
The birth of god of magic

Disclaimer: This story contains detailed scenes of sex, bloody and brutal combat, torture, and other crazy stuff. Read at your own risk. - You have two choices when the universe decides to push you to the limit. Fight and survive. Or. Give up and die. In a world inhabited by gods and monsters. A man will be given a third option. Be reborn and become something else, something better. And may the gods have mercy on those who will stand in his way.

badhuman · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


"Well, he certainly didn't usurp his title as the number one hero, that's for sure."

I say as I see the symbol of justice exchange powerful punches with the nomu.

Despite myself, a glint of greed briefly appears in my eyes before it is replaced by excitement and impatience as I remember that soon, my plan will be completed, and I will probably be the most powerful being in this world.

*Growl of pain*

"Huh? Ho, I forgot you were there." I say with genuine surprise as I lay eyes on one of the students currently wading through his pool of blood. 'I'm not sure, but I think he's the one who can talk to animals, well, it doesn't matter.'

I point my index finger at the student before firing a bullet of air that pierces his skull, ending those days as I turn my attention back to the fight at hand.

'Well, I guess I can give him a hand.' I create a bow and an ice arrow before aiming at the number 1 hero and shoot three ice arrows which are unfortunately intercepted by an explosion produced by Katsuki Bakugo who seems to have spotted me, that said, it's not like I'm trying to hide.

After this action, the attention of everyone is on me, then on the corpse at my feet.

The expressions of All Might and the apprentice heroes darken while a crazy smile forms on Tomura's face, and he starts to speak with a mocking voice.

"Looks like you had a lot of fun, wizard." Tomura's words come piercing through the hero's heart as I smile knowing what Tomura is trying to do.

Deciding to play along, I begin to speak in a teasing voice with a big smile on my lips.

"If you don't count the one at my feet, I killed the girl with earphone jacks on her ears, the kid who creates electricity, the one with a tail, I charred the purple-skinned girl who is still alive even though she will probably be disabled for life, I made sure Endeavour's son can't use his ice quirk anymore, I broke the arms of the one who uses cellophane and shattered the limbs of the diabetic."

I hold up a finger as I list the number of deaths I have caused, which darkens All Might's face even more as the apprentice heroes look at me with a fear he can't hide while Tomura bursts out laughing, increasing All Might's anger as he charges at me, anger fueling his strength.

Only to be stopped by the nomu, resuming their fight while my attention is turned to the apprentice heroes, who feel a chill run through their bodies as they feel my gaze on them.

My gaze lingers on the protagonist of this manga, but also an important part of my plan.

"Well, if you show me what the new generation of heroes is capable of."

I create several spears of ice that quickly move toward the apprentice heroes who come to their senses.

Bakugo and Izuku skillfully dodge the spears while Eijiro hardens his body to take the spears before charging towards me, his two classmates at his side, Bakugo using those explosions to propel himself while Izuku uses the One for All.

With a snap of my left hand, a wave of cold comes down on us, preventing Bakugo from using his quirk as I step aside to avoid the green-haired cannonball that can't stop its run.

Unable to use his quirk, Bakugo attacks me hand-to-hand with a punch that I easily dodge before sending a powerful right hook to his chin, rendering him dazed as I dodge an attack from Kirishima and counterattack with a kick to the stomach, causing him to spit saliva and sending him a few feet backward.

"DETROIT SMASH." I leap back to avoid Izuku's punch, who stands at Bakugo's side, who recovered from my punch.

Eijiro, who also recovered from my punch, comes to stand beside these two classmates.

I quickly look in the direction of All Might to see that he is gaining the advantage over the nomu, a sign that the fight will soon end as in canon.

Knowing that I will have to bow out soon, I focus on the three apprentice heroes with a wicked smile that has the three students a little worried.

Before one of them can move an eyelash, I disappear from their sight and reappear in front of Bakugo and take his hands before shaking them with force, breaking them while a cry of pain comes out of his mouth despite him.

Izuku's eyes widen as he sees his childhood friend on his knees, those hands reduced to a boil.

"Kacch..." He can't finish his sentence when I appear behind him and grab his head before slamming it violently against the ground, knocking him out as I see out of the corner of my eye, Eijiro hardens his fist before sending it towards my face.

I simply tilt my head to the side to dodge the blow before I give a powerful kick in his belly, piercing him.*

Eijiro spits out blood before falling to the ground still alive and just then, I can see All Might send a powerful punch that sends the nomu through the roof.

'It seems that some things must happen, no matter the interference'

I think, not surprised at the outcome of the fight, however, I can see that he has used all his power and is at the limit, so in a last-ditch effort to fuck the plot, I shout to Tomura in a teasing voice. "Hey fetishist, the bodybuilder is at his limit and he can't move, if you attack now, you can kill him."

Tomura gets angry when he hears his nickname but becomes happy again when he hears that he can achieve the mission his sensei gave him, but unfortunately, just as he is about to make a move, a concrete wall stands between him and All Might as I jump to the side to avoid the attack of the professional hero Vlad King who is looking at me with undisguised hatred, like all the teachers, and of course, I can't resist teasing them a bit.

"Mmmm, all this hate I see in your eyes scares me, I wonder why I get so much hate."

My words full of sarcasm only make the teachers angrier, except for the principal, who looks me straight in the eye.

"Once again, I see that you are sowing death and misfortune." His voice is calm but tinged with a noticeable sadness, which slowly begins to raise my anger, which is visible on my face.

"Well, we both know how I got here, don't we?"

The venom is present in my voice as I see guilt in those eyes.

"Tch, once again your mere presence is enough to ruin my day, well, I saw what I wanted to see, I don't belong here anymore."

Before either of them can move, I quickly move to the side of Tomura and Kurogiri, who quickly teleports us into the bar they use as a base.

There is a long silence as I sit on one of the stools and pour myself a drink while the TV in the bar turns on.

"How did it go?" Asks the voice of the dark figure on the TV.

Only an awkward silence answers him before Kurogiri finally speaks and informs All for One that they failed.

For a few moments, he says nothing, then finally just says that they will succeed in killing All Might next time, but as I expected him to turn off the TV.

"Everyone gets out, I'd like to talk to Izuna alone."

The surprise can be seen on everyone's face as they all come out after a few minutes of hesitation.

"You want what?" I'm not in the mood for these mind games so, I prefer to end this discussion.

"I'm just wondering, you knew this mission would be a failure, didn't you?" I can sense the amusement in his voice, which doesn't surprise me, this guy is an asshole.

"Of course, it would be a failure, Tomura is a child trying to attack a mammoth, sure the nomu is powerful, but it's still a mindless beast, unlike All Might who can go beyond those limits to defeat those opponents," I say nonchalantly.

"Is that admiration I hear?" He says in an amused tone, while I settle for a snort of disdain.

"I'm just stating a fact, All Might, may be powerful, but since you hit him, his power is slowly diminishing, it's only a matter of time before he loses the One for All"

I raise the glass of alcohol to my lips as All for One remains silent for a few minutes before replying in an amused tone. "As always, your intelligence skills are as scary as ever." Despite the chuckles, I can hear the seriousness in his voice, someone doesn't like these little secrets not being so secret.

"In any case, I guess Tomura will get another chance to prove himself." I smile inwardly, knowing that by the time he is worthy of getting the All for One, my Tree of Eden plan will be complete, and he will never have the opportunity to make those "proofs."

I just chuckle and walk away, leaving the symbol of evil to his twisted plans that will lead to nothing, because in the end, there will be nothing but me.

Soon, my dearest wish will be granted.

Soon I'll be able to go home.

Soon I can kill him.