
The Bleeding Tree

The bleeding tree is a story where a tree bleeds and it's known as the eternal tree.... The blood which comes from the trees are much powerful that no one can express..... If someone drinks the blood,they will know the power of it.... And someone does...... What will happen?????

RitzD · Others
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13 Chs

The first

After few days of rheya being in cells,the kingdom goes on well. it was a meeting with all the generals of the kingdom about deceiving a plan to defeat their enemie's kingdom.Their conversation goes on until it becomes tensed. one of the general is not agreeing with the kings decision about the plan setup, so the king shouts, " who are you to tell me? I am the king and I am the one who knows everything to deal with.you will all obey me once. I will not repeat again. how dare you to question me? I am powerful than you all.

" NO, I AM POWERFUL THAN ALL... a powerful voice, a woman's voice rings through the hall. suddenly the doors of the hall blasts opens, and there stands a women,with bright red eyes and sharp fangs extended from her mouth. Yes it's rheya standing in the doorway. she is not the same rheya she once was. she was completely different, her walk,the power radiating around her, all stare at her in shock. She says with a smile, " well well.... greetings my highness. I heared you say something. are you the powerful among the all here?. I am sorry to say it is wrong. because I am the most powerful here, not only here but in the world. " the king stares at her in surprise and shock. " how the hell did you get out of the cell you devil??? who are you really?" ,the king asks. But without replying, rheya goes straight to the throne and elegantly and in a smooth motion she takes the king by his neck in one hand. the guards all come running at her with weapons but with one swift motion of her another hand she sends them all flying. rheya tightenes the grip in his neck and says, " well my higness, you once asked me to kiss you.so how about I give something more than that? ",with that she presses the king's neck, he starts choking and blood starts to come out of his eyes. finally rheya sets him down and in one swift motion she turns the kings neck in one full round and SNAP... now the kings head is in her hands.

everyone in the kingdom starts to panic and scream in terror and starts running out, but, except two men. It was xenocrates and Gaius. they stand in terror in their eyes and then, " my..... queen, I decided to serve you till my life ends. I'll be a loyal soldier of yours. will you accept me? " , xenocrates asks and Gaius does the same. rheya says," you both helped me and stood against the king,so you both deserve this." with this rheya spreads her hands in side of her, in the moment she looked like a goddess, her power so attractive that Gaius and xenocrates bends their knees before rheya. with that rheya sinks her fang in xenocrates neck at first then Gaius's neck.