done," Ayla said as Clamentine looked so beautiful.

"You're scared of the queen, don't you?" Princess Clamentine said as she stood up.

"I am not scared of the queen, but I am scared of how she will use her power against me," Ayla replied as she followed Clamentine to the dining hall.

When they arrived, Ayla stood up meters from the table.

"Ahh~ It's nice to see you back, my darling," The King said as he pointed at where she should sit.

Ayla looked at the very long table and saw the King, of course, with his mistress beside him. She saw Queen Alexandria smiling at her; she also saw Alexander having a grumpy mood in the morning; Elijah, who always lights up the room, Louis who is bored; Princess Clamentine, who looks so gorgeous in that outfit; Carlyle, who King favors, she also saw King Luke who is very much not pleased and lastly Queen Fiona who radiates elegance and beauty in the room.

Ayla's presence caught Queen Fiona as she could see his husband's features, and Ayla radiates glory, wisdom, and much more than everything.

"Fiona~ Are you alright?" Queen Alexandria asked, and Queen Fiona directed her to look back at the table.

"Of course I am alright!" She smiled.

"It's your daughter's sixteenth birthday, I presume," The King said as he started slicing the meat.

"Yes, and I wonder what she looked like growing up. I truly long for her," Queen Fiona said as Ayla felt something hurt in her heart.

"You still did not announce her death; why?" King Robert said as he drank from his cup.

"It is quite insulting to say that in front of me, as I already told you, I can still feel her in my heart. She is my blood, and I can still feel her in my heart," Queen Fiona defended, and King Luke must have been enjoying the scene.

"Why must I wait for the long-lost queen?" Alexander said.

"Don't engage the conversation, son. The adults are talking," The King warned.

"No! I am also a part of this; as soon as you announced the alliance of Serdruan and Egothedia through our engagement, I believe I also have a part in this topic," Alexander said madly.

"Why must I wait and suffer waiting for a dead queen to return! Should I wait for her resurrection instead?" Alexander said as he stood up and was about to go.

Queen Alexandria excused the guards and maids in the room. Ayla couldn't hear them speaking from afar.

"I already told you not to run your mouth and disrespect the presence of Queen Fiona and King Luke," His father said as he got mad.

"Why can't you just break the engagement and let me wed to th---" Alexander was stopped by his father's anger.

"You are the next King of Serdruan, and you know that what keeps our country strong is an alliance! I will not let you wed to, not just any girl you prefer! This is for the good of Serdruan, and I will not break the engagement between Serdruan and Egothedia! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!" The King said, his emotions filled with rage and anger.

Alexander stands down, but he will never be able to escape from his father's grasp.

"I REPEAT! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!" The King repeated.

Alexander controlled himself again, and he had no choice.

"You made yourself crystal clear, your majesty!" Alexander replied as he threw his handkerchief on the table and left.

"Al-Alexander," His Mother called.

"Leave him be!" King Robert said as he held his head.

"Now, let's continue eating," The King demanded, and they acted like everything was normal and that nothing had happened.

Alexander opened the door and saw Ayla looking at him, but he just went straight.

Ayla noticed his anger and followed him upstairs.

She heard a lot of noises in the right portion of the topmost chambers. She slowly took a peek and saw him destroying his crafts. She also saw him lose control of himself.

"Your majesty!" she said as she approached him.

"Don't come any closer!" He said as he flipped the table upside down, which made Ayla a bit scared of him.

"I know you're mad, but ---" she stopped talking when he lifted his sword towards her throat.

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