

  Years later... 

  " Congrats Scarlet! You never disappoint me! " 

  Sir greeted me. I am a graduate of what I studied. By the way, I'm here in Canada, I studied here for my course and because of this, my talent is enhanced. My skills.

  I just thanked him as I approached my friends.

  "Hey, congrats Ms. Valedictorian! I'm sure every company will send an appointment with you. You're so good!"

  I am flattered because the school had a party for the last time we stepped here. How many years have passed since I left Ty for this?

  "Thank you. I'm also proud of both of you"

  Then I hugged them. We just laughed and they hugged me too. After a while, I looked at my wristwatch. It's already 5:30 and I'm already dead.

  "Ah guys. I'm going home, congratulations again"

  They smile and nod. I gave them a peck on the cheek before leaving and headed to my car outside. I saw RJ leaning against my car.

  I came closer and he immediately hugged me.