
The Billionaire’s Dirty Game

When Emma Kings, a single mother and small-town bakery owner’s daughter, gets entangled in billionaire Jason Wells’ web of wealth and power, she must fight to escape with her life. But when what was supposed to be a simple and straightforward business proposal, turn into a dangerous game of bet and deceit. And what was meant to be a game, turn into a fiery attraction. Jason Wells must decide if what he wants is the Bakery or Emma kings. And Emma kings must decide if getting entangled with Jason Wells is just to save her mother’s bakery or there’s more. And as tension escalates, lives threatened and feelings hurt, they both must confront the consequences of their action. Will they survive the game, or will karma eventually catch up with them?

Elizabeth_Ebenezer · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Jason’s POV

As I walk into the bakery, I'm immediately struck by the warm and inviting atmosphere. The sweet aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air,and the sound of friendly chatter and clinking cups create a cozy ambiance.

I spot Emily the owner,standing beside her,a younger version of her. 

"Hello Emily" I smile trying to sound suave.

My eyes lingering on the lady beside her,she's slim,and petty,probably 5'5 or 5'6,with a dark brown,shoulder length wavy hair and dark green eyes. Her heart-shaped face and high cheekbones gave her a striking appearance.

"oh hi Jason," she says smiling back "this is my daughter Emma" nodding her head towards the lady beside her. "Emma,this is Jason Wells," she says to her. "He's — " She's interrupted by the ringing of a phone. It's Emma's phone.

She pick it briefly,then whispers something to her mum and leaves without a second glance at me.

"I'm sorry about that," Emily apologies once she's gone. "It's my grandson,there's a problem at school."

Of course, she is married. "No problem" I smile warmly.

"Let's go into my office and talk"

"Sure," I say following her into the office.

As we sit down,I can't help but notice the family photos to on the wall, showcasing Emma's growth from a little girl to the beautiful woman I just met. There's also one of a little toothless boy,a striking image of both Emily and Emma,presumably the grandson.

"So my company reached out to you few weeks ago," I start and she nods.

"We're interested in discussing a business opportunity with you, Emily"

"Yes they mentioned that. What exactly do you want?" She asked her eyes narrowing slightly.

"A potential partnership"

She raised an eyebrow, "what kind of partnership?"

"We'd like to invest in your bakery,help you expand and modernize. In return,we'll take a 50% stake in the business"

She chuckled as though I cracked a joke. "50%?"

Of course I didn't expect her to give in easily. 

"I know you're struggling" I play my first card " we can help you, bring in new capital,new ideas,and a fresh perspective. Together we can take this bakery to new heights" I say smiling.

She looks at me disgusted,I just know I just played dirty.

"Mr. Wells," she starts

"Jason, please" I beam a smile 

"Jason, I appreciate your interest,but no,I'm not interested,thank you very much for stopping by" she begins to get up dismissing me.

I smile. Challenge accepted. I didn't get to where I am on the corporate ladder by backing down from a challenge. My business acumen and strategic thinking all came from a ruthless determination.

"This is a golden opportunity Emily,you should at least take a look at the proposal. Your bakery is in the heart of the city,if not me,then someone else will definitely come for it,and they may not be as nice as I am" I say still seated.

"What are you implying?" She asked 

"I'm not implying anything,I'm just stating facts"

I'm not the only one that has eyes on Nana's Sweet treats (Em's bakery),if I don't secure the deal,my reputation and business empire will suffer.

My competitors will pounce on the opportunity ,and I'll be seen as weak.

"Thank you very much for your concern but we're comfortable the way we are now" she said 

"Comfortable? Emily you're barely scraping by. You need an influx of capital and expertise to compete with the big players. I can offer that."

She moves to the door and opens it.

"Thank you for stopping by Mr. Wells,you may leave now"

"Sure" I get up "thank you for having me Mrs. Wilson"

"It's Ms" she corrects.

"Oh,sorry, Ms Wilson" I nod heading out.

As I walk out of the bakery,I can't help but feel a sense of frustration.

I can't help thinking about my father's words: " always get what you want, no matter the cost."

He was a ruthless man who built his empire through mergers and acquisitions. I learnt from him,but I also know that sometimes you need to be more strategic and calculating.

I know I'll be back,and next time I won't be so polite.

Just as I'm about to step off the curb,my phone rings. It's Rachel my assistant, I had asked her to run a thorough background check on the Wilsons. I hope she has good news.

"Jason,I've got something," she says "Emma's past is complicated," she paused and I can sense a hint of intrigue in her voice "I can't say it over the phone,you need to see it for yourself,I'm sending it right away" 

Immediately I get a ping on my phone,and i open the file Rachel sent.

My eyes scan the content and a sly smile spreads across my face. This is the leverage I need. Card number two, and maybe my last card. Checkmate, Emily.