
The Billionaire's Sassy Bride

Mel was eager to explain her situation to Ethan, to let him know the truth behind her dismissal from her previous job. But to her dismay, Ethan refused to listen. With a tone of defiance, he accused her of attempting to seduce him because of his wealth. Despite her best efforts, he remained stubborn and unreceptive to her words. Frustrated and unable to keep her composure any longer, Mel retorted that she only sought the job because she desperately needed it, and had no idea that her savior was the president of the company she had long dreamt of working in. But even then, Ethan seemed unconvinced and unmoved. Just as Mel was about to leave, Ethan's attention was suddenly drawn to a scar on her left hand. As he stared at it in shock and recognition, he realized that it was a scar he had seen before, long ago. Caught off guard, Ethan found himself at a crossroads. Should he trust Mel's story and give her a chance? Or should he let his past cloud his judgment and dismiss her once and for all? As it turns out, the scar was a sign of a connection that Ethan and Mel shared, one that neither of them could have ever expected. Through their struggles and challenges, they would come to rediscover their love for each other and find their way back to each other's arms. Mel's journey is one of resilience and determination, a story that shows that even in the face of adversity, success is within reach. Will you join her on this incredible journey of love and self-discovery?

Priscilla_Agoyi · Urban
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Chapter 2

Driving all the way, Ethan brings the car to a halt in front of Rosewood Medical center, He had earlier informed the Hospital director that he was coming with a patient.

Ethan stepped out of the car. And opened the door of the passenger seat. Upon noticing Ethan's Arrival, Two Nurses came out with a stretcher. "Welcome President Ethan" They echoed

Ethan merely glanced at them without giving a reply to their greetings. Thinking that they would not be able to carry Mel, he does it himself

Ater placing Mel on the Stretcher. He finally spoke. "It's not a serious case, The patient is weak and under the effect of an anesthesia injection" He said this with a cold expression.

"Alright sir. She will be awake soon they said in between shivers, they had earlier been informed of his identity. They looked at the ground when he spoke in fear of getting on his bad side.

Ethan nodded slightly and got into his car, the Nurses hurriedly pushed the Stretcher into the hospital. By the time they came back, he was gone.

"Oh my God, He's so hot" one of the nurses exclaimed, She was stunned by his looks

"He looks like a god!! I saw his face on the News when he Just returned to the country He looked so handsome that I guessed his face was edited, but after seeing him face to face, he looks even more appealing than what the TV shows us" The second nurse commended with an excited face

They walked back into the hospital and were welcomed by curious eyes, "Did you guys really meet with President Ethan" one nurse asked inquisitively

" Of course we did and believe me his looks are unmatched" one of the two nurses replied giggling. The second nurse just kept quiet, She wasn't the talkative type so she just listened like the others

"And the Lady, Is she his girlfriend? another asked loudly. She was inquiring about Mel

"Girlfriend? She isn't, I overheard the director saying she was just somebody he saved from getting abducted, President Ethan would never date someone like that" the Talkative nurse replied laughing. The others joined in

"Aren't you all supposed to be attending to the patients?" A matron questioned from behind

The nurses bowed and returned to their duty post, they knew they would face strict penalties if they were reported to the Director.


After Ethan left the hospital, he drove straight to his office, Ethan was the CEO of LIM Shoes and Clothing. It was a company established by his Late parents. He was just 11 years of age when he lost his parents due to a fire breakout in their home.

Ethan's Uncle, Mr Darth who worked as a Manufacturing supervisor in the shoes department saw this as an opportunity to manifest his greed.

Darth contacted his late brother's lawyer and tried to manipulate him into changing the Will to favor him. The lawyer does not yield to his selfish requests so he employs another means, sending Ethan abroad to study, he takes over the company, putting his son, Liam in charge of the other workers.

Ethan finally returns to Jenovia after spending 16 years abroad, he is now 27 years. He meets the company on the verge of collapsing, his uncle's bad leadership brought it to this state.

Ethan assumes the position of the company's President, and few weeks later he manages to return it to it's original state

Staring at a blue file on the table, he picks it up and begins to review it's content, his face slowly forming into a frown, he dropped it and placed a call. In less than two minutes, there was a knock on the door "Come in" Ethan said in reply. Following the response, Charles walks in, Charles is Ethan's Assistant

"Schedule a meeting with the board members" Ethan said, his face was chilly cold

"Umm.. Sir".. assistant Charles stuttered, He wanted to tell his boss that some board members were absent but the freezing look on his boss's face made him swallow his words.

"Don't keep me waiting, Schedule it NOW Ethan uttered stressing the word "NOW" Tell the others to connect Via Zoom" he added as if reading Charles's mind.

"Yes Boss" Assistant Charles replied, He was thankful that his boss understood what he wanted to say.

"I'm dissolving some officials today so get prepared" Ethan said casting a glance on Charles

Assistant Charles was scared as hell. beads of sweat broke out on his forehead. He could not fathom what was going on in his boss's mind. "Okay Boss" He said with a bow and exited the office.

Ethan stood and walked up to the window, He looked outside for a while and let out a sigh.


Slowly opening her eyes, Mel wakes up, feeling drowsy and weak, She sits up on the bed and begins to survey her surrounding. She discovers it's a hospital and begins to recall the events that led her here. "That god damn pervert!! she said in reference to the CEO of Mindreads.

She stood up from the bed and begins to walk towards the door, suddenly a nauseous feeling hits her and she rushes into the Bathroom Puking out her intestines. She felt relieved and returned back to the room to rest for a while, Just then someone knocks on the door.

"The door is open" she responded grumpily.

A young lady walked in, she was one of the nurses who had brought Mel in, the quiet one precisely. "How do you feel now?" She asked gently.

"I'm weak and nauseous, Um who brought me here" Mel enquired, She remembered that a tall man had appeared to fight off her abductor, but she could not recall who brought her to the hospital. It was at the time the fight began that she lost consciousness.

"Ohh, President Ethan brought you here. He saved you from your abductor" The nurse replied smiling broadly

Why was she referring to a Martial Arts instructors with the President Title, Why didn't she call him Sensei Which means teacher in English, Even if Sensei was too difficult for her to pronounce she should have called him a Teacher in plain English. Mel thought to herself. Well that's the list of my worries , she said in a whisper.

"Did he leave already" She asked looking at the nurse

"Yes he did. I will bring some you drugs to help relieve the discomfort and strengthen you" The nurse replied and left

"He couldn't wait till I woke up. At least I should have gotten to thank him. Thanks Mr Sensei Mel said in a low voice.