
The Billionaire Live Twice

Author: Alkaffy_21
Ongoing · 1.6K Views
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What is The Billionaire Live Twice

Read ‘The Billionaire Live Twice’ Online for Free, written by the author Alkaffy_21, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering REINCARNATION Fiction, R18 Light Novel, MYSTERY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Julius Regan, a musician who lives in poverty with a million dreams and aspirations in his life. He intends to propose ...


Julius Regan, a musician who lives in poverty with a million dreams and aspirations in his life. He intends to propose to his girlfriend, Katty Scolher. However, when he was about to propose to Katty, he found out that the woman was having an affair. He who is heartbroken leaves and gets into a big accident. At the same time, Daniel Richmond, a CEO of a large company, also experienced a similar incident when the car he was controlling went out of control after being chased by a group of his stepmother--Samantha Breux. When he wakes up, Julius is surprised to see him swap bodies with Daniel. That's when he saw the man's spirit asking him to continue his life and also take care of his wife--Amanda Brown. Can Julius do it?

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