
The Blade Of The Marines

The swordsman at the cusp of the world, the anti-hero of the marines, the Lord of hell, Asura's reincarnation, demon souled monster.

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Chapter 39- Ace Subdued

(*The clash between the Marine Rapid Rescue unit, led by Vice Admiral Ryusaki Shimotsuki, and the Spade Pirates, captained by the notorious Ace, had escalated into a furious battle. The sea around them churned with the intensity of their conflicting ambitions. The night sky bore witness to a duel that would be etched into the annals of the Grand Line.*)

As the two ships sailed side by side, their crews locked in combat, my eyes met Ace's across the tumultuous waters. The flicker of recognition passed between us. His devil-may-care grin only intensified, knowing that this confrontation would be more than just a clash of swords.

I lunged forward, blades were drawn, meeting the Spade Pirates' onslaught head-on. Ace, wreathed in the flickering light of his flaming abilities, descended upon the Marine ship with a swiftness that defied the laws of gravity. His tattooed arm burst into flames, a manifestation of the fearsome powers he had gained as a wielder of the Mera Mera no Mi.

The air crackled with tension as our swords clashed, the clash echoing with a resonance that reverberated across the open sea. Ace's Haki-infused strikes met the calculated precision of my three-sword style. The crew, both Marine and Spade Pirates alike, momentarily paused in their combat to witness the duel between the high-ranking adversaries.

"Ryusaki, you've always been a step behind," Ace taunted, his voice carried by the wind. "Maybe it's time you catch up." His flaming fist blurred as he launched a rapid series of punches, each one leaving a trail of fire in its wake.

I weaved through the assault, the movements of my blades a dance in response to the fiery onslaught. The searing heat licked at my surroundings, and I could feel the intensity of Ace's determination. The clash of our strengths wasn't just a physical battle—it was a testament to the paths we had chosen.

As the battle continued, Ace's devil fruit powers infused unpredictability into his attacks. Flames erupted from his fingertips, creating a curtain of fire that threatened to engulf everything in its path. I adapted, using the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi powers to enhance my speed and agility, narrowly evading the fiery onslaught.

The Spade Pirates' crew, emboldened by Ace's presence, redoubled their efforts against the Marine forces. The ship became a battlefield, with swords clashing, gunfire resounding, and the acrid scent of burning wood and sea salt filling the air. The clash between Marines and pirates mirrored the personal duel between Ace and me.

The dance of blades continued each stroke a testament to our honed skills and the unique powers we wielded. The night bore witness to the illumination of flames and the glint of steel. The crew members, whether Marine or pirate, fought with a fervor that transcended the labels of ally or foe.

Ace's laughter echoed above the chaos, the flames flickering with an otherworldly brilliance. "Ryusaki, I won't go easy on you!" His voice carried a mix of challenges. I mean who is this pest to challenge me?

I parried a blazing punch, countering with a swift strike that grazed Ace's cheek. The battle between us wasn't just a clash of physical prowess; it was a collision of ideologies and the pursuit of individual destinies. The sea, witnessing the exchange, seemed to hold its breath, anticipating the outcome of this high-stakes confrontation.

The Spade Pirates, recognizing the critical nature of the duel, fought with renewed vigor. Ace's subordinates, each bearing the crew's spade insignia, showcased their strengths against the Marine forces. The deck became a canvas upon which the fate of this maritime skirmish unfolded.

My mind raced, assessing Ace's patterns and anticipating his next move. The Spade Pirates' captain, though seemingly carefree, possessed an uncanny intuition in battle. It was a dance of blades, each step a calculated maneuver, and each strike an attempt to gain an upper hand.

As the moon cast its silvery glow upon the roiling sea, Ace's fiery presence became both beautiful and dangerous. His flames danced in unpredictable patterns, making it challenging to predict the trajectory of his attacks. The Spade Pirates' crew, their loyalty evident in their relentless assault, closed ranks around their captain.

"Ryusaki, you've got to step up your game!" Ace's voice echoed once more, a challenge that reverberated through the night. The playful banter of yesteryear had transformed into a rallying cry, urging both sides to reach new heights in the pursuit of victory.

 As the dance of blades intensified, I decided it was time to unleash more of my Devil Fruit abilities to turn the tide of this formidable battle.

With a focused gaze, I invoked the power of the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi, enhancing my speed and agility. My movements became a blur as I seamlessly transitioned between Blink and Blink and Slash, closing the distance between Ace and me in the blink of an eye. The air crackled with the anticipation of a new strategy.

Ace, momentarily caught off guard by the sudden acceleration, responded with a burst of flames. I employed the Weight Loss ability, manipulating the gravitational forces around me to become weightless. In this state, the flames had minimal impact on my movement, allowing me to dodge with unprecedented fluidity.

Seizing the advantage, I initiated the Blink-dash-slash-gravi-smash combo. Blinking around Ace in rapid succession, I unleashed a flurry of slashes, each strike carrying the enhanced speed of Blink. Before he could react, I reactivated Gravi-smash, focusing the gravitational force into a concentrated point. The resulting strike collided with Ace's defenses, creating shockwaves that reverberated through the ship.

The crew, both Marine and Spade Pirates, looked on in awe as the battlefield shifted with the introduction of new dynamics. The sea itself seemed to respond to the heightened energies, the waves becoming more turbulent as the clash of powers intensified.

"Not bad, Ryusaki! But I've got more tricks up my sleeve!" Ace grinned, undeterred by the onslaught. His tattooed arm ignited once more as he unleashed a torrent of fire in a sweeping motion. Anticipating the assault, I activated Gravi Wreck, creating a localized gravitational vortex that disrupted the trajectory of the flames.

The battle became a spectacle of elemental forces—the crackling flames of the Mera Mera no Mi clashing with the gravitational manipulations of the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi. It was a dance of power and finesse, each combatant pushing the limits of their abilities in pursuit of victory.

As Ace prepared for another onslaught, I executed the Gravi Death technique. The gravitational forces around him intensified exponentially, creating an oppressive field that impeded his movements. It was a calculated move, designed to limit Ace's agility and create an opening for a decisive strike.

Seizing the moment, I executed a Balloon, reducing my weight to near zero. I ascended swiftly, evading Ace's attempts to counter. The crew watched in anticipation as the sky became my temporary battlefield. The moonlight reflected off the blades, creating an ethereal display of the ongoing confrontation.

Ace, unable to escape the gravitational field, looked skyward to locate his adversary. It was at that moment that I descended with the 0kg technique, allowing gravity to take hold once again. The force of impact sent shockwaves through the ship, shaking the very core of the vessel.

The Spade Pirates' crew, witnessing the combination of Devil Fruit powers, exchanged uncertain glances. Ace, though momentarily staggered, displayed a resilient grin. "You've certainly become more unpredictable, Ryusaki. But this isn't over!"

As Ace prepared to counter, I initiated Blink and Slash once more. The moonlit deck of the ship bore witness to a rapid exchange of blows, the clash of swords punctuated by the occasional burst of flames. The unpredictable ebb and flow of the battle kept both crews on the edge of anticipation. This battle was starting to get boring, I needed to end this. 

Empowered by the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi and wielding the formidable Sandai Kitetsu, Nidai Kitetsu, and Shisui, I decided it was time to assert dominance over the relentless Captain of the Spade Pirates.

Ace, though formidable, found himself increasingly on the defensive. I channeled the power of the Gravi-smash technique once more, magnifying the gravitational force around Ace to an unprecedented level. The Spade Pirates' captain struggled against the invisible force, his movements slowed as if the very essence of gravity conspired against him.

In a fluid motion, I transitioned to Blink and slashed through the air, creating afterimages that confounded Ace's attempts to predict my movements. The Kitetsu Blades and Shisui, the swords with a cursed legacy, hummed with energy as they cleaved through the resistance of the intensified gravity.

The crew, both Marine and Spade Pirates, watched in awe as the tables turned in the celestial battle. The moon above cast its luminous glow upon the dueling adversaries, the shimmering sea reflecting the heightened tension. It was a duel that transcended the physical realm, an intricate interplay of Devil Fruit abilities and swordsmanship.

Ace, sensing the escalating threat, ignited his tattooed arm in a desperate attempt to break free. Flames danced around him, creating an inferno that struggled against the gravitational force. However, the Gravi-smash had reached an overwhelming level, suppressing even the elemental might of the Mera Mera no Mi.

My blades, infused with the will of its wielder, arced through the air with unparalleled speed. Each strike left a trail of distorted space as if the very fabric of reality bent to their will. The gravitational force, synchronized with the sword's cursed power, created a deadly synergy that Ace found increasingly challenging to counter.

To further assert my dominance, I activated the Weight Loss ability, rendering myself weightless once more. The ethereal display of the sword dance continued in the weightless environment, my three-sword style cleaving through the air with a swiftness that defied the laws of physics. Ace's attempts to track my movements became futile as I executed Blink-dash-slash-gravi-smash combos with unrivaled speed.

Amid the chaotic confrontation, I invoked the Balloon technique, expanding the gravitational field around Ace. It was as if an invisible bubble enclosed him, amplifying the oppressive force that held him captive. The crew of the Spade Pirates, witnessing their captain's struggle, felt a palpable shift in the balance of power.

As Ace fought against the overwhelming forces, I utilized the 0kg ability to ascend into the night sky. From this vantage point, I surveyed the battlefield, the moon casting an otherworldly glow on the ongoing clash. My three swords, now bathed in the celestial light, seemed to pulse with an energy that resonated with the very essence of the Grand Line.

Descending with controlled precision, I unleashed a series of blink-and-slash maneuvers, each strike enhanced by the gravitational forces. Ace, battered and fatigued, found himself unable to mount a decisive counter. The Spade Pirates' crew, once brimming with confidence, now watched with a mixture of concern and uncertainty.

In a final display of dominance, I employed the Gravi Death technique once more. The gravitational field intensified, creating a compression of space that seemed to bend reality itself. Ace, caught within the gravitational vortex, could only resist so much before succumbing to the overwhelming force.

My swords, infused with the essence of Armament Haki, met its mark with a resounding impact. The clash of blades sent shockwaves through the ship, the very structure trembling as if in acknowledgment of the formidable display of power. Ace, now subdued by the gravitational forces, knelt under the weight of the relentless onslaught.

The crew fell into an uneasy silence as the moonlit battlefield bore witness to the culmination of the celestial duel. The Dance of Blades had reached its zenith, the clash of Devil Fruit abilities and sword techniques leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of the Grand Line. The sea, calm in the aftermath, whispered the echoes of a battle that would resonate through the pages of maritime history.