
The Billionaire Live Twice

Julius Regan, a musician who lives in poverty with a million dreams and aspirations in his life. He intends to propose to his girlfriend, Katty Scolher. However, when he was about to propose to Katty, he found out that the woman was having an affair. He who is heartbroken leaves and gets into a big accident. At the same time, Daniel Richmond, a CEO of a large company, also experienced a similar incident when the car he was controlling went out of control after being chased by a group of his stepmother--Samantha Breux. When he wakes up, Julius is surprised to see him swap bodies with Daniel. That's when he saw the man's spirit asking him to continue his life and also take care of his wife--Amanda Brown. Can Julius do it?

Alkaffy_21 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"Daniel, are you okay now? Are you still in pain? Tell me, don't be silent! Darling ..."

Julius, who was still not fully conscious, became very confused at the behavior of the beautiful woman who kept calling his name by calling Daniel. Meanwhile, he did not know who the woman was. So, Julius chose to remain silent and pretended not to hear.

Until finally, he saw a nurse half running towards the doctor and whispering something. It was clear the doctor's tense face looked at him, and then looked at the woman in turn.

"Mrs. Amanda, can we talk for a minute? I have something to tell you. But—"

"Just talk here, doctor. I don't want to be away from Daniel. Is something serious going on?"

"This is about the accident victim caused by your husband, Madam."

Julius saw the woman's face stiffen when the doctor talked about the accident victim. However, he has not realized that what the two of them are talking about is about him."

"The victim named Julius Regan, the man who was hit by your husband, has died. Right now the corpse is—" the doctor's words stopped when suddenly Julius got up from his bed and grabbed his shirt collar.

"Say it one more time! What happened?"

"Daniel, where are you going? Oh my God, doctor …"

"Mr. Daniel, please calm yourself down. And just realized. Please, this is for your safety too," said the doctor, who seemed to be trying to calm Julius, who kept being called Daniel.

"Let go of your hands! Show me where the hospital morgue is. Now!" Julius snapped at the doctors and nurses.

"Darling, control yourself. You have to stay calm. I don't want you—"

"Show me where the morgue is, Doctor!" said Julius, without heeding the persuasion of Amanda Brown, who claimed to be his wife.

Julius pushed those who tried to block his steps. Although his strength had not recovered, he was able to run out of the room and be pursued by Amanda as well as the nurses and doctors. Until finally, Amanda thought about letting her husband see the victim he had accidentally bumped into in the accident that happened to him a few days ago.

"Stop, doctor. Just let Daniel see the victim due to his negligence. It's just that I ask you, please keep the death of the victim of a collision committed by my husband a secret," Amanda said to the doctor, who looked at her in surprise.

"But, why, madam? As a doctor, this is the same as violating the code of ethics," replied the doctor, as if disagreeing with Amanda's request.

"I just don't want any controversy after the public finds out about the death of the man named Julius Regan. Please, doctor," Amanda answered hopefully.

For a moment, the doctor was silent and weighed the pros and cons. Amanda understood that

"We will talk about the death of the victim of the collision. However, we also ask the Richmond family for help to maintain the good name of the hospital where Mr. Daniel Richmond is being treated. We just don't want to get into trouble later on."

"You take it easy. Let this be a matter for the Richmonds. The important thing is that the hospital can help us cover up the news of the death of my husband's victim."

Meanwhile, Julius, who had found the whereabouts of the hospital morgue, immediately entered it. He asked one of the officers there about the whereabouts of the accident victim's body in the name of Julius Regan, who had just breathed his last.

"He was there. Poor man. I heard he's an orphan. Just because of the stupidity of the rich, he had to die."

"How did you know he was an orphan? Meanwhile, no one knew him at the time of the accident?"

"The hospital is looking for information about this cold-bodied man. Actually, who are you? Do you know him?"

"I was the one who bumped into him …"

"W-what… so you—"

"Can you leave us now? There's something I want to tell him." The hospital officer hurriedly left the morgue, and left the man who was still staring at the corpse with an indescribable look. However, a moment later, he didn't care, and walked away from Julius, who was still staring at the body that had stretched stiffly. He wanted to cry over his own rough body. However, he actually laughed at the words of the owner of the body he was now in. Yes ... Julius had already remembered all about Daniel Richmond's words before his pure soul left to replace his death,

"Take care and protect my wife. Amanda Brown is in danger, and I'm counting on you to take my place to look after my woman. He has no one but me. But, now, I am too gone, and only you can replace me to protect her. In exchange, I will give you a second chance to live a better life, and succeed me as the heir to the Richmond family business empire."

Julius took one more look at his rough, stiff body. The man was right. By becoming Daniel Richmond, he could enjoy life as a man, a rich man like he had always dreamed of. He could also do anything, including taking revenge on Ketty Scholher – the woman who had broken her heart with betrayal, by choosing a handsome and rich man over her poor and destitute self.


life as a businessman and heir to the throne of the Richmond family business empire, which he knows to be the richest family in the city. He also promises to protect Daniel Richmond's wife-Amanda Brown. However, he would never touch her. Because that women belonged to Daniel Richmond, not him. Besides, he didn't know Amanda.

He had to find out who the person who had been trying to kill him before the accident happened. Because, at a glance in Daniel's memory, he saw several people trying to harm him by shooting bullets into the tires of his car. But, whoever the person behind the accident that befell the two of them, he was sure, there was the intervention of someone who knew what he was doing at that time.

"Samantha Breux … I know you were behind the accident that happened to me. I haven't found any evidence of your involvement yet. But I'll find out soon enough."

Julius was surprised when someone hugged him from behind. Warmth spreads instantly as their bodies touch each other. Not long after, he heard a voice that he had been conscious of from the start, always chanting his name.

"Daniel, dear … we have to get back to the treatment room immediately. You're still not fully recovered. Don't worry, I've asked the hospital to take care of this corpse, and bury it properly. But sorry, I had to hide his death from everyone. Because this concerns the good name of the Richmond family. I hope you understand my decision."

Julius chose to remain silent listening to Amanda Brown's story about his rough body. This woman was right, no one should know about her death. It's not time for people to know about it, including Ketty Scholher–the woman who has hurt his heart.

"Apparently, I have to get used to my new name now. Julius Regan is dead. There is only Daniel Richmond now. That's my name now," said Julius in a monologue in his heart.

Meanwhile, Amanda was so surprised to see the presence of her mother-in-law, who was Daniel Richmond's stepmother, when she was having a serious conversation with the doctor. She tried to be calm in front of a woman who had never liked her presence in the Richmonds in the first place. However, when she wanted to give up, it was Daniel who strengthened Amanda, until finally, she married the man she loved.

"You don't give up just because of my stepmother's intimidation. Remember! She is nobody in the Richmond family. Stay with me, then you will be safe. I promise to always take care of you. Even if this soul has left the body," Daniel said at the time, to her.

Now, she was reunited with the woman with the cold eyes. But, Amanda saw something different in her eyes. It was as if there was fear in her eyes. Especially when Samantha made eyes with Daniel, who smiled mysteriously at her.

Amanda doesn't know what happened to her mother-in-law. It's just that Samantha's behavior is not as usual. She, who looks cold and arrogant, now looks like she has no power when she sees Daniel, who is already fine.

"What the hell is going on? Why does Samantha seem so scared of seeing her husband? Is there something to hide? Or … no, it's definitely not possible. C'mon Amanda, don't think negatively of your own mother-in-law."


"Damn! He's really still alive! But, how can that be? Didn't the doctor say that there was no hope for Daniel's life? Then why does he look so fresh now? Was the doctor trying to lie to me?"

Samantha couldn't hide her fear in front of Daniel. In fact, she couldn't believe it when Daniel Richmond–her stepson, seemed to mock her, and made Samantha cornered.

"You're still alive, Daniel? D-didn't the doctor say—"

"As you can see, I'm still alive and well. Why doesn't mom like to see me alive?"

"N-no, it's not like that. It's just that the doctor told me that your life expectancy is zero. Considering the injuries you had at that time. What's more—"

"Proof that I'm still alive. not God. So don't believe it. Where's Dad? Why doesn't he come with you?"

"I just met up with friends. So, your dad doesn't know if I'm visiting. In that case, I will go home first, and invite him here with your lil' brother. He will definitely be happy to hear that you are awake. Amanda, mommy go home first. "

"Y-yes, Mommy. Be careful on the road."

Samantha rushed out of Daniel Richmond's treatment room – her stepson. Along the way she continued to grumble and curse Daniel's healing. In fact, she was already happy when she heard that her stepson was in a coma. But, as it turned out …

Samantha didn't care about the strange stares from the people who saw her along the hospital corridors. Feelings of annoyance and uncontrollable anger due to her failure to kill Daniel Richmond made her seem to have lost her sanity. Not to mention, when she thought of Jonathan Breux–a biological son from a previous marriage, but unreliable in every way. In fact, she has high hopes that one day Jonathan will become the sole heir to her husband's wealth. However, as it turned out, Jonathan only knew how to have fun.

"It's all because of that stupid child. Where is he now? He should have accompanied his mother in this situation, not wandering around in vain. What a useless child!'

Samantha immediately called Jonathan Breux's cell phone – her biological son. She was very angry with her son. Because her son would rather spend time with women of unknown origin than help Samantha plan to seize the Richmond family property.

"Where are you? Hurry home! I am waiting for you at the apartment. Don't you know, your brother,Daniel Richmond, is awake. You useless child!"

Samantha immediately hung up the phone. She immediately drove to Jonathan Breux's apartment. It felt like she wanted to scold her biological child for being stupid. If only Jonathan could be smarter and more reliable, maybe Samantha wouldn't be like this. Of course, her stupid son only knows how to have fun and play with girls. Meanwhile, she needs someone she can count on to take control of Immanuel Richmond's fortune, and get rid of Daniel Richmond for good. However, all her efforts fail. Because, instead, Daniel is still alive.

At first, she thought, with Daniel's death, she could easily get rid of Amanda Brown--Daniel Richmond's son-in-law and wife, and throw her on the street. Because that woman also comes from a family of unknown origins. Moreover, Amanda, before being married to Daniel, lived with her adoptive mother, who is the caretaker of an orphanage at an orphanage.

All his plans were ruined. Daniel Richmond is still alive, and Amanda remains secure in her position as the daughter-in-law of the Richmond family. Meanwhile, she and Jonathan remain number two in the heart of Immanuel Richmond – her husband. Even though she had married a man, still, her position was only the mother, continued Daniel. After all, Immanuel still handed over all his power in the Richmond family company to Daniel Richmond – his biological son, and not to Jonathan.

"I hate this situation …"