
The Billionaire’s Dirty Game

When Emma Kings, a single mother and small-town bakery owner’s daughter, gets entangled in billionaire Jason Wells’ web of wealth and power, she must fight to escape with her life. But when what was supposed to be a simple and straightforward business proposal, turn into a dangerous game of bet and deceit. And what was meant to be a game, turn into a fiery attraction. Jason Wells must decide if what he wants is the Bakery or Emma kings. And Emma kings must decide if getting entangled with Jason Wells is just to save her mother’s bakery or there’s more. And as tension escalates, lives threatened and feelings hurt, they both must confront the consequences of their action. Will they survive the game, or will karma eventually catch up with them?

Elizabeth_Ebenezer · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Emma’s POV

Asher refuses to go to school again and we've been parked in the drop-off zone for over five minutes. I try to coax him out with my sweetest voice, "Ash baby, talk to me, what's wrong?"

He pouts, his arms crossed, looking out the window. "I don't want to go to school today. I want to come to the bakery with you."

I sigh, frustrated. This is the second time he's refused to go to school this week, and it's only Tuesday.

I offer a compromise. "If Cole is still bothering you, I could come meet your teacher."

He shakes his head, his messy brown hair flying. "No, don't do that!" His big blue eyes plead with me.

I try another tactic. "Okay, how about this? I'll have your favorite cupcake and milkshake ready when you're back from school, but you won't get it if you don't go." 

He drops his arm, his pout deepening. "Okay," he says softly. "I'll go."

I breathe a sigh of relief and watch him climb out of the car and join the stream of students heading into school. He's growing up so fast, almost 5 feet tall at just 5 years old. He turns back to wave at me before disappearing into the crowd of kids. I drive away, praying that no incidents occur today and that he finally stands up to the kid bullying him, though I know Asher isn't violent – mischievous, yes, but not violent.

As I arrive at the bakery, the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread and pastries fills the air, mingling with the hum of mixers and the chatter of customers. It's the morning rush, and I'm late. Mom is at the counter, expertly piping a border of chocolate ganache onto a tray of cupcakes. She looks up as I walk through the door. "Finally," she exhaled. "What happened?"

I tie on my apron and explain, "Asher refused to go to school again." She looks concerned. "Again? He's usually excited about going to school. If he's reluctant now, it must be pretty bad." I nod in agreement. "I know. I'll find a time to go see his teacher."

Just then, Mom mentions that my father was there earlier, which raises my suspicions. "What did he want?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at her. "Just came to get coffee and muffins," she replied. I press her for more information. "You're sure it's just that?" She shrugs. "He wanted some money too."

I'm pissed. "The hell. What for?" I ask, but she doesn't respond. I study her curly brown hair and warm brown eyes – Asher looks just like her. If you didn't know better, you'd think he was hers. Her eyes soften. "Mum," I exclaim in disbelief. "We talked about this." I sighed

"I know,I know. He promised he won't come back again"

I scoffed. That's a lie and she knows it.

I know my father,he's just taking advantage of her. He knows how soft mum is,that she'd cave regardless,that's why he keeps coming back — especially when I'm not around cause he knows I won't let her.

"stop being foolish Emily, that boy will be back" Nana,my mother's mum says coming out of the kitchen.

She always refer to my father as 'that boy' because in her words,he isn't fit to be called a man.

My mother doesn't respond,she leaves to go assist our other waitress.

"Hey nana" I greet her. Didn't get to see her this morning cause as usual,she leaves early to come bake the morning batch.

"Hey baby girl" she comes close to hug me,smelling of cinnamon and vanilla,her signature scent,my favorite scent.

I can't believe my father would come to the bakery, knowing he's not supposed to ask for money. And now, he's put Mom in a difficult position. I'm frustrated and worried about how this will affect our finances.

As I head back to work, I notice a familiar face in the crowd - Cole's mother, Mrs. Johnson. She's standing in line, waiting to buy some pastries. I feel a surge of anxiety, wondering if she's here to cause trouble.

As Mrs. Johnson approaches the counter, I try to stay professional and friendly. "Good morning! What can I get for you today?"

She smiles sweetly, but I can sense a hint of condescension. "Just a few pastries, dear. And by the way, how's Asher doing?"

I try to keep my cool, knowing she's just trying to stir up trouble. "He's doing well, thanks for asking."

She raises an eyebrow. "Really? I heard he's been having some issues at school."

I force a smile, trying not to engage. "Just the usual adjustment problems, nothing serious."

She nods, but I can tell she's not convinced. "Well, if you ever need any advice on how to handle a difficult child, I'm always here to help."

I grit my teeth, trying not to respond to the jab. "Thank you, Mrs. Johnson. I'll keep that in mind."

"Don't talk to my grand baby like that" Nana comes to my defense.

Mrs. Johnson smiles tightly,greets Nana and leaves in a haste without replying.

"You shouldn't let them talk to you like that, Emma," she caution for the 100th time. "Else they'll never stop"

I know what she means. It's being this way since I came back to the town pregnant with Asher. I became the town's model, "don't be like Emma" they warned their kids, "that's what happens when you go around sleeping with men instead of focusing on your studies" they say. 

It's been over five years now and still they don't let it go.

I decide to focus on my work,putting the thought aside. The morning rush is intense, with a long line of customers waiting to buy our freshly baked bread and pastries. I work efficiently, taking orders and handling payments with a smile.

As the morning slows down, I take a short break to grab a cup of coffee and chat with Mom. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask, noticing her worried expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replies. "Just a bit stressed. I need to tell you something" she say, her voice low and serious.

"What is it mum?"

Just then the door swung open and a man walks in. He's new; i know this because I haven't seen this face before. He looks out of place,like he doesn't belong here.

He's tall, broad-shoulders with piercing blue eyes and a strong jawline. His dark blonde hair is stylishly messy, and his tailored suit accentuated his fit physique.

He smiles at my mom, "Hello Emily,I'm Jason Wells" he stretches his hand for a handshake,mom grabs it

I'm curious,who is this man?,what business does he have with my mother.

"Oh hi,Jason…this is my daughter,Emma" mum says to him,then turns back to me. "Emma,this is Jason Wells, He's—"

My phone rings interrupting mum. 

It's the school. Asher's been in a fight and they need me to come right away.

My heart sinks, i quickly tell mum in her ears then dash out the door,Jason Wells totally forgotten,replaced with Asher. It's only when I'm in my car driving off that I realize that mum never got to tell me what he was coming for.