
The Bleeding Tree

The bleeding tree is a story where a tree bleeds and it's known as the eternal tree.... The blood which comes from the trees are much powerful that no one can express..... If someone drinks the blood,they will know the power of it.... And someone does...... What will happen?????

RitzD · Others
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13 Chs

The cells

Once upon a time there in the country of greece,a small town called myedia, there was a king ruling greece. his palace was located in a town called myedia. His name was Merdin Fernandez. He was so consumed by power lust. He is so cruel that he will not spare anyone who crosses his way. One day the king and his men of kingdom went to their ancestral church the church of phampira,who believed to be the goddess of the greeks.They went to the church to celebrate his 50th birthday and to invite the priests and priestesses to attend the party which is going to be held in their kingdom. After the prayers he invited them all to be blessed by the blessed ones, who he believes to be the descendants of god.

The priests and the priestesses all agreed to come and bless him. In greek the parties held will be so rich and all the people of the town will be there and the parties will be the talk of the town. In the evening, during the party all started the celebration and devoured everything in front of them, a wide variety of foods spread across a large,elegant table. The king drunk too much that he could not control himself. he went out to the balconyof his palace, all stumbling.there stood a priestess,her name rheya. She was a beautiful creation of god, and beautiful and elegant woman.she was betrothed to Demetrius, and has a daughter,Lola,a seven year old daughter. she was standing in the balcony with a wine glass in her hand. she was staring at the night sky, stargazing,her face fully soaked in the moonlight of the moon. the king went straight to her, rheya saw him and greeted they king.The king asked, "why are you here? all alone? not enjoying the party? ". rheya replied, " not like that my higness. just wanted to alone for sometime. it's very quiet and it's really wonderful to see your garden from here my higness. you got a good taste. ", she said. Oh nothing like that but I'm still not happy about this party. "why my highness? Is everything all right? ",she asked. it is but onething, with that he came close to rheya, holded her both hands and came close to her, that their faces are just little apart. "everyone in the palace gifted me with beautiful daggers, expensive wines and all other stuff but I'm still quite disappointed, because I want another gift which will always be in my mind ". rheya gulped and tried to free her hand and tried to go back, but his grip is so tight that she couldn't free her hands, she asked with fear, " what is it my highness? ". And with a devilish smile he said, " nothing but a kiss from you", and with that he came near even more.unable to bare it, she removed the small dagger from the king's belt and SLASH..... rheya slayed the king's lips and started running. " guards,catch her",now rheya is in the grip of both the soldier's hand.now the celebrations came to an end and all are dead serious looking at rheya whose kneels are down in front of the king who is sitting in his throne, blood dripping from his lips. He started shouting, " no one ever tried to cut me off, but you a scumbag, slayed my lips. you will surely going to face the consequences my dear". with a devilish grin he says, " put her in the cells, not the ordinary.put her in the cells which are underground so deep. no one can ever escape from there. you will die there". all other people and the priestesses and priests were looking terrified at that sight. but they couldn't stop the king. because they know the consequences they will face if they do so. the guards are dragging the crying and pleading rheya to the cells.

"STOP !", there was a voice. all saw in shock who the voice belongs to. It was xenocrates, the son of the king himself,standing tall and handsome with anger in his face, his dark brown eyes staring into his father's . "Don't do this my father. it's really not good. she is a priestess and behaving bad towards her is so bad and it is your mistake.why are you taking her to the abandoned cell? this.....is.. not good my father. please listen me",said xenocrates,with a sad face. but the kings face hardened a little bit and said, " who you are to command me you idiot?I am the king and not you. my decision is final. no one can change me and if does you know what happens very well. so be in your limits."

with that, the guards dragged rheya to the cells, hands tied in back of her. the guards went into the abandoned cave and left her. one guard left and another guard turns to leave,with tear in his eyes, a human who is sorry for rheya, a young handsome soldier, with blue eyes, when rheya says, " please help me kind sir. I have a daughter and my betrothed are waiting for me. please help me sir, I beg you. ",hot tears roll down rheya's cheek. Then the soldier takes a tiny knife and handovers it to her, with a hint of sadness. "Thank you so much sir. may you live long with your family. May god bless you .can I know your good name sir? " asked rheya. He said, my name is Gaius Augustine.