
The birth of god of magic

Disclaimer: This story contains detailed scenes of sex, bloody and brutal combat, torture, and other crazy stuff. Read at your own risk. - You have two choices when the universe decides to push you to the limit. Fight and survive. Or. Give up and die. In a world inhabited by gods and monsters. A man will be given a third option. Be reborn and become something else, something better. And may the gods have mercy on those who will stand in his way.

badhuman · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Blackmail [-18]

Remember when I warned that this story might contain morally questionable sex scenes?

Well, here we are.

You've seen the title, and I'm warning you about a sex scene, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going to happen so if you're sensitive to that kind of stuff, don't worry, this chapter is just there because I want to write a sex scene for the first one and to show how much of a cruel bastard Izuna is so that you won't miss anything.

Also, I remind you that blackmail can destroy lives, so it's not cool and karma always makes sure you pay for it quite dearly so .....

Don't be a jerk.

Tell me what you think.

The sex scene, huh, not the blackmail.


[Sports Festival Stadium, Musutafu, Japan]

The stadium where the UA Sports Festival will take place is packed.

Whether people who have come simply to see the fantastic quirk or professional heroes who have come to judge the new generation of heroes, everyone is looking forward to this new edition of the UA Sports Festival.

However, dear readers, before we dive into the mix of combat, incredible events, and all kinds of quirks.

Instead, let's head to another location to find our friend the wizard.


[Bakugo Residence, Musutafu, Japan]

"What are we going to do, Masaru?" Asks a worried-faced Mitsuki as she and her husband look at a letter clearly explaining their multi-million yen debt out of nowhere.

For a few months now, fate seems to be working against them.

For some unknown reason, her husband's superiors suddenly decided to fire him without any explanation, even worse, it seems that no matter where he applied, he was always rejected.

Mitsuki also tried to find a job, but unfortunately, she was also rejected everywhere.

Both of them didn't want to worry their son, so they didn't say anything and tried to find a solution.

But unfortunately for Mitsuki, she discovered another problem, her husband became addicted to drugs, a particular drug that appeared as early as years ago now.

Even though he denied it, the signs were clear, he became agitated, nervous, and exhausted quickly and put on long sleeve clothes even to go to sleep.

She didn't know what to do, her husband stole from their meager economy to pay for his drugs and as if that wasn't enough, a letter providing more bad news was delivered to their home.

Without them understanding how a debt of several million yen was incurred, they know why now they only have one month to pay, or they will all lose.

"I don't know, I don't even know how we got into such a debt."

Says Masaru as he gets up from his chair before he starts pacing, concern clear in his voice and face.

Masaru's words make Mitsuki frown as she gets up from her chair, giving her husband a piercing and deadly look that he catches a glimpse of before he too frowns at his wife.

"You don't know how we got into such debt, huh? What about your drugs then."

She says to him with an accusing look as her husband pales in the knowledge that she might be right, but he does not want to admit that he is a drug addict, so he prepares to deny it again.

Unfortunately for him, Mitsuki's anger boils over as she slams the table while glaring at her husband.

"STOP LYING." She says as she reaches into her pockets to pull out a bag containing small red crystals (for those who want to know, it's red ice from the game Detroit: Become Human). "And what's this, huh?" She says as she tosses the bag of drugs into his face.

But while she expected him to become nervous, Masaru's face becomes dark, and before she could make a move, a slap violent enough to make her fall on her cheek landed.

She slowly places her hand on his red cheek, unable to believe what just happened, she slowly lifts her eyes to meet her husband who contains only rage as she can see what appears to be a red glow around his body.

"How dare you go through my stuff, you dirty whore." His voice is dripping with hatred as he throws himself at her and puts his hands around her neck and squeezes.

Mitsuki's eyes slowly start to repulse as her consciousness slowly fades.

"AHHHHHH." As Mitsuki felt her life fading away, Masaru tenses up and stands still as lightning bolts dot his body, leaving Mitsuki to take a deep breath of air.

*Clap clap clap*

As Mitsuki catches her breath and Masaru comes to his senses, both of them hear a slow clap, their eyes converge on the noise and then widen in horror as they see one of the most dangerous criminals sitting calmly at their table, eating a piece of cake.

As fear prevents their bodies from moving, Izuna calmly finishes her cake before turning her gaze to the two, a teasing smile on her lips.

"Well, well, what do we have here? The marriage is floundering?" His teasing smile doesn't leave his face as he sets those eyes on Mitsuki and more specifically her body, because let's face it, milfs are life, but I digress.

Mitsuki feels the sorcerer's gaze on her body and her fear only increases because it's no secret that the black sorcerer is particularly fond of women's bodies, raping them before killing them.

Guessing these thoughts, Izuna chuckles with amusement as those eyes are fixed on hers.

"I indeed caused your situation, so I could fuck you, but you're overestimating yourself, what I'm doing now, helps me with my plans for the future."

Mitsuki's body begins to shake in horror, but before she can say a word, Izuna's gaze turns to a paralyzed Masaru.

"Well, as for you, your usefulness ends here." He says, pointing his index finger at Masaru as a green lightning bolt crackles around his finger, and the next second, Masaru's withered body falls to the ground dead before turning to ashes.

Fear rises even more in Mitsuki's heart, but suddenly disappears to give way to a calmness she shouldn't have after seeing someone die.

"Now that this is done, and you are calm, let's talk about our deal." With an unnaturally calm state, Mitsuki sets her eyes on Izuna who smiles mockingly at her.

"Currently, you are a woman without a job, with a child to support, with almost no savings left, no way to get hired, and with a debt amounting to no less than four hundred million yen, which, let's face it, is a lot of money." The more he speaks, the more Mitsuki's anger rises.

It was him, he is the cause of all their misfortunes and now, but most importantly, he is the cause of her husband's addiction and his death, these thoughts start to be chaotic again to be once again forcibly calmed and in this forced calm, a question comes to her mind.

"Why?" She said in a calm tone as she stared at the wizard, who merely chuckled once more as he stood up and walked over to Mitsuki before kneeling in front of her, those eyes roaming over her body with particular attention to those large mounds of flesh and wide hips.

Those eyes finally returned to Mitsuki's as he smiled softly. "Well, for three reasons, the first to fuck you and fulfill a dream of many an otaku, the second is none of your business and finally the third is because I can." (I don't know about you, but in my opinion, fucking this little prick's mother and being able to say to her face "I fucked your mother" would give anyone a pretty incredible feeling of satisfaction)

As she digests the information, Izuna viciously grabs Mitsuki's right breast who groans despite herself from the surprise before frowning in displeasure, but remembering the person in front of her, she just glares at her, which amuses Izuna who finally lets go of her breast before standing up and using her magic to lift Mitsuki and speak in teasing and mocking voice:

"The question that needs to be asked now is, are you going to protect your family and do what it takes for your dear son to pursue his dream or The Bakugo family will end up on the streets and be treated like outcasts watching videos of your husband using illegal substances and committing crimes under the influence of those illegal substances?"

The more Izuna's words come out of her mouth, the more despair rises in Mitsuki's heart, at that very moment, she knows she has only two choices, to prostitute herself or see her family broken.

A full minute passes before Mitsuki low her head with a defeated look as frustration is seen in those eyes and a low, but audible voice:

"If I do what you ask, will you pay the debt?"

His voice contained frustration, while the tone of Izuna's voice was filled with mockery.

"If you are wise and obedient, I will help you pay your debt and of course, no one will know about it, not even the one you are doing this for."

Knowing she has no choice, Mitsuki nods softly, Izuna grabs her chin to put those lips on it, Mitsuki not resisting, the wizard's tongue quickly enters while his right-hand grabs her ass while his left-hand grabs and needs one of those breasts.

Despite her reluctance, Mitsuki can't suppress a moan, much to her shame and to the delight of Izuna who moves closer to her ear to whisper words in her equally teasing voice.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you enjoy it too."


"Oh fuck yeah, keep it up"

In the room of the deceased Masaru and Mitsuki, the latter is naked and kneeling in front of me.

Her head moved vigorously up and down between my legs to suck my cock like a lollipop.

My head back under the pleasure of my cock in her warm mouth as well as her tongue, licking every surface of my nineteen-centimeter cock (let's be honest, having a big cock is nice, but the number of times I've read MCs with thirty-centimeter dicks, I mean, seriously, be realistic, just because you have a big penis doesn't mean you know how to make love, right?) and his hand expertly kneading my balls, which is one of the reasons why I'm so fond of milfs.

"Well, someone is starving, huh?" Despite my taunts, she continues to pump my penis vigorously, not caring about my insults and the hickey noise across the room.

As I feel that I am about to cum, I put my hand on her head to warn her that I am coming, surely thinking that this means it will be over soon, she speeds up these head movements, and after a few minutes as I am about to cum.

I grab Mitsuki's head to pull her back and swing my load onto her face.

A smile creeps across my face as I see my cum smeared on her face. "I love your new makeup, what is it? The essence of Whore."

Even though she glares at me, she doesn't say anything, because, at that very moment, that's exactly who she is.

Her gaze drops to my still hard member and knowing it's not over yet, she rests those hands on it for another blow job, but I stop her before grabbing her and throwing her on the bed, her back against the bed giving me a clear view of her pink pussy.

Wasting no time, I thrust my cock into her cunt with a hard thrust before starting powerful back-and-forth strokes that make those tits move up and down in an almost hypnotic way.

My right hand grabs one of those breasts and kneads it, while my mouth grabs the nipple of the other and nibbles it.

As her pussy gets pounded, Mitsuki tries as hard as she can to hold back those moans, not wanting to give me that pleasure, but her body is not willing to listen and moans are heard in the room, accompanying the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

As I continue to pound her, I feel her body stiffen and tremble as my smile widens, knowing what is about to happen.

And it is with great shame that Mitsuki climaxes just as I pull out to cum on her stomach.

I look at her crotch to see the liquid from her orgasm staining the sheets, I look up to her face to see her panting with a flushed face, but eyes full of shame as my smile only gets bigger.

I turn her over and grab those hips to elevate her ass, I reach up to her ear to whisper in a teasing, mocking voice. "Told you enjoy that." With another hard thrust, I start fucking her doggy style as those moans start filling the room again.

"This is what you were waiting for huh slut, for a real guy to fuck you." I say, slamming into her ass as I increase the speed of my back and forth, increasing those moans.

As I continue to pound her ass, I wonder how this angry little shit would react if he knew I was fucking his mother, the mere thought of his reaction makes me laugh and makes me want to increase the intensity of my pounding, which Mitsuki can't take as she orgasms once again, but not having reached my boiling point yet, I continue to fuck her fat ass.

And for the third time today, she has an orgasm as I pull out to cum on her ass and back.

I could go back for another round, but unfortunately, I have things to do, so I get off the bed as I get dressed before throwing a wad of cash on the bed, which makes Mitsuki frown and turn to me with an angry look.

"What? The deal was that I would help you pay the debt if I fucked you, I never said I would pay it all at once, otherwise, how could I go back to fucking that fat ass? For every romp we have I would pay twenty million yen of your debt, this wad of cash holds two million yen and I would give it to you every time I was satisfied, I have to reward my new cum trash can right?" Those eyes widen in horror as I realize I just fucked her in every sense of the word.

I slip my hand into my pocket to pull out a piece of paper and place it on the coffee table, looking at her as her eyes turn to the floor.

"Call this number when you want to get paid and next time, be more careful when making deals because after all, the devil is in the details." I leave the house, a smile on my face as I can hear Mitsuki's crying through my senses.

'Everything is going as planned, let's move on to the next part of the plan."


Well here goes, this is the first time I'm writing a sex scene, I'm aware that it probably contains a lot of mistakes, so I'd ask you to give me your opinion while being respectful.

Also, let's get some things straight, the MC won't be fucking every woman in every universe, he doesn't decide with his dick.

And before anyone asks, no it's not a harem story, there will be romance later in the story and when the romance starts, the MC will be faithful to the waifu.

And remember, blackmail is for sluts.

Anyway, have a good day or night, ciao.