

[SLOW BURN] {HEAVY SMUT FROM CHAPTER 100} "You can't hurt me anymore, Ace. I'm not that crybaby you used to know," she warned, taking a step back. "Who said anything about hurting anyone, darling? There's only one place I need to cry for me. One very," his eyes trailed down her body, and stopped between her thighs. "Very moist place." He took two steps forward, and closed the gap between them. Ace is the legitimate heir to the Atticus dynasty, but there's a condition. Grandpa before his death says he cannot fully inherit everything until he gets married, and stays married for at least a year. Quick to think, he finds a solution to his dilemma; A contract marriage. With the help of his personal assistant, Grant, He finds Fay Landon. Dainty Fay that cries a lot, and can talk a storm. He vows it's only a marriage of convenience, until the redhead let's her hair down, and shows him the woman behind the tears. She falls first, but he falls harder. In the middle of the war for a billion dollar empire, heartless Ace Atticus will learn that to come out victorious, he needs a Fay up his sleeve. THIRD MONTH OF WIN-WIN. PLEASE SUPPORT ME WITH YOUR VOTES, COLLECTIONS, REVIEWS, COMMENTS, AND GIFTS. THANK YOU.

angel_freeborn · Urban
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181 Chs


The woman marched forward, and stopped right in front of him.

"What is this?" She asked, looking between him, and Fay.

Fay who wasn't used to such debacle, moved behind Ace.

"Why are you here?" He questioned, getting his voice back.

"Why am I here?" She scoffed, turning her head around. "Why am I here?" She repeated, folding her hand into a fist. "You have quite the nerve to ask why I'm here."

"You've basically said nothing, so yes I'm asking again, why are you here?" He stared her head on.

If he had to take a guess, he would swear his Aunt had something to do with this.

There was no coincidence here. Not this time.

"I don't have to answer your ridiculous question, but here goes. I'm attending your grandfather's burial because I thought it was the right thing to do as a girlfriend. But what do I get in return? Walking into your wedding? Please tell me this is some sort of joke!" She hissed like a snake, spitting out venom.

A shudder ran through Fay, as she peeked from the back of Ace. She couldn't believe her ears.

He had a whole girlfriend, but still sought her out for a sham of a marriage.

"Why would he do that?" She questioned in her head.

"I think that's enough Reign. Now's not the time for petty arguments." Ace grandmother said, from the spot she stood.

"I don't think you should get involved in this mum. Ace is a big boy. He can handle himself." Celine countered with a devious smirk on her face.

That pretty much confirmed it for him. She was the orchestra behind this loud instrument in his ears.

Pretty she was, but not his cup of tea anymore.

"My grandma is right Reign. You need to leave, I'm afraid." He dropped the bomb, and a loud gasp reverberated round the room.

"What? You want me to leave? Because of this skank?" She pointed a finger towards Fay, who quickly held on to Ace in fear.

Ace inhaled sharply. He said a quick prayer of patience, before speaking again. "I don't appreciate you using such names on my wife. Yeah you heard that right? my wife. Now if you have an issue with congratulating the newlyweds, I'll like to kindly ask you again, to leave." He gestured towards the door.

Reign snickered in disbelief. There was no way she was being so casually dismissed in the presence of basically every member of the Atticus dynasty.

If her father found out about this, he would wage war.

Fortunately for Ace, she loved him too much to risk the wrath of her father on him, just because he was blinded by this slut.

Her eyes went to Fay, and it squinted in disgust. She was beautiful no doubt, but in an angelic kind of way.

That wasn't the kind of woman a powerful man like Ace needed.

Instead, he needed someone like her. Strong, beautiful, devastatingly sexy. All the things he used to like, until he suddenly, didn't.

"Hey slut, I won't just let this go. You'll pay for stealing my man." She shot at Fay, who had her head buried to the ground.

Ace didn't need to turn to know her eyes were probably teary now.

An overwhelming urge to defend her clouded his chest. "This is the last time I'll tell you to leave, Reign. You do not want to cross me." His voice dropped dangerously low, and she knew it was over; at least, for now.

"This isn't over Ace Atticus." She glared at him, then spinned around, and walked away.

All eyes were on her as she left. One eyes in particular threw her face to the side in disappointment as she walked past her.

Celine was furious. Her one shot at stopping this madness not only arrived late, but managed to do absolutely nothing.

She took little calming breaths, as she faced forward.

Once more, her gaze locked with Ace. However, he didn't waste time on her.

Rather, he turned to his wife, and raised her chin up to meet his eyes.

"What ju-st ha-ppened?" She stuttered, with tear stained eyes.

"Pay it no mind. I'll explain when we get home. For now, you're my wife. We're married. There's nothing anyone can say to change that. Okay?"

Slowly, she nodded. She wasn't fully convinced, but glancing at the curious faces of everyone made her realize she was the outcast here.

The only person she knew, even though barely, was Ace.

If she was going to survive this rash decision she took, she had to put her faith in him.

"Okay." She said aloud, just in case he had misunderstood her head gesture.

"Good." He clasped her hands in his, and turned her around to face the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Mr and Mrs Atticus." The priest announced.

Everyone rose to their feet, and began to clap.

Fay's eyes couldn't stop bumping into different faces, which made her even more nervous than she already is was.

She decided to focus on the big wall clock,when her eyes found a woman's in the crowd.

Her eyes darted between Ace, and the woman. There was an uncanny resemblance there.

She was beautiful too, and had kind eyes. She couldn't help the smile that consumed her face.

As if the woman was communicating with her, she smiled too, causing a warmth in Fay's chest.

She didn't feel like an island any longer. It didn't matter that she didn't know who that woman was. Something told her, she had found a friend.

"Please take your seats, so we can proceed with the funeral." The priest pointed to the empty dual chair, that had somehow appeared whilst they were distracted by the crowd.

Ace led Fay forward, and the screams increased as they took their seats.

The funeral continued, and half an hour later, it was completed.

They said the grace, and were dismissed, after an announcement for individuals to say their last words before the casket was finally closed.

Amazing grace began to play, and as Ace turned his head to his wife, he found her bawling her eyes out.

"Are you okay?" He bent his body slightly towards her.

"I'm fine," She sniffled into the handkerchief the priest had been kind enough to lend her. "It was just a really beautiful sermon. Your grandfather must have been a really great man."

As he watched her explain, he was gobsmacked. To see her feel this strongly for a man she never met, scared him.

He who was never scared of anything, was down right terrified.

"Have I made a mistake?" He quizzed himself.

But as he withdrew his eyes from his wife, his mother appeared before him, with

his two sisters beside her.

"My son." She spread her arms for a hug.

He stood, and hugged her. His sisters joined in the hug, but it didn't last long.

He quickly withdrew his body, and cleared his throat.

"I can't believe you've finally grown up, and found yourself a wife. If your father was here, he would be so proud of you." She beamed, despite the tears in her eyes.

"And what a beauty she is too." Blair, one of the twins said.

"She really i---" The other was saying, when she looked, and found Fay crying.

"Mum." She touched her mother, and pointed at Fay.

"Oh my God Ace! Have you already scared the poor girl." She brushed past him, and went to her.

Fay feeling a presence before her, raised her head up. Reflexively, she smiled through her tears at the sight before her.

"You're the pretty lady Ace really looks like." She blurted out.

Gabrielle sent a chiding look to her son, unsurprised at the fact he never mentioned his family to her.

He shrugged, and faced forward.

"I'm Ace's mother, Gabrielle." She introduced herself.

"You are?" She tried to get Ace attention to bail her out, but he wasn't looking at her. She decided to turn it around, herself. "Of course you are! Forgive me for not instantly recognizing you. It was just a really powerful service."

"I can see that. Explains the tears." She giggled.

"I'm sorry for crying more than the bereaved." She quickly wiped her face with the back of her hand.

"No that's okay, love. It only means one thing; you have a good heart. My son is one lucky man. Welcome to the family Mrs Fay." She cheesed, and it was so infectious, Fay couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you."

"Yeah, welcome to the family." A voice said behind them.

They turned their head at the same time to see Celine, and Ace's grandmother.

"Grandma." Ace bowed, completely ignoring his Aunt.

"My child," She patted his shoulders, a fond glint in her eyes. "Come, show me your wife." She said with in a tone filled with pride.

Gabrielle raised Fay up, and presented her to Ace's grandmother.

"I'm so sorry about your loss ma'am. Your husband sounded like a delight. I wish I met him." Fay said.

"But you did. You fulfilled one of his biggest dreams. For that alone, I want to personally welcome you to the family." She stretched out a hand for a shake, but Fay had other ideas.

She moved forward, and hugged the older woman.

Everyone watched in surprise. The matriarch of the Atticus dynasty did not just hug anyone.

Surely, not a newcomer.

Gabrielle, and her daughters beamed. Ace was pleased, but he came even more pleased, when he saw the rage in his aunt's eyes.

He drew closer to her, and whispered. "Careful with the scowl. The cosmetic surgeons these days are not that good. You know, cus age isn't exactly on your side anymore."

She expertly held her tongue from lashing at him, directing her energy towards her mother instead.

"That's enough mum. We should leave." She practically dragged her out of the hug.

"I didn't know hugs felt that good. You smell divine my child." She praised Fay, making her entire face turn crimson.

"You smell glorious too ma'am." Fay said.

"Can I leave with my bride?" Ace intercepted with an announcement.

"You both should come to the house. We're having a little celebration on behalf of your grandfather. It could double as your reception." The old woman suggested.

"This is getting ridiculous." Celine shook her head.

"You know what, I think that's a great idea. Are you up for it Fay?" He asked.

She didn't know how she knew, but she did know he wanted her support in this. Even if it was all fake, they were one now, and she was eager to prove her usefulness. "I'll go anywhere with you, husband."

He blinked in surprise, but damn, was he proud.

Whew, another chapter!

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