
The Bloodshed Crown

Erytheia Knight who was the queen of Egothedia was lost since she was at her six years of age. She was engaged together with the Crown Prince of Serdruan Alexander Le Normand III at the age of four through a public announcement by their parents. This countries were partnered together because of a one common enemy, the Kaastiana, and it is to strengthen Egothedia's military as Kaastiana was acquiring more lands to their neighbor. Since the Queen of Egothedia was lost for ten years, the country was in perish because of Kaastiana's desire to conquer the lands. She was declared dead as no one can't find her. Never did they know that in her ten years of absence, she grew stronger and stronger each day.

avykatty17 · History
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31 Chs

Chapter 28: Roses ad Threats

Alexander went out of his brother's chamber smiling and saw the King of Losman leaning on the wall with a lamp.

"What are you doing here when your chamber is located in the opposite direction?" Alexander asked him.

"I was waiting for someone," He said as Alexander smirked.

"I didn't see you here a while ago, but how did you know she was here?" Alexander said as he crossed his arms.

"We have been talking to each other, but Prince Louis interrupted us and took her from me," Luke said.

"Don't get jealous over a seven-year-old boy, and not to mention that Ayla is not yours to begin with." Alexander defended

"And speaking of age. I know that you are much older than me, but Ayla is ten years younger than you," Alexander stated, but the King never bothered with his comments.

"Who are you to tell a King to stay away from the woman he desires? Ayla is not your property," Luke said.

"I can immediately marry her with your Father's blessing, and she can never be yours because you are the type of person who puts his country first before anything. That means your marriage is purely politics," Luke continued, raising his eyebrow.

Alexander just smiled because he knew that Luke was telling him the truth.

"Let me just get Ayla," He said as he walked towards Louis's room, but Alexander grabbed his arm.

"Can you just leave her be? She's sleeping," Alexander said as he held his arm tightly.

"You are not trying hard to hide her from me, would you? I am also a King, and you must treat me with respect just like your Father," Luke warned him as he tapped Alexander's shoulder.

Alexander clutches his hand but immediately maintains calm because he wouldn't dare to lay a hand on a king when he was just a "King in waiting."

"If you don't believe it, then we should take a peek at Louis's chambers, but we just leave them be and do not disturb them from sleeping," Alexander said as he showed him to his brother's room.

He opened the door for him, and they entered the room. Luke saw her with a blanket on.

"Believe me now?" He said as he looked at him, and they just left them there.

"Sorry for doubting you," Luke said as they walked down the hallways, but it was so awkward for the both of them.

"Good night then," Alexander said as he headed to his right when he saw Beatrice waiting for him by the staircase.

Luke didn't see Beatrice, but he just kept moving forward without responding to him.

As for Alexander, he approached her with a wide smile.

"Beatrice, what are you doing here with such revealing clothes?" Alexander said as he leaned by the wall.

"I'm just checking you out to see if you already have a new girl who keeps your bed warm," she said as she smirked.

"I can't believe I resisted this lust for a very long time," He said as he pulled to him and smelled her neck.

"Ahemm??" Queen Alexandria said as she was watching them while crossing her hands.

"Mother!" He was surprised, and Beatrice immediately covered her shoulders with a scarf.

"Son! It is okay to have sex to fulfill your desires, but not today~ Fiona is in the castleeee~" Queen Alexandria said as he approached them.

"Why must I wait for a queen that is gone for years!" Alexander replied

"I know that you're disappointed, but bear with it; you can't be married to another unless your father gives you his blessing," Queen Alexandria said as she tapped his son's shoulder.

"AND YOU! You are a noble, and I can easily destroy your life with just a word. You are no longer a virgin, and I know that the two of you spent a lot of time in my son's bedroom when you came here two months ago. I see that you can also not produce a child after so many tries, so keep it that way. You were just a pawn to ease my son's longing for Anasthasia, so don't go too far," Queen Alexandria warned her.

"You must have heard the rumors regarding her being a whore, right? And I assume you don't want to be like Anasthasia, right?" She gave her a threat that made Beatrice shiver with fear, but she was also mad.

They watch her walk away with heavy footsteps.

"You told me it's okay to have sex," He said as he crossed his arms.

"It's okay to have sex, but please! Do it without conceiving a child," She said as she walked upstairs.

"How is that even possible?" Alexander said as he followed his mother from behind.

"Don't ask me, ask your father because he has an extreme sexual desire," She said as she faked her smile to him.

"But can you talk to the king to break an engagement with a dead queen?" Alexander said as she was holding her hand.

"First of all, do not call him King when you can just address him as your father," She warned as she looked at him.

"There you go again, cuddling your favorite child," A woman said, looking at them downstairs.

"Clamentine!" Queen Alexandria said as she slowly walked down the stairs and kissed the lady on her cheeks.

"You always adored him more than anyone else!" She said with a very straight face.

"I love you all equally," she said as Alexander walked down the stairs.

"Glad to see you back, sister!" Alexander cheered as he kissed her on her cheek.

"Ugh! I guess Mother has a task ready for me, and it is GOOD for the COUNTRY." She emphasized the words.

"I have a crucial task for you, but you should rest for today. You just came from a very long journey," she said as she pointed her arms at the stairs.

"What's wrong with you? It must be a crucial task for you" Clamentine told her mother.

"I did not send you to the convent to be an ungrateful child," Queen Alexandria said.

"You sent me, and my other siblings far away from here at the age of eight except for Alexander. You should understand that we grew up without your motherly love," She argued and went upstairs. Princess Clamentine heads to her room and immediately drops herself on the bed. She looks around the room, and they do not even prepare for her arrival, which is making her mad.

"My room is just half of Alexander's room; I truly wish they would treat us equally. It's understandable because she produced a firstborn male child, so eventually, he became the favorite child," she said as she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

"Mother~ Why did you call for Clamentine?" Alexander asked.

"Oh, that! I'm making her a Queen," She replied as she grabbed her son's arm, and they went upstairs.

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