
The Blade Master

This is the first time I've written. The Blade Master tell the story of a high school boy who loved history and to read novels about murim, that is reincarnated on murim, and his journey to becoming a Blade Master. The mc is loyal only to himself and will do anything to achieve his goals.

Roby1i1 · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Sensing qi and blade training

The sect leader explained to us about the cultivation levels and what a martial artist of each rank can do, and said that a cultivator of the untrained realm was a myth and that no one ever reached that realm. He also said that he wants to take us as his disciples. I was shocked because I didn't expect it to be this easy to gain a position as a disciple of the sect leader, but this is a good opportunity to gain power and followers that can be loyal only to me. He also told us about his past as an escort warior for some merchants and the fact that he is a first-rate martial artist.

After this, he lead us to the space where the disciples sleep and live and said that tomorrow he would teach us to cultivate and learn martial arts personally.

We entered each of our rooms, and I began to sleep.

In the morning, when I hear a knock on the door, I rise from bed and open the door, and I see the sect leader and, behind him, Hei. I say good morning, and he says the same with.When we arrive, he tells us to follow him to his house.

-From today on, you will call me master and not sect leader.

-Yes master. We say it together.

-Good now, it will help you to sense the qi. Stay in the forward position of meditation. Han, you are first.

-Yes master.

I put myself in a position of meditation with my ears closed, and I heard the master say

-Now I will insert my qi into you and try to remember the sensation.

-Yes master.

I sensed a warm sensation in my body from the back first and it continued to expand to the rest of the body, and the sensation began to rotate in the location of my abdomen. It was a feeling of relaxation and composure, as I heard master say.

-Boy, do you remember the sensation from your abdomen?

-Yes master.

-Good, now go back to the room and try to imitate that. Hei, it's your turn now.

-Yes master. Say Hai.

I returned to my room and began to move to the bed, and I began meditation while I thought about the sensation that I felt. I concentrate on that sensation over and over, but I can't sense anything. Without realizing this, the day began to begin at night, and when it was observed, it began to move to a sleeping position to sleep.

When I woke, i hear a the sound of a knock on the door; that was master, and Hei was behind him. As yesterday, we walked to his residence, and I began to sit in meditation position, and he began to enter his qi into my body. As yesterday, I felt the same sensation, and after some time, master said

-Boy, sensing qi will take some time; even the most talented martial artists have difficulties when beginning training for sensing qi. I think that it will take you about a half-year to begin sensing it. The same goes for you, Hei; until you feel qi, we are going with the same routine every day, you understand?

-Yes master. We say it at the same time.

And with that, he began the qi training.

From morning, when the master is entering his qi in my body, to mid-day, when I am beginning to meditate in my room, and finally, to night, when I begun to sleep, this is my routine until a morning when the master begins to enter his qi in my body, and I sense that something is forming and consolidating in my abdomen. This sensation lasted for a few moments, and then I heard a laugh from the master.

-Haha, boy, you formed your dantian in 5 months, sooner than I expected , from tomorow only Hai has to come where you can cultivate in your room.

-Yes master. I say it with my expressionless face.

-Good, now go and cultivate.

-Yes master.

I began to walk to my room, opened the door, and began to meditate. As I was in a trance, I sense how the qi from the environment was gathering in my dantian and how it was rotating around him. When cultivating is the sensation of attracting the qi from the environment in my dantian, devoring him, and making him be merge with my dantion. This feeling was so relaxing that I was unaware that the day had turned to night when I put myself to sleep.

I fell into this routine for about 3 months, and when in the morning master came and began to knock on my door, I rised from the bed and opened the door.

-Boy, I will verify your progress and teach you martial arts.

I began to follow the master and walked to his residence. When we arrived, he made me a sign with his hand to sit on a chair. I sat, and he began to sit.

-Master, where is Hai?

-Hai is metidated; he sensed qi about two months ago.

-I understand, master.

-Boy, I'll teach you some martial arts. First, I'll teach you how to use a blade correctly, and only after that, I'll teach you some other martial arts.

-Yes, master, I undersand.

-Now follow me to the training group.


I followed the master to the training ground, and when we arrived, he took two wooden blades and threw one at me.

-Boy, I will teach you how to fight with blades. Come closer. I want you to attack me with your blade and defend yourself.

-Yes master.

I began to approach him. I did a vertical slash with my blade, he parried that with his blade and redirectionated my blade to the right . He continued. This time I did a vertical slash that he blocked with his side of the blade and thrust his blade at my hand, and my blade fell out from my hand. He said to me to pick, and we continued. I attacked, he parried, he attacked, and my blade fell from my hand. This was going like this for some time when he said to have a rest for a bit. With these words, I fell on the ground and began to meditate with my eyes closed.

-Good boy, you figured out that the meditation will help you with fatigue.

-Yes master.

I meditate for about a couple minutes, and then I raise from my position, take the blade in my hand, and say to the master:

-Master, let's continue.

-Good boy, then let's begin.

We continued the training as we did before, and I observed that the master's movements were becoming stronger and he was moving faster than before each time we exchanged blows with each other, but his change was very small but constant. We continued like this for some time until I colapse because I couldn't no longer parry his blows. On the ground, I breath heavily, and he said

-This is unespected, my discple. I expected you to only parry a couple of my hits, but you resisted a couple hundred of them. I even understood the power and speed of each hit, but your resistance was impresive.

-Thank you for the compliment, master. I said it between heavy breaths.

-No, no, no, this is not a compliment. I simply tell you the truth: you are a very talented young man. If you continue to show these results, I will consider giving you a gift.

-Yes, master, I will show you that I am worthy of your praise.

-Haha, good. My disciple can now go to your room and meditate tomorrow morning, when we are going to do the same thing.

-Yes master.

I said this when I raised myself off the ground and went to my room.

Master pov:

This boy is a monster; he resisted my attack to use the power that is going to take some adults down, and he only sensed qi for about 3 months. If I cultive well, I am going to have a worthy successor that is going to take care of the sect. How powerful he is going to become when he can strengthens his body and amplify his psychic power with qi. I can't wait to watch how powerful he is going to become.