

  Rex's POV 

  I can't help but feel sorry for Scarlet. If only I can tell her everything to at least ease her feelings, I wish I had just told her long ago. But no, we all have to trust Tyron for the plan to be successful.

  So that they can fix their broken hearts.


  I'm here at the hotel where Ellaine checked in. I intend to talk to her, maybe something will change.

  When I got to the floor where her room was, I prepared myself. But I was surprised when I saw Ellaine talking to someone on her phone and she didn't seem to notice me yet. She was talking seriously here, I couldn't even hear the voice of the person she was talking to but I could hear everything she said.

  "Okay...good-good! Yes…I want that alive...of course...any machine that makes that baby live ....oh yes, any machine and incubators... Just name your price ...thank you bye "

  I wondered. I immediately turned around and simply left using the Fire exit. I hope she didn't notice me.