
The Blood Angel Books (Book 1)

The last Blood Angel comes home after 20 years. Knowing nothing about The Blood Angel or being a princess, Kyoca's life beings to change when she meets Marko. Heyio kept his vow to keep her away til it was time. With Marko under the spell of who took him, he fights himself to protect his little girl. Kyoca, a sweet girl, now must fight for the freedom of Boyfriend Reyco, her "father" Heyio, her real father Marko, and the rest of The Blood Angels. But how can sweet Kyoca fight with no mean bone in her body. With only one Book of Blood, she must forget all she knows and learn of to fight. You have been Warned this will have blood, foul word, and Is Rated R for some parts. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!! *I, the author, am from Wattpad sharing my stories from there to here.*

KyraRay21 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Miklo and his History

After dinner, I grabbed my night clothes to take a bath. On my way to the bathroom I stopped the hall closet to grab my rose scented bath products and a rose scented candle. Once in the bathroom, I lit the candle, plugged the tub while turning on the warm water. I turned off the bathroom light leaving the bathroom lit by candle light. When the water was half way in the tub, I dropped a bath bomb with real rose petal in the water and shut off the water. I got undress and started to get in the water, when my foot touched the water the smell of warm roses hit my nose. I got the rest of my body in the water leaving my head above the water. I watch the steam come off the water, I felt my eyelids getting heavy before being taking by darkness.

"Kyoca, Kyoca," I heard my name whisper in the darkness "come, Kyoca, come." I took five step before I was blinded by a bright light.

"So sorry about that. I can't the light right here." I heard a male voice come near as I rubbed my eyes to adjust to the light. "My name is Miklo. I have lunch ready if you're hungry."

"I could eat little." I said as I looked around seeing we were in a rose garden in winter. We were in a hot house and by look of thing this person was mega rich. "It's a nice place you got here Miklo."

"My mom left me this place, everything she had and her money when she passed away." Miklo held out my chair so I can sit. "Would you like sugar or honey in your tea?"

"Sugar, three sugars please." I watched him as I got a feeling that something was not right. "No cream please."

"Three sugar, no cream tea coming up." He set my tea in front of me. "Now that you have tea, let me go get the food."

When he left, I got up and when to the nearest roses. I touched the stem and felt a prick. I pulled my hand back as fast as I can but only to see a drop of blood fall to the floor. I heard a crash, I turned to see Miklo looking at the blood on the floor. Then everything changed before my eyes. I was wearing armor, holding a sword and I had wings. I looked at Miklo and saw he had changed too. He looked like me, but he looked older. He had fog rolling around feet and he had a crown on his head. The crown looked liked it was made of bones and blood was dripping from it.

"You are the last angel." Miklo started walking to me and I picked up my sword to his chest.

"Take another step and I putting in your chest." I started to shake as I watched his hand trying to cup my chin. I smacked his hand away, only to be back handed by him. I screamed and fell backwards dropping my sword.

"Take my hand princess and we can live together." Miklo held out his hand for me to grab. Then it hit me, Miklo was the one who took The Blood Angels, the one who kept me and dad from being with Marko, the one who want me to be his queen. I was still shaking when I got up and grab my sword.

"Fuck you, Miklo." I ram my sword in his chest. I was still shaking when pulled out my sword with his blood spilling from his wound. Everything was dark once again. I was shaking hard then I felt a slap across my face. I look up only to see Marko and dad with the bathroom light on. I looked down and saw the water was gone from tub. The one thing that shocked me was that I was wearing what I was wearing the dream with my sword.

"What happened? What did you see in you dreams?" Marko asked he helped me out of the tub and dad took my sword.

"Miklo." Was all I said. I saw the faces of both my dads and saw horror.

Marko P.O.V.

"Heiyo, He is now reaching out to her in her dreams! This won't stand, I won't let it." I steamed out of the bathroom with Heiyo on my heels. We left Kyoca to get dress out of her armor and into her pj's.

"Marko, we know it was only some time until he reaches out to her in her dreams. This changes nothing. I have watched and raised our child, The Last Blood Angel, The Last Princess, who became a nerd and now must become a warrior. She is stronger then we know. She can do this, but it must be her choice to fight and free all of us. It must be her choice, Marko" He pulled my face to his and kissed me. "We need to tell her everything." Kyoca came out of the restroom in her pj's and her armor in her arms.

"Where do I put this dad?" Kyoca held out her armor and saw us arguing. "Did I interrupt something?"

"No, you did not." I got out of Heiyo's arms to grab Kyoca's armor to put it away. When

I rounded the corner I heard them talking.

"It's clearly I interrupted something Daddy." Kyoca's said. "What is going on daddy?"

"I want to tell you about Miklo and he can't because he is still under Miklo spell or influence." Heiyo said.

"Who is Miklo daddy?" I heard Kyoca asked as Emili took the armor from me as I hide around the corner.

"Do you remember when I use to read to you from The Blood Book?"I heard Heiyo asked then Kyoca nodded her head. "Long ago before The Blood Angels were made, the blood wars began. I was 4 years old at the time. The rivers, rain and roads ran red like the color of blood. It was a curse brought upon by a 6 year old Miklo, who in turn killed all of his family by order of Chaos himself. Miklo want to rule the world ever since he was born, but it was said that this lust for power was brought upon us by his mother and father. By the time he was 14, he had conquered 3/4 of our world and shown no signs of stopping. One day, Chaos had said to him and the world that his reign will end when a sixth Blood Angel takes her place along both her fathers' sides. Then at moment five drops of Chaos' blood fell into a lake and five male Blood Angel were born."

"Wait a freaking minute, five male angels. At the store I saw a female one." Kyoca jump out of her seat. She is thinking of Hyako, The Mother, but very male of us.

"I assure you Kyoca, she is a he. The mother like male of them all, the first one to walk out of the lake. He's name is Hyako, he like to grow out his hair and up make-up on. Now back to what I was talking. The war kept going on for over a hundred years while The Blood Angel kept a written record of everything they did at the time. Miklo grew to hate them more and more after his reign ended. He swore he would get the last Blood Angel if it is the last thing he did and make her carry his child." Heiyo said as he moved out of Kyoca's way.

"What!? I would never carry his child. He is out of his mind if he think I would be willing to have sex with him. The very idea make me sick just thinking about it. I mean he is out of his freaking mind!" Kyoca yelled as she threw stuff around the room. I turned around the corner and caught what flew my way. I can feel Miklo taking control over me so I can knock out Kyoca and take her to him.

"You don't have a choice Kyoca." I felt my eyes change colors and my hand going in Heiyo's way. "If you don't carry my child and bring it to term. Everyone you love will die in front of you by their number one fear."

"Daddy, that's not funny." Kyoca said as she took the item out of my hand. Heiyo got up and walk to my hand.

"It's not Marko. It's Miklo and he will do what he said if you don't." Heiyo looked sad for Kyoca and looked at me. "I know Marko is still there, Miklo. Know this before knock me out and take Kyoca to bare your child. WE will find a way to kill you and if you get Kyoca pregnant before we find her. We will raise the child our way." I felt Miklo flicked hand and then Heiyo was on the ground with Kyoca hovering over him. We pulled her off of him and slap her to get to stop cry.

"Thank goodness your powers aren't awaken." Then Miklo made me give her a shot to knock her. "Now bring her to me and your oath will be over."

"I can't believe I got us into this mess." I though to myself as I picked up Kyoca.