
The Blade Master

This is the first time I've written. The Blade Master tell the story of a high school boy who loved history and to read novels about murim, that is reincarnated on murim, and his journey to becoming a Blade Master. The mc is loyal only to himself and will do anything to achieve his goals.

Roby1i1 · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Preparations for departure

The next morning I was woken up by a knock on the door. I got out of bed, took the blade that I put next to the bed, and when I opened the door, I saw Jing and Yun, who started talking as soon as I opened the door.

-Leader The Shadow Peddlers gave us 400 gold coins. Jing said, and I said.

-Okay. After I said that, I looked at Yun, who noticed my look and said.

-Leader The Shadow Syndicate gave us 200 gold coins.

After hearing this I thought a little why there are these differences in the amounts of money that the 3 gangs give us and after a few seconds I realized that Red Silk Syndicate fulfills a need that is sought by everyone so their services are sought after, The Shadow Peddlers steal and sell things and forge things so even if their services are not as sought after as those of the Red Silk Syndicate but they are as profitable or even more profitable than those of the Red Silk Syndicate because their clients are forced to pay a lot for their services and The Shadow Syndicate deals with protection, gambling and money lending, they are profitable, but with them they take a greater risk than the other two gangs because of this. After I finished, I'm thinking about it, I said.

-I assume there are people in the front of the inn. An answer from Yun to my question

-Yes leader. To which I replied.

-Let's go to them, then. I said as I started walking towards the place where the rest of my people were. After I got to the place where my people are, I said.

-Let's go to the Scarlet Heaven Pagoda. After I said that, I heard Jing ask.

-Leader, didn't you say to tell them that the meeting is at lunch? To which I replied.

-Yes, but in the time left until lunch, I intend to eat something there. After I saw that Jing  understand, I asked.

-Guys, are you ready for some food and drinks? To which everyone shouted in unison.

-Yes Leader. And we all started going to The Scarlet Heaven. When we got there, we were greeted by the same guard as last time. We put our weapons on the weapon stand, and after we entered, we were greeted by the same old man who asked me.

-What can I help you with, sir? To which I replied.

-A room where my people and I can eat and drink until it's time to meet with the 3. After I said that, he said.

-Then please do the following: And he took us to a room large enough to host me and my people. After we sat down, he asked us what we wanted to eat and drink. I said we wanted something tasty and some alcohol to be happy, but not too much so as not to get drunk. After I said that, I waited for some time, and food and drink came. I ate, I drank, and I talked with my people until the old man came again, looked at me, and said.

-Sir, the others will be waiting for you. When I heard this, I got up and started following the old man to the meeting place, which was a room on the sixth floor of the pogota. When I got there, I saw the three gang leaders waiting for me at a table where everyone was on one side and there was only one free chair on the other side of the table. I took a seat in that chair and said,

-Thank you for coming. Now I will move on to the topic. I know that you may not like the fact that you are under my command now, but don't forget that I can kill you whenever I want. I will remind you of this once more in case you forget. I said this, and the room fell into deathly silence, but this was interrupted by Lian, who asked.

-This is why you called us all here today. In a polite tone, but it seems that she was nervous that I had called for such a simple thing.

-No, the reason why I called you is because I want you to recommend me some people skilled in construction who are discreet and who don't talk inappropriately, and because I want you to help me get some people out of town without attracting too much attention. After I said that, Hye asked.

-What kind of people do you need to get out from the city? which I answered immediately.

-I intend to buy quite a large number of slaves, and I want to take them out of the city discreetly. Besides these slaves, I intend to buy a large number of animals. After I said this, I heard Ling say

-We could take out the animals and people with the help of Lian and a few discreet merchants in several shifts. When I heard this, I thought that this old man was not just an ordinary thug.

-Ok, then I want to have 15 carts ready by tomorrow to be able to carry 150 people, and I also want supplies for 176 people plus the builders.

After I said that, I went to where my men were and told them that I wanted them to buy 165 slaves by tomorrow morning and that I wanted 15 of them to know how to drive a cart. 10 to be educated people 10 doctors 10 people who take care of animals, and the rest should be boys and girls in equal numbers under 15 years old, and that I want you to buy 300 more animals, 90 of which should be cows, 10 bulls,100 goats of which 10 should be males, 90 chickens, and 10 roosters.

After saying this, I went back to the inn and went to sleep.