
The billionaire's stubborn wife

He looked into her stubborn eyes raging with fury "You have no right over me", She said angrily. She looked both cute and amusing. He held his smile and looked seriously at her. "I actually do, I am your husband". He said to her. "You are unbelievable", she said making funny gestures with her hands. Something he had noticed she always did when she was pissed off. Julia was a spoilt princess who have never worked a day in her life. Nicholas, a ruthless businessman who has some secrets of his own. What happens when there is an arranged wedding? What of when things seems to be going well for them and suddenly in a the blink of an eye, she loses everything? And finally if everything she thought was real was just an illusion and she had no other choice but to leave the man who she started growing to love in order not to get too hurt.

Amarachi_1234 · Urban
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123 Chs

Chapter Ten

"I am officially dropping out" Kristen said acting as if it was the end of the world. "Who sets a test in the beginning of a school year. I'm pretty sure that I will be getting an F or maybe by luck an E"

"It couldn't have been so bad" Mike answered.

Julia, Mike and Kristen were gathered together at a cafe near the school.

"It wasn't so bad and besides, we were told to prepare before time" Julia said.

"A day before the d day is definitely not enough and you know that I had a lot of activity yesterday night" She said.

Her activity involved a party that she attended.

"The questions were quite easy." Julia said.

 "That's easy for you to say. Both of you are literally geniuses in what you are doing because you love it but I'm being forced to do it." Kristen wants to be an actress but her parents made her do a fashion course. Her parents own a fashion company and would want her to take over being the only child.

 Mike is studying computer and he is a genius with codes and hacking. He was already making his money through a company he made but it is not so big yet. The company is fast rising so it wouldn't be long before it becomes a multimillion company. He is the last child out of his siblings having two brothers and a sister so he doesn't have to follow his father's company footstep.

 As for Julia, her parents doesn't pressure her with the family's company so she is free to do whatever she wants. Her cousin is invested in the business so he is most likely to take over after her father. Fashion is Julia's killing point so she is good at what she does.

 "Now Julia, tell us more details about your engagement" Kristen says changing the topic. She hated talking about her parents chosen career. When she told her parents that she wanted to study theatre art, they vehemently refused going as far as telling her that they will cut her off and they were dead serious.

 "We are waiting" Kristen said when they were not getting any response from Julia.

 "I came back home and..." Julia went ahead explaining every detail about the engagement up till the moment they saw him.

"I didn't see him again until the day you both met him" She concluded her story.

"But he acted as if you guys were already chummy. I thought you were already have a secret relationship and hiding it from us" Kristen said.

" We weren't acting chummy and I had a boyfriend remember so having a secret relationship will be the same as cheating like that scumbag." Julia said feeling offended and disgusted as she remembered her ex boyfriend.

"So you both are a we, huh" Typical Kristen turning a harmless world to different meaning.

"Your other half is coming here" Mike said with an amused smile. He hasn't talked since, just listening in and that is what makes him Mike. He can stay without talking except it involves Kristen.

"Hey, Cara mia" Nicholas says when he arrives putting his hands around Julia's waist and hugging her closely as if it was a normal occurence.

Julia was already turning red feeling the heat of his body on her. His scent was so nice that she was tempted to ask what perfume and body conditioner he uses. She involuntarily leaned to inhale his scent when she regained her senses. She had lost her mind for few minutes. She pulled herself out with so much force that he released her.

She could see Kristen smiling at her and it also looked like they had been talking with him and she didn't hear anything. She was too engrossed in his scent.

"We will be going now" Julia said pulling him to follow her because She knew her friends already figured out that she was spacing out. They was even a slight curve in Mike's mouth knowing that he was trying hard not to laugh. His effort was surely not appreciated.

"It's Hidden fantasy from my company but I think it was more of the person using it" Nicholas said once they reached the car.

"What are you talking about?" Her answer came in form of a realization before he even said anything. He had caught her trying to sniff him and accurately guessed her thoughts. She was sure she was already beet red.

"I was just curious and where are we going to, anyway" She said in an attempt to cover up her embarrassment acting as if they was nothing wrong with what she did.

Her change in attitude never fails to amuse Nicholas. The way she blush whenever he teases her and how she always try to act indifferent afterwards were little details that made him smile whenever he remembers her no matter how bad his day was( well, he knew he was smitten and he would be a coward not to recognize and admit his own feelings)

"Get into the car first and I will tell you" He decided to play along with her little drama of indifference because he felt she was embarrassed enough. He was not going to push her too hard.

"Where are we going" She asked once the car started moving.

"So impatient. He said and she scoffed.

"We are going to my family house to meet my father before the engagement ceremony" He told her.

She could feel the forced way in which he said his father as if saying those word irritated him. But that was not what she was about to address.

He was already going towards the direction she presumed would be his family house.

"Aren't you taking me home to change and don't I need to bring a gift" She asked because his parents first impression of her should not be her normal college wear.

"You don't need to impress anyone" He said with so much distaste in his voice. "And not like he sees the clothing in any female" The last part was murmuring but she still heard him.

She was about to ask him what he meant but when she looked at him, he seemed to be in his own world with his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel tightly.