
The Blood Angel Books (Book 1)

The last Blood Angel comes home after 20 years. Knowing nothing about The Blood Angel or being a princess, Kyoca's life beings to change when she meets Marko. Heyio kept his vow to keep her away til it was time. With Marko under the spell of who took him, he fights himself to protect his little girl. Kyoca, a sweet girl, now must fight for the freedom of Boyfriend Reyco, her "father" Heyio, her real father Marko, and the rest of The Blood Angels. But how can sweet Kyoca fight with no mean bone in her body. With only one Book of Blood, she must forget all she knows and learn of to fight. You have been Warned this will have blood, foul word, and Is Rated R for some parts. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!! *I, the author, am from Wattpad sharing my stories from there to here.*

KyraRay21 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Paintball Aftermath

When we got home from paintball, I threw my stuff on the sofa and ran to my room then locked the door behind me. I heard everybody running after me trying to figure out what happened. I threw my desk chair against the door for good measure. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now after what I just learned. I heard a click at my window and saw the ladder, I went to lock my window and drew the shades making it dark in my room. I went to the door and slid down crying.

Heiyo P.O.V.

I ran to Kyoca's door when it slammed in my face. I heard her slid down the door crying. I felt a hand on my back soothing me, I turned my head to find Marko.

"She heard us talking about everything," Marko said as he pulled me in his arms when I started to cry like a child. I didn't want her to find out until her birthday. "She stronger than we think. She's a nerd who knows how to fight somewhat. You raised Kyoca, my child, as your own and fell in love with her as a father. If I was stronger, all three of us would be together. Life just doesn't work that way. I fell in love with you and tried to hide it. When I saw you leave with Kyoca my heart broke because the only two people I love was leaving. We need to give her time, Heiyo." Marko pulled me into a kiss that melted my worries away.

"Doesn't help how I feel, Marko. I should have told her from the start. I just told her stories about what happen to make her think they were fairy tales. now, she hates me and I don't know what to do," I looked around for Reyco. "Where is Reyco?"

"He saw Kyoca and said he was going home to let her cool down." Marko pulled me up and started to take downstairs. I wanted to stay by Kyoca's door and wait for her to come out, I pulled back. "I will have none of that Heiyo, I am going cook and Kyoca won't be coming out if you're up against her door." Marko picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and went downstairs putting on the sofa.

Marko P.O.V.

After I put Heiyo on the sofa I went to the kitchen to start dinner. I looked in the fridge to see what I could make for dinner, I was lost in my mind so I just took stuff and started cooking. I looked up from what I was doing to see Heiyo crying like he lost everything. I knew one thing that he'll never tell me and that's I don't know how he feels and I don't. I felt something water-like running down my hand, so looked and saw I had cut my hand. I heard a small gasp and I saw Kyoca taking the knife out of my hand and pulled me somewhere. On the way, I saw Heiyo had fallen asleep on the sofa. Kyoca had brought me to the bathroom.

"What were you think? Dad had more than enough drama today." Kyoca yelled at me closing the door. She turns the water on in the sink and put my hand under the running water. She grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink and a hand towel from the cupboard. She opened and took out a sewing kit for stitches, then she took my hand, turned off the water and dried my hand. "Can you take the pain or do you need numbing medicine?" Kyoca asked as she set up to stitch up my hand.

"I can take the pain. So go ahead and do your worst," I told her as I sat on the toilet putting my hand on the counter. "Blood doesn't freak you out?"

"No, when I was little dad was always cutting himself with the knife making dinner. So instead of keep going the hospital, I learned to stitch his hand from the age of 8. Dad was kind of a klutz with the knife then I was fed up and took the knife from him. I started cooking since then, which wasn't hard cooking was fun. Baking was fun too. That was my life until middle school, then my life changed. I was still cooking and baking, but I became the smart kid since then. Reyco and I started going out last year, it took dad about three months to accept Reyco and that I was growing up. There, all done." I looked at my hand and saw seven stitched then I realized she was telling me about her life so I didn't feel the needle. She wrapped my hand in a bandage, throwing out the trash and set everything away. She headed out the door and followed her to the kitchen along the way saw Heiyo was still asleep. "Dad is a heavy sleeper when it comes to much drama. Now go sit in the living room, watch something while I clean up and fix dinner. Where's your friends?"

"They left to find a place to sleep." I grabbed the remote off the coffee table and sat next to Heiyo sleeping form. I flick from channel to channel while heard Kyoca in the kitchen cleaning and fixing dinner. I settle on a channel and felt Heiyo snuggle closer to me, so I put an arm around him. It felt like forever until Kyoca called dinner time. I tried to waking Heiyo up. "Heiyo, dinner time." I evened kissed him and nothing.

"Go set the table, I'll wake him up." I saw Kyoca had a gallon of water which looked freezing. I moved away just as she pour the water on Heiyo. "DINNER TIME!" She yelled throwing the bottle at him and handed him a towel.

"Ok." Heiyo yawned, taking the towel and heading to the bathroom.

I went to set up the table looking between Kyoca and Heiyo when he came back dry. They have an unspoken connection that I guess a parent gets when raising a child. For 18 years, I had to watch the person I love raise my child. I saw when she was sad, when she was happy, and when she made her sword. Kyoca came back from the kitchen with three plates of food, I was shocked that in thirty minutes she made this much food. I heard a giggle and looked Kyoca.

"Kyoca is a wizard when it comes to food. Marko, what happen to your hand?" Heiyo asked as he handed Kyoca a soda and pour the wine for me and him.

"He sliced his hand open with the knife making dinner. It took seven stitches to close his hand up. Now the big questions are, are you going to tell me everything and what is going on in my dreams?!" Kyoca half asked and half yelled at us when we sat down and slamming down her paper version of her Dream Book.