
The birth of god of magic

Disclaimer: This story contains detailed scenes of sex, bloody and brutal combat, torture, and other crazy stuff. Read at your own risk. - You have two choices when the universe decides to push you to the limit. Fight and survive. Or. Give up and die. In a world inhabited by gods and monsters. A man will be given a third option. Be reborn and become something else, something better. And may the gods have mercy on those who will stand in his way.

badhuman · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


As silence reigns in the mountain area, the apprentice heroes look with fear at one of the most dangerous men in the world, while he looks with amusement at the fear in their eyes.

A few seconds pass before Kyoka regains some semblance of composure and prepares to use her quirk to attempt a surprise attack, unfortunately for her, Izuna's quirk has already caught her intentions.

Before Kyoka could move, Izuna disappeared from the three students, causing their fears to rise before a scream echoed in the area.

Momo and Denki's eyes turn to the left to see Kyoka, one knee on the ground as her hands are placed over her ears where blood seems to be flowing.

The two students direct their eyes to Izuna to see Kyoka's ears in those hands with horror.

"I was this close to a hell of a headache" The big smile on Izuna's face, only makes the fear grow in Momo and Denki's hearts as the two remain motionless as they hear their friend scream in pain.

But soon Kyoka's screams stop when she feels a hand grabbing the top of her head and in one pull, her neck is torn apart and under the horrified eyes of her two classmates, Kyoka's head is lifted by Izuna, her spine still connected to her head.

Unable to hold on any longer, Denki vomits while Momo bursts into tears, their thoughts far too chaotic to realize that their enemy is still ahead of them.

While the two students are in shock, Izuna, who has no interest in making the fight last, draws in his mana to appear green lightning which crosses the fingers of his right hand, and before Denki can move, the lightning strikes his chest while he falls on the ground.


Her body withers until it looks like a mummy.

As Momo watches in horror as her two friends die, Izuna's smile widens as he sees the fear in those eyes as those eyes roam her curved body with undisguised lust before sighing helplessly.

'If only she was five years older, I would have had a good time.' He thinks before extending his right hand, which starts to produce green bolts of lightning, but before they can draw his spell, a spike of ice emerges from the ground and comes to perforate the forearm of Izuna.

Despite the blood flowing down the ice spike, Izuna remains calm and bends her head to avoid the acid spray, and then jumps back to avoid a powerful tail strike.

"Is everything okay, Momo?" Mina Ashido asks her classmate, who merely nods weakly as her gaze turns to the corpses of those two classmates.

Seeing the dead bodies of their friends, everyone has a different reaction.

Anger can be seen in Mashirao Ojirō's eyes as he looks at Izuna.

Mina Ashido has to use all her willpower not to cry and vomit when she sees Kyoka's torn head and Denki's withered body.

As for Shoto Todoroki, he didn't even give a glance to the two corpses, his eyes are fixed on the magician who is quietly regenerating the wound made by the ice pick.

His eyes are cold and full of hatred for the magician because after all, this man raped and slit his sister's throat in front of him.

Feeling Shoto's hateful look, Izuna simply waved at him with a smile before refocusing on all the students present here.

"Well, that'll teach the other foggy one to hire losers who can't handle kids." Despite the happy smile on his face, the students who just saved Momo's life could feel the annoyance and venom in the wizard's voice before his smile turned more teasing.

"*Sigh* Well, I guess I can take care of you while the symbol of justice arrives." He says as frost appears on his hand and with a wave of his hand, several ice swords head towards the students.

Shoto reacts quickly and uses his quirk to create a wall of ice large enough to protect everyone, leaving the opportunity for Mina and Mashirao to quickly advance towards Izuna by passing by the sides.

Not even needing to look at the two students thanks to his quirk, Izuna creates a fire tiger that launches after Shoto to keep him busy as he focuses on the two hero apprentices attacking him on those sides.

Mashirao leaps forward spinning around, ready to strike with his tail while Mina runs quickly, arms outstretched towards Izuna, her hands full of acid.

With a wave of Izuna's hand, a rock spike comes out of the ground and skewers Mina's foot, causing her to stumble forward and pass behind Izuna as he draws on his magic just as Mashirao tries to swipe her with his tail.

Mashiro's eyes widened as his blow went through Izuna's body and violently hit Mina's side.

A sound of breaking bones resounds as Mina is thrown ten meters away.

While he is worried about his classmate, Mashirao doesn't see Izuna put her finger on his forehead before he even makes a move.

His head explodes.

Her body falls heavily as Mina struggles to her feet, a look of terror and shock on her face, but like Mashirao, she doesn't have time to make a move before the wizard snaps his fingers and an explosion of fire engulfs her body.

After a few seconds of inhuman screaming, the flames disappear to leave Mina's charred body.

Her body falls to the ground, but if you pay close attention, you can see that she is breathing, painfully, but she is breathing.

Without even looking at the two students he has just defeated, Izuna walks towards Momo who stands still, his complexion white as snow and his body paralyzed with fear.

As he walks, Izuna looks towards Shoto who is being dominated by the fire tiger, and being an asshole, Izuna creates another one.

Arriving in front of Momo, Izuna looks at her with amusement as the apprentice heroine struggles not to collapse.

But before the wizard can make a move, his quirk picks up a sound that makes him sigh in annoyance.

"It seems that the party is over." He says with a helpless tone.

Meanwhile, in the central square of the USJ.

"It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!"