
The Blade Master

This is the first time I've written. The Blade Master tell the story of a high school boy who loved history and to read novels about murim, that is reincarnated on murim, and his journey to becoming a Blade Master. The mc is loyal only to himself and will do anything to achieve his goals.

Roby1i1 · Fantasy
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66 Chs

3 techniques

In the time I had free before and after teaching the lesson for people, I taught them how to feel qi. I started to develop some martial arts that the martial artists of the clan will learn in the future after I finish making these martial arts and test them.

The first martial art I thought of creating was one that even a second-rate martial artist could use. It's simple; all this martial art does is help you defy gravity and walk on walls or on the water with its help. This martial art works by releasing part of their qi to create an energy field under their feet to be able to stick to the walls by adjusting the qi direction to go vertically, horizontally, or obliquely. The same principle is applied when you walk on water. This martial art is quite simple; once you get used to it, you have to have decent control over qi to succeed in using this martial art with ease.

I called this martial art that I created QiWalk.

Principles of Qi Walk:

Qi Control: The foundation of Qi Walk is the mastery of one's inner energy, Qi. Practitioners must develop precise control over their Qi, allowing them to adjust its flow and intensity as needed.

Energy Field Generation: Qi Walkers create a specialized energy field around their feet by directing their Qi to form a cushion or platform. This field serves as a buffer that interacts with the surface, allowing the practitioner to walk on various unconventional surfaces.

Walking on Walls: To walk on walls, a Qi Walker adjusts the direction and strength of the energy field to stick to vertical surfaces. This adjustment counteracts gravity's pull and allows the practitioner to move horizontally or vertically along walls and even on ceilings.

Walking on Water: Similarly, when walking on water, the Qi Walker utilizes their Qi to create an energy field under their feet. This field helps distribute their weight more efficiently, preventing them from sinking and allowing them to move gracefully on the water's surface.

The next martial art I created was a fighting style that uses the user's inner rage to increase attack power, speed, endurance, and senses. This martial art is called Berserker.

It focuses on tapping into the practitioner's inner rage, unleashing incredible strength and ferocity. Here's an outline of the key principles and characteristics of the Berserker.

Principles of Berserker:

Harnessing Inner Fury: The core philosophy of Berserker Martial Art revolves around tapping into one's inner rage and using it as a source of boundless power. Practitioners learn to channel their anger and aggression in a controlled manner.

Rage Energy: The martial art utilizes a unique concept called "Rage Energy." As the practitioner's anger intensifies, their body generates this energy, which can be harnessed for extraordinary feats.

Ferocious Strikes: Berserker techniques involve ferocious and powerful strikes that can break through defenses and overpower opponents. Practitioners are trained to deliver devastating blows with every attack.

Unyielding Endurance: Berserker Martial Art emphasizes developing extraordinary physical endurance, allowing practitioners to push through pain and injuries, fighting on despite the odds.

Heightened Senses: As practitioners enter a state of controlled berserk rage, their senses become heightened, enabling them to react swiftly and instinctively to their opponent's movements.

Instinctive Defense: Berserkers have an innate ability to anticipate and counter attacks, often relying on their heightened instincts to protect themselves.

Berserker Techniques:

Raging Thunder Strike: A signature technique that involves a powerful, lightning-fast strike capable of shattering an opponent's defenses.

Fury Unleashed Stance: A combat stance that maximizes a Berserker's ability to withstand pain and exert relentless pressure on their foes.

Savage Whirlwind Kick: A spinning kick technique that delivers multiple strikes in rapid succession.

Berserker Roar: A battle cry that triggers the practitioner's berserk state, increasing their power and speed.

Rage-Fueled Resilience: Techniques that allow practitioners to endure even severe injuries and continue fighting.

Training and Discipline:

Becoming a Berserker requires rigorous training and mental discipline. Practitioners must learn to control and channel their rage effectively while maintaining focus on their martial skills. The training often involves mastering various combat techniques and engaging in intense physical conditioning.

And the last martial art I created is Acupoint Sealing, which blocks the opponent's acupuncture points. I developed this technique with the help of the doctors I brought into the clan.


Precision Striking: Acupoint Sealing emphasizes precise and controlled strikes to specific acupuncture points. The goal is not to cause severe injury but to temporarily disrupt the body's energy flow.

Energy Manipulation: Practitioners learn to channel their own Qi (energy) to stimulate or block specific acupoints on their opponent's body. This can induce paralysis, numbness, or disorientation.

Knowledge of Anatomy: Understanding the human body's meridian pathways and the locations of vital acupoints is essential. Acupoint Sealers know how to exploit weaknesses and vulnerabilities in an opponent's body.

Pressure and Timing: Timing is crucial in Acupoint Sealing. Practitioners must apply the right amount of pressure to the correct acupoint at precisely the right moment to achieve the desired effect.


Qi Needle Strike: A focused strike to specific acupoints that temporarily disrupts an opponent's energy flow, causing weakness or numbness.

Meridian Block: A technique that involves applying pressure to meridian pathways to disrupt an opponent's balance, coordination, or muscle function.

Acupoint Lock: A precise joint lock combined with pressure on acupoints to immobilize or incapacitate an opponent.

Flow Reversal: A technique that redirects an opponent's energy flow back into their own body, causing disorientation and weakness.

Qi Disruption Palm: A palm strike that channels the practitioner's Qi to disrupt an opponent's energy flow, rendering them momentarily incapacitated.