
The Blood Luna

***Prologue*** A royal Ravenwood pup, born under a celestial blood moon is abandoned at birth. Dahila an orphan, who spends majority of her life alone bouncing from foster family to foster family, is finally saved by the Johnson's. Little did she know that her whole life would change forever and enter the world of the supernatural. With her friends and family in tow, they band together and help her overcome the challenges she must face in her new life, which seems to be nothing short of a hellish nightmare. Thanks in advance for giving my book your attention and support. -Tru

Trublood_3 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Lord Blackwater


***The 3 month window has come and gone. Today marks the day, where Dahlia meets the Alpha of the Blackwater Cresent Pack. Her father and the Alpha have always been great friends. Dahlia wants nothing more than to make a first good impression.


"Harper! Help me get dressed, The Alpha will be here in a few hours and I don't know what to pick!" Dahlia said frantically. "Dahlia...Dahlia relax, it's not a formal meet, Lord Blackwater is just getting to know you and find out, if you actually exist" Harper says trying to calm her down. "But...Shouldn't I dress up or something?" Dahlia asks confused. Harper takes a moment to think about it. "Why not meet him in your wolf form first? It has been awhile since you've shifted?" Harper suggests. "That's a great idea!" Dahlia exclaimed. "What better way to meet the Luna of Ravenwood, then to actually meet the wolf. You're a genius!" Dahlia said. "Your father plans on having the meet at the kitchen table, over drink and snack. Please, calm down and just be yourself" Harper says. "You're right, I'm over thinking this way too much" Dahlia said. "See, there you go, inhale, exhale, everything will be fine" Harper says. 'Knock, 'Knock' sounds off my door. "Come in!" Dahlia yells. My dad opens the door. "Everything alright in here?" my father asks. "Besides Dahlia, trying to have a panic attack, Everything is fine" Harper says. "Hey, not funny!" Dahlia said. "Dahlia, sweetheart, you don't need to do anything special or extra. Lord Blackwater, will love you just the way you are" my dad says. "How can you be sure?" Dahlia asks. "Because I just do" My dad said. "Alright" Dahlia says defeated. "I plan on meeting him in wolf form first anyways. Let's plan for the guards to have my sweats and hoodie and a blanket ready" Dahila said. "Wolf form" my father asks puzzled. "Yeah, he's coming to meet the royal Luna of Ravenwood, what better way then to show him my wolf" Dahlia said. "That's...a great idea!" my dad said. "Good then it's settled" Dahila said. "Lord Blackwater's ship is sailing over as we speak" my dad said. "Is the weather okay today?" Dahlia asks. "Dark and gloomy but the waves are stable" my dad said. "That's good. I would hate for anything to happen to them" Dahila said. "Not to worry, we are keeping watch" my dad says. "I'm going to get going, have snacks to finish. Remember, be yourself" my father said as he left my room. "I'm going to go help your father. Please, try and relax a little you'll do great!" Harper says. I watch as she flutters away. How cool would it be to be a pixie? I mindlink, Jackson and Paige. "Come to my room" Dahlia said. Less than 5 minutes goes by, before they come rushing. 'Knock, Knock' Sounds the door. "Come in" Dahlia says. Her two guards come rushing in. "Luna, how can we serve you?" Jackson states. I let them in on my plans for today. "As you know, Lord Blackwater will visit today I plan to meet him as a wolf first" Dahlia says. My guards look suprised. "What do you need from us?" Paige states. "I'm going to want to be escorted. Whether you join me in for a run or not, I'll leave to you. I need one of you to hold onto or bring with a blanket and a hoodie and sweats for after I change back" Dahlia says.

"As you wish" my guards reply. I hear the alert calls of my remaining guards who keep watch. "Luna, a ship draws near" my guards mindlink me. "Be right there" Dahlia replies back. Dahlia turns to Jackson and Paige "It looks like it's time to go" Dahila days. "I'll let my father know" Dahlia said again. "Dad, Lord Blackwater's ship, is close to the docks, I'll be outside" Dahlia says. "Okay, see you out there" my dad replies. My guards and I, head out of my room with my change of clothes and a blanket for discretion. We make our way through the hallways of the mansion. We reach the front door. I try to build up the courage to open them. I take a deep breath and I open the giant doors of Ravenwood. I start to run towards the docks and in seconds I transform into my wolf. It doesn't hurt anymore, just like mom and dad said. I feel alive and free like nothing can stand in my way. I go straight to the docks and go inspect how much time I have until they arrive. Looks like I have a few minutes to kill before they make land. I decide, I'm going for a run and so be it, if I'm not there to greet them. "Jackson, Paige, I'm going for a run, please stay at the docks to greet the Lord" I mindlink them. "Yes, Luna" is the reply. I take off! I can feel the Ocean's breeze caress every pore of my being. It's like nature is teasing me to play, to explore her every secrets. My exploration is cut short. "Dahlia, the Lord has arrived" my father states. I'm being rebellious and want to continue to enjoy what mother nature has to offer and I don't respond. "Dahlia!" my father yells at me through mindlink. "On my way" Dahlia replies. Saddened by her adventures cutting sort, she can't help but to let out, a much needed howl, that can easily be heard from the mainland. Her howl was her escape to release all her angry, pain and rage that's been built up.

***Lord Blackwater's POV***

"Land Ahoy" the ships crew sounds off. "Finally, I can get off this boat" Lord Blackwater says. Lord Blackwater can see the Island dock. He can see 2 figures standing there. He sniff the air. Must be pack guards. He watches as another figure appears. He can tell from how massive the figure it is "Ah, there you are, Ethan" Lord Blackwater mutters. "Prepare the ship for Dock!" The ships Captain exclaims. Ethan can be seen waving to his old friend. Ethan has missed his old pack. When you marry into royal lineages, you leave everything behind. The ships anchor is thrown and it makes a huge 'Splash'. The ship starts to slow down and comes to a graceful stop at the Island dock. "Watch your step, when unloading" The ships Captain says. "Sir, are you ready?" Lord Blackwater's guard asks. "Ivan, relax, Ethan brings us no harm" Lord Blackwater states. Lord and his guard exit the ship. "Ethan great to see you!" Lord Blackwater says. "Lachlan, good to see you!" Ethan says giving his old friend a hug. "Still haven't grown I see" Ethan says chuckling. "It's not my fault you're a mutant" Lord Blackwater stated. Both men have a good laugh about it. "So, where is she?" The Lord asks. "I mindlinked her, to let her know you arrived. She went for a run" Ethan stated. As soon as Ethan said his words, he could hear his daughters painful howl. "Was that her?" the Lord asks. "Yes, she's been missing Emma badly. Plus, the whole council circus and now being forced to find a mate. It's been hard on her" Ethan stated. "Yeah I can see how it's a lot to take in at once" Blackwater says. Lord and Ethan are standing on the beach when Dahlia's wolf form breaks the threshold of forest. "Oh my god, is that her?" The lord asks with fear. "That would be her" Ethan stated. "She...She is huge!" The lord exclaimed. "I thought Ravenwood wolves were black?" The lord said. "Since, she's a true pure blood of royal lineage, her wolf form was never set in stone. She was blessed by the moon goddess and the goddesses spirit resides in her" Ethan stated. "Spirits?! As in more than one wolf?!" The lord said shocked. "Dahlia, is the first of her kind, the most powerful wolf to walk the Supernatural Plains. Her main power allows her to see wolf spirits. Emma's wolf spirit resides within her, along with her birth parents, the moon goddess and the founders" Ethan said. "I know it's a lot to take in, but this is expected of a royal wolf" Ethan said. "I know the stories, it's just so surreal to see the power" The lord stated. Lord Blackwater watches as this massive majestic beast walks up to him. Dahlia's wolf stands eye to eye with the Lord. Lord Blackwater, is 6'0 ft. He looks over her shiny white fur, he's memorized by her Amethyst eyes. Her Chest bares the mark of her packs crest. Her paws, tails and ears are black. Lord, has never seen a wolf like this is his life. Usually, wolves change close to their hair color, or change into their lineage color. Dahlia's wolf defied the natural order of things. Lord, was frozen by her beautiful and power.

***Dahlia's POV***

I came running up to where the lord had docked. My dad, the lord and my guards were all standing there waiting my arrival. "Prepare the blanket" Dahlia commanded to her guards. They turn and bow at her request. As Dahlia approaches, she is hit with a faint smell, of Sage and burnt wood. The smell sends Raven Star into a frenzy. "Mate!" Raven Star keeps telling Dahlia over and over. "Who's our mate, the Lord?" Dahlia asks her wolf. "Whoever that smell belongs too" Raven Star whimpers. Dahlia in wolf form, comes face to face with the lord. We stand about the same height. The smell is getting stronger and fills Dahlia's nose. Dahlia walks over to her guards and transforms back into her human form and puts her clothes on. When she emerges she greets the Lord. "Lord Blackwater, thank you for coming" Dahlia says with a bow. "Ethan, her human form is just as beautiful as her wolf. My three sons will be pleased to meet her" The lord says. "I'm glad to hear that. The lord and my dad notice something is off with me, almost like I am in trance. "Dahlia are you okay?" my father asks. Dahlia walks up to the Lord, and by instinct takes in a giant sniff to get a better inhale of the scent. Dahlia's eyes dilate and she says "Mate". Both Lord and her father are shocked. "Who's your mate?" the Lord asks. "How can you smell different scents on me?" The Lord asked Puzzled. "Lachlan, I told you she's very powerful. Who were the last wolves you were in contact with, before getting on the ship?" Ethan asked. "Well...my son's of course!" Blackwater said. "Then, the scent has to belong to one of your sons!" Ethan says happily. "We must still wait for the ceremony. I'll fill you in later, but it looks like we found the royal Ravenwood's mate!" my dad said smiling ear to ear. "I still have to teach Dahlia, the traditions and rules, on royal mating ceremonies. Emma was in charge of that" Ethan said sadly. "I completely understand, I can't believe, she found her mate so easily" Lord Blackwater said. "Now that we have had our introductions, let's go in and have some food and refreshments I've prepared" Ethan stated. "That sounds lovely" The Lord stated. The five of them followed Ethan as he escorted everyone into Ravenwood mansion. "I forgot how big this mansion is" Lord said. "Yes, it's huge, we are working on some renovations, but most of the mansion was salvaged" Ethan stated. My dad has us all sit down to the kitchen table and he fills in Blackwater on everything, that's happened over the past few months. Lord even meets Harper. "Oh my god, if it's true, we have to dismantle the council and bring back our kings and queens" Blackwater exclaimed. "I'm devising a plan, but we must have patience" my father stated. "Dahlia, how do you feel about all of this?" The Lord asks. "Now that we have an idea of where to look for my mate, everything else should fall into place. However, leave Lord Ulrich to me and Tobias" Dahlia stated. "Tobias...as in the Vampire king?!" Blackwater asks. "We are united in this cause" Dahlia stated.