
The birth of god of magic

Disclaimer: This story contains detailed scenes of sex, bloody and brutal combat, torture, and other crazy stuff. Read at your own risk. - You have two choices when the universe decides to push you to the limit. Fight and survive. Or. Give up and die. In a world inhabited by gods and monsters. A man will be given a third option. Be reborn and become something else, something better. And may the gods have mercy on those who will stand in his way.

badhuman · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Hundred Demons' March part 1

[Abandoned warehouse, Kamino, Japan]

This world is pretty scary when you think about it.

You come into the world and live pretty normal until you are four years old, then you're told you have a 50/50 chance of having superpowers and from there you have two paths.

Either you don't have a quirk, in which case you just become a civilian with little chance of standing out, or you do have a quirk, and then you flip a coin.

You have a "hero" quirk, and you have a chance to become a hero, or even "The Hero".

Or, you have a "villain" quirk and in that case, your life of crime is almost determined, especially if your quirk is a little too...visible.

Sure, you can try a normal life, but honestly, who will hire a person who can kill you by touching you, unless he is a criminal.

Well, a destructive society I guess, but you see my point.

All this to say that it always comes down to good and evil, the hero and the villain, there is never a middle ground, whether in this world or mine.

For my part, I think that good and evil do not exist, there are only people and their choices, and a "bad" act for some will always be "good" for others.

You're probably wondering where the fuck I'm going with this, well a few years ago, I would have told you that it's because my actions could not be defined as evil, but now? Not so much.

I've grown up since I started my plan, I know now that I'm the bad guy in the story, but will that stop me? No, I'm way too close to the goal to stop now.

Growing up, I quickly realized what kind of person I am.

I am devious, cruel, vindictive, perverse, violent, and slightly psychotic, and I have made peace with that, I am what I am, a product of my environment, my home world, not this one.

However, that doesn't mean that I am full of flaws.

I have certain qualities, the most important of which is my hatred for harems and NTR, and for that alone, I am a respectable human being, unlike some people including some asshole who has a dream of being the king of the harem, I mean, come on, I swear.....

*Whimper of pain*

My thoughts are interrupted by the moans of pain at my feet, I look down to see the body of a mangled hero trying to crawl away from me.

"You know, you wouldn't be in this state if you had listened to me and gone on your way, but no, you had to try to prove that you were a real hero, a real savior, right?"

I say as my smile slowly disappears as I see that this asshole continues to scream and cry without even listening to my badass monologue, if that isn't disrespected.

"Your mother never taught you to look at the person talking to you, you rude son of a bitch."

I throw lightning bolts into his face as he starts to scream, I stop my lightning bolts only to walk up to him and give him a light kick to put him on his back as I speak in a calm voice. "So, are you going to answer my question or not? I don't have much time, so.....start...talking."

I place my foot on the wound I made on his stomach to motivate him, and it works, considering the pig screams I hear.

I take my foot off and look at him with an impatient look and smile as he starts to talk. "Ok, I'll tell you everything please, stop."

I smile as I hear the information he kindly gives me before executing him, why? He stained my shoes.

I turn my head to my henchmen, who look at me with respect and fear as he awaits my orders. "Well, he may have come alone, but other heroes may show up, take the bags and go to the stadium, I'll contact you when the time comes, try not to get caught." They know that I can kill for nothing, they don't ask any questions, and they do it while leaving the warehouse that serves as a hideout for my operations, at least served me, it seems that I have to take care of a little snitch who went to the cops.

I set fire to the warehouse while leaving to not leave any trace before heading towards the stadium, a smile on my face while imagining the end of the sports festival that is coming.....special.


[Sports Festival Stadium, Musutafu, Japan]

-Kamui Woods-


Civilians who came to see the sports festival may not feel it, but we heroes can feel it, it is so present that I feel like I can hold it in my hand.

And all because of one man.

"You think he's really going to do anything, the last fight just ended, maybe he gave up when he saw all the heroes at the safety." My gaze turns to one of the professional Heroes who requested security.

"With a man like him, you better be ready for anything." Our eyes turn to the new voice to see the hero and teacher at U.A., Ectoplasm. "The wizard is a powerful villain, underestimating him or slacking off where he is concerned is signing your death warrant, stay vigilant."

"YES SIR." We shout before he moves away to continue the surveillance. "Holy cow, a guy manages to put all those heroes on maximum alert with just his presence, he must be terrifying." "Tell me about it." My fellow hero looks at me in disbelief as he asks in a surprised voice, "Have you faced him before?"

I nod as I remember the day, I had to face him for the first time. "Confronted is a big word, surviving would be more accurate, it was during a robbery a year ago, sure, I knew his reputation, but at the time I thought I could handle him, I didn't even give him a shot, he's clearly on another level."

That day is still clearly imprinted in my memory, no matter what I did, it's like I had no secrets from him, he knew what I was going to do before I even did it, and he knew what to say to throw me off like my life was just an open book to him.

"Well, I hope I never have to run into him." Just as he finishes his sentence, several monstrous roars are heard from inside the stadium, followed quickly by cries of distress. "Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut."


[Some minutes before]

As Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki (tied up) are on the podium receiving their medals in front of a cheering audience, Vlad King and Eraser Head who is in the commentator booth are talking to the audience when suddenly.

The air cools down dangerously and before any of them can make a move, lightning bolts fall on them, making them scream in pain, attracting the attention of everyone in the stadium.

The two professional heroes look up to see in horror who it is.

"Well, hello gentlemen, allow me to intrude." Izuna speaks with a big smile as he quietly sits down in Vlad King's seat after casting a stun spell on the two professional heroes.

He clears his throat before grabbing the microphone and speaking in a happy and excited voice:

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is the black wizard, Yusuke Izuna at the microphone."

The mere mention of his name was enough for the stadium to fall into absolute silence as the professional heroes thought of a plan because they couldn't just rush over there, even if Izuna doesn't say it, they know he has two hostages in the persons of Vlad King and Eraser Head and that, Izuna knows very well.

"How did he get to the commentator booths without anyone seeing him?" Demands an angry Endeavor as his brain tries to come up with a plan to stop the criminal who killed his daughter.

"We need to get the civilians out of here." This time, it's a grave-faced All Might who speaks as he too ponders a plan to save the citizens of the stadium, for he knows full well that if the dark wizard is involved, there will be deaths is that, he refuses to let that happen.

While the heroes are thinking about a plan, Izuna retakes the microphone and starts to speak with his always cheerful voice:

"You see, I have some questions about our society, especially, the heroes of our society, after all, we worship them, we admire them, we cheer them, we even buy their shit and the question I ask myself is: does he really deserve it? Today we're going to answer that question, how? Well." He pauses and chuckles as his hand glows with a red light. "To the fifty-six thousand people in attendance today, I offer you, The Hundred Demons' March."

And with a snap of the wizard's finger.

Hell is unleashed.