
The Big O: The Final Act - Act 35: The Memories of Tomorrow

New changes come to light as everyone begins moving forward with their lives. Roger and Dorothy finish up their largest cases. The future of Big O and Roger comes into question, making Roger reevaluate his purpose along with Big O’s. Dorothy comes to terms with her father’s actions. Roger concludes terms with Dorothy.

ReikaR33 · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: The Future Of The City

Norman took his duty seriously. He borrowed the book Dr. Plebanski had shown me the verse that Dorothy had recited on that fateful day with Angel in the hangar. He looked over verses, coming to me and Dorothy for input on what to say. In terms of the vows, Dorothy wanted something traditional, and I agreed for the most part, with the exception of some minor tweaks. Norman worked late into the night on some nights in the dining room, muttering to himself, and constantly improving his notes. I found it amusing and comforting at the same time.

With the additional information of building mechas, not like the Bigs, but more on a smaller scale, we created a proposal for Dastun to have a mobilized mecha unit to be used by the Military Police. Dastun had always felt it was his job to protect the city, even when those problems got too big to handle. I figured this proposal would at least help him sway us into our favor, now having a tool the MP could use to fight the criminal underworld. There were still many parts of robots in the subway that could be restored or sold, so I understood his concern to be ready for those who had the technical know-how to restore them and use them for nefarious purposes.

At the next meeting, we presented our rough outline to the special council. Angel was on board immediately, which Dorothy and I took as a good sign. Dastun liked the proposals and so did the Vice President. However, the one thing Dorothy and I couldn't figure out was what to call it. Even Angel pointed out it would be hard to found a such an organization without the name and without a symbol. Dorothy countered that it took Angel and Batter nearly a month and half to figure out the name for the new territory and make a new flag, to which Angel chuckled.

As November came a close, we celebrated the news of Angel's pregnancy. It was just me, Dastun, Angel, and Dorothy. Dastun and I got terribly drunk, and according to Norman, made the girls laugh by trying to sing, not being able to hold a tune. Dorothy managed to keep me away from the piano mercifully. At some point, Dastun and I passed out on the couch and the girls had retired to the bedroom as sunlight woke me and Dastun with nasty headaches.

The end of November finally arrived, and I was on edge. The twins were due anytime. Dorothy's belly had grown very big, and I found myself missing being able to wrap my arms around her. Our latest visit to Dr. Plebanski showed that the twins were healthy, and the babies were in vertex. Dorothy was beginning to have persistent contractions, off and on, and we knew the time was soon.

A storm rolled in from the sea on a late November morning. Roger was out on the back courtyard, the wind picking up speed. He had stepped out to get some fresh air from the office, still trying to brainstorm names for the new organization for the proposal and ideas for a symbol. He sighed. It seemed like that would have to wait as his fresh air time was being cut short by the incoming storm. He stepped inside, locking the doors. Norman walked in with some tea and extra candles and flashlights. Dorothy was sitting on the couch, reading Robin Hood, figuring out what story to do for the annual play at the clinic. She had been having persistent contractions on and off throughout the week, but visits to Dr. Plebanski always ended the same way. She was not ready yet. This also did not help Roger's mind. Early this morning, she complained of unusual strong contractions, but then they stopped. She told Roger to go back to sleep. Instead, he stayed up, thinking about the proposal.

"I have the generators on standby in case we need them, but for the time being, I have brought extra candles and flashlights in case the power does go out. According to the radio, it seems like this will be a large storm," said Norman, setting down the tray, pouring a cup of tea for Dorothy and Roger.

Roger sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I hope not. I was trying to get fresh air to clear my head."

"Roger, you've been focusing on that proposal for a while now. Even Angel said it can wait to the first of the year. Relax. Come, sit with me, dear…" and Dorothy patted the seat next to her.

Roger gave a small smile and sat next to Dorothy, accepting his tea from Norman.

"Anything else, sir, ma'am?"

Roger looked at Dorothy and she shook her head no. "No, I think we're good. Thanks Norman."

Norman bowed, retreating to the kitchenette to begin preparations for lunch. Dorothy took a few sips of her tea, before setting the cup down and leaning into Roger. Roger leaned back, crossing his legs, stroking her hair absentmindedly.

"I'm gonna miss this," Dorothy said in a low voice.

"Mmm? Miss what?"

Dorothy gestured at her belly. Roger snickered.

"After all the complaining from the lack of sleep, not being able to eat certain things, not being able to do certain activities…"

"Ha ha, very funny. I mean, despite all that, it's been fun. Today the lower back pain has been annoying though…"

Roger chuckled. "Yeah, I suppose it has been fun. I can rub your back if you want, to see if that helps."

Roger began massaging Dorothy's back to ease the pain. She was enjoying it until there was a bright flash of lightning, followed by a loud clap of thunder that shook the mansion. The power went out shortly afterwards.

"Well, that didn't last long," groaned Roger, moving to get up to go check on the generators, but Norman had entered the living room.

"Rest, Master Roger. I will see to generators."

Roger nodded his head, leaning back in the sofa. Dorothy curled next to him, and he began stroking Dorothy's hair again.

"What's on your mind?" she asked.

"Mmm? Oh… well the proposal…" Roger replied.

"It's really bothering you, isn't it?"

"I'm trying to determine our role in this. I'm not sure what to call us, you, me, and Big O and there's designing of an emblem or symbol to represent this organization and us, since you, I, and Big O are a team."

"Why not use Negotiator?"

"That's already our job though."

"I mean, that's pretty much how you've written it up anyway."

"Correction, you wrote that part. You have more finesse and patience in the political negotiations than I have."

Roger playfully ruffled her hair, Dorothy giggling. She sat up.

"Come on, let's play chess."

"Really, now? Can't really see and I'm a bit tired. This weather is starting to put me to sleep…" and he stretched, yawning.

There was a flash of lightning, followed by thunder once more.

"I see. So, Roger Smith can save the world, but taking on his wife in a chess match is too much for him."

"A little below the belt, doncha think?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Not really. I mean…" Dorothy shrugged, smiling.

"Okay, I see how it is. Fine, I accept." He got up, finding the chess board and a spare chair and brought them over to the living room table, emergency lighting now coming on.

"What color do you want to be?" he asked, setting up the board.

"Hmm… white."

Roger smirked, switching the board around so she could be white. They began playing in earnest, Norman poking his head in the living room as he returned from turning on the generators, the living room now bathed a dim light with an occasional flash of lightning.

"I see they're keeping themselves busy. Now back to preparing lunch," he said to himself as he went into the kitchenette.


The game had turned into a stalemate and had continued into lunch time. Both had put up a great defense against each other, snagging many pieces. Roger was left with a queen, his bishop, and knight. Dorothy on the other hand, had both sets of rooks and knights. Many pawns were left on the board as well for each side; however, most were key in preventing check. It was Dorothy's move, and she was thinking hard. Roger was trying to distract her with the flashlight, snickering.

"That won't work," she said, not taking her eyes off the board.

"Eh, I was testing the battery." He set the flashlight down.

Roger had moved his queen in a decent position. Dorothy could take it with the rook, but it would leave her king exposed. However, her eyes landed upon her knight. She could take his queen, but lose her knight. However, the queen was proving to be troublesome and if Roger took her knight, she would be down to one. However, taking the queen would open up a path to his king. She just needed to move more pieces around the board. Dorothy acted quickly, swiping Roger's queen. Roger looked dumbfounded.

"Eh? What the… really?"

"Yes, really. You're proving to be a nuisance."

Roger scowled, swiping her knight off the board. "Nuisance am I? I got a demotion from louse?"

Dorothy snickered. "I wouldn't consider it a promotion in the first place."

Roger pouted. "You're no fun."

Dorothy sighed loudly. "I really hate this…" and she got up slowly.

"Bathroom again?"

She nodded. "They keep putting pressure on my bladder. I'm sorry. And these off and on contractions don't help, especially with the back pain."

"Don't worry about it. You need help getting there?"

"No, I got it…." And she headed for the master bedroom. Roger chuckled.

"Well, the game is not a total loss. I could still win," he said to himself.

He looked over at the French doors, the rain coming down in sheets. Roger could barely see outside. The golden dome, which had been a part of the skyline for so long was halfway dismantled. Roger had been taking pictures of its progress. Normally, he did not concern himself with preserving memories, but after everything that happened, he found himself documenting things more with the camera. He had taken some decent pictures of Dorothy pregnant and Norman cooking. Norman had snapped some nice ones of them playing the piano, chess, or sleeping on the couch. He was planning on making a photo album for Dorothy for Heaven's Day, but was waiting for the twins to be born so he could include them in it, as well as the wedding.

The plans had been going well for the wedding. The sale of the land had been approved and Roger and Dorothy decided on a long house style. Beck called it a ranch, for reasons related to memories, with a wraparound porch. Dorothy adored the design and Roger had admired it as well. Ground was set to break in the spring, once the ground had warmed up. However, they were able to secure the supplies for the wedding, mainly a large tent that would house the ceremony and reception. Roger was still debating on whether to bring Big O. Dorothy had suggested it, seeing as everyone who would be attending knew of his status as a pilot. And had it not been for him, they wouldn't even be here right now.

It's been worth it. I would do it all over again if I had to, just to keep this.

He took in a deep breath, finally feeling himself beginning to relax when he heard a loud shout from the bathroom.

"NORMAN!" yelled Roger, as he got up, running to the bedroom, vaulting himself over the railing. He ran inside and into the bathroom, finding Dorothy, gasping, looking down at herself.

"My… my water broke…." She stammered. She then began to grimace in pain, leaning forward. Roger minded his step, grabbing the towels from towel rack and throwing them on the floor to absorb the fluid, grabbing her and steadying her on the sink. He took off his suit jacket, loosened his tie, and began rolling up his sleeves.

"Okay, okay, this is happening and in the middle of a storm… NORMAN!"

Norman appeared suddenly, looking disheveled as he had been cleaning up the kitchenette and put the leftovers in the fridge in a hurry. He saw the fluid on the floor, Roger laying Dorothy down gently. He understood.

"I'll get Dr. Plebanski and Miss Carlye immediately, sir!"

"Norman, hurry!" Roger sat behind Dorothy, providing her support. Dorothy groaned in pain. Roger looked at her.

"Do you think you can move to the bed?"

Dorothy shook her head frantically. "No… the pressure… the pain… it hurts!"

"You're fine, I have you. Just remember to breath. Just like on the mat, remember? Come on…"

"You… being… calm… is rather… irritating…!!!" she yelled as she felt contractions get stronger. Roger smiled sheepishly, then began guiding Dorothy in a breathing exercise.


The stormed had delayed Dr. Plebanski and Carlye by a couple hours. Norman had to take the Griffon to go pick them up. The hardest part had been getting Dr. Plebanski's equipment in the car as the rain was coming down in sheets and the gusts of wind made it difficult to load the car. In some cases, the wind proved to be too strong, and they had to wait out the gusts. Roger stayed with Dorothy as the storm raged on, walking Dorothy through breathing exercises. By the time they had showed up, Dorothy was near full dilation, complaining that the contractions were getting stronger than before. Dr. Plebanski, although soaking wet, checked her over once more.

"She's there! She had to be in active labor all morning. Dorothy, honey, on the next contraction, you'll need to push."

"Wha…" she groaned in pain again.

"You need to breath, Dora girl," Roger warned gently, and he began a breathing exercise with her, Dorothy tried following along, but the pain forced her to stop.

"I can't! It hurts!"

"Yes, you can! You helped me defeat Big Gamma. You got this. I know you do. What did we fight for? In order to create the memories of tomorrow…"

"We fight for the preservation of today…" she grunted out.

"Come on, we're doing this, together… for them… now breath with me. Come on…"

Roger began again, Dorothy following along.

"Excellent work, you two," said Carlye, wiping the sweat off Dorothy's brow.

Dr. Plebanski put the stethoscope on Dorothy's belly, listening intently as she moved it around.

"I got heartbeats, and they sound fine." She checked Dorothy again, who groaned again.

"I think there's one coming…" Dorothy grunted.

"Relax child, don't force it. Just go with the flow. Did she have contractions, strong ones at all today, Roger?"

"She had some strong contractions early this morning, but she told me to go back to bed. She didn't think much of them, seeing as they've been bothering her off and on," said Roger, holding Dorothy tight.

"Well, we're here now and hold a sec… Alright honey, I see it coming. I need you to relax and breathe. Roger, steady her. This is going to get messy."

Roger heard his comm going off, but apparently Norman answered it. He appeared a short while later, with fresh towels and a bucket of clean warm water, giving them to Carlye.

"Thank you, Norman," she said as Dorothy yelled, beginning her first push. Roger held her tight as the contraction followed through and stopped.

"Master Roger, sir, the Madam President and Chief Dastun are coming over as we speak. I'm afraid I let it slip that Mistress Dorothy was having the twins… but they were concerned about you two with the storm…"

"It's fine, Norman! Do what you need to do! Okay, Dora girl, listen to me, breath deep… you're breathing too fast. Slow breathes, remember, they need oxygen too. Come on, Dorothy…"

"Here it comes, another contraction Roger!"

"Alright Dora girl, deep breath, and… push!"

Dorothy let out a loud yell, echoing off the bathroom walls.


Angel and Dastun sat in the kitchen. Norman had brought them there as Dorothy yells had increased in intensity and volume as they had been sitting in the living room when they first arrived. Angel was holding her mug of tea, her hands trembling.

"I'm thankful I'm only having one. I'm worried about her."

Dastun drank his coffee Norman had made for him. "Don't be. She's in good hands."

"But Dan, we've been here for four hours." Indeed, the clock was now late afternoon, and it was still storming outside.

"But Dorothy's having twins. It's gonna take some time. But she has Roger, and she has the doc. She'll be fine."

"Still doesn't help my anxiety."

Dorothy's yell echoed down the lift. Angel sighed. The heard the lift go off and Norman appeared in the kitchen.

"I'm terribly sorry for the lack of hospitality…"

"Norman, it's okay, considering the circumstances. We were just worried with the storm and Angel got even more worried when she heard the twins were coming. I have a radio in case things get bad and Lucy has said she'll contact her if she and the Vice President need help with disaster planning," said Dastun, "How's Dorothy?"

"Contractions are becoming harder to predict. They've tried adjusting her position to see if that will help. I pray that it does. I'm afraid if you do stay, dinner might be leftovers or take out, depending on when this is finished."

"Norman, it's okay. Do you need help with anything?"

"I need to grab more towels, but I thought I would stop and check in on you two to see if you needed anything."

"We're good. I got Angel here and coffee. You take care of Roger and Dorothy…"

Norman nodded, going back in the laundry to grab more towels, before heading back to the lift as Dorothy let out another yell.


Dorothy was red in the face, huffing and puffing. Dr. Plebanski and Roger had raised her to her feet as she had said contractions were harder to feel. She was now squatting. Roger held her tight, and Dorothy gritted her teeth.

"There's another… it's coming…" she gritted through her teeth.

"Breathe Dora girl, breathe. And one, two, and, THREE!"

Dorothy felt the contraction and pushed with all of her might, gripping Roger tightly. Dr. Plebanski was watching her.

"I got a head! You're almost there with one… take a breath, deep breathes, we need to get the shoulders through, and you'll have one! Keep it up you two!"

"I can barely feel my legs!"

Roger was supporting her. There was another loud clap of thunder, which shook the lights in the bathroom. Roger grimaced.

How much longer is the storm going to linger?

"Roger, I need to change positions. My legs…!" Dorothy gasped.

Dr. Plebanski looked at the both of them and shook her head.

"You can try swaying, but I have the head now, so we can't be switching too much. Dorothy, relax yourself. These final contractions are important, dear! You're so close!"

"Hold on to me, Dorothy. You got this… we're almost there…"

Roger gently began to sway back and forth, Dorothy holding on as she felt herself grow weak in the legs. But the swaying motion was apparently what she needed as she felt a strong contraction and pushed, gripping Roger tightly, and letting out a yell. Dr. Plebanski was nodding.

"One more. If you can, squat lower for the next one! Norman, I need a towel and the clamps!"

Norman rushed over with the items quickly. Roger was still swaying slowly with Dorothy, reassuring her.

"Dora Girl, my brave Dora Girl. I'm so proud of you. You're so strong and brave. I have faith in you…"

"Carlye, get behind her with one of the towel, Norman, get in front of her and hold it tight, both of you. Dorothy, it's all up to you. I see it coming and… PUSH!"

Dorothy grasped Roger's hand tightly, yelling once more, feeling pain and then a sudden release of pressure. Dr. Plebanki caught the baby, smiling at the newborn.

"Your son's here first! Your son's here! Time is 6:27 p.m." She began clearing up his air way until Roger and Dorothy heard him crying. Roger kissed Dorothy fiercely on the forehead as Dorothy leaned into him, gasping for air, but smiling. Dr. Plebanski waited a few minutes before clamping the umbilical cord.

"Roger, do you want to cut it?" she asked, and Roger shook his head.

"I got Dorothy and if I let her go… I don't think it would be wise. Norman, please?"

Norman nodded, taking a hold of the instrument and cutting the umbilical cord where Dr. Plebanski indicated. She then handed off the baby to Carlye. Norman brewed warm water as the power was still out and had filled the bathtub with shallow warm water to rinse off the babies.

"Roger, lay Dorothy gently down. I need to see the position of the second baby," said Dr. Plebanski firmly.

Roger nodded, holding Dorothy tight and gently sitting himself down on the floor with Dorothy in his arms.

"Not bad, Dora girl… not bad."

"You're…such… a louse… Roger Smith."

"But I'm your louse now. Well, Dr. Plebanski?"

"Good news! I can see the baby's head! And with your son paving the way, this delivery should be much easier!"

"Why… do… I… have a feeling… our… son… is going to… give us so much… trouble when he grows up?" asked Dorothy, smiling, closing her eyes, panting.

"Because he got it from you and me, our bad habits," Roger chuckled.

Dorothy began to feel a contraction coming on and she sat herself up. She looked at Roger fiercely.

"Ready for round two?"

Roger grinned and held her hands tight. Dorothy began laughing, then it turned into a yell as she felt a contraction and began pushing once more.


It was still storming outside, but it was now evening. Dorothy had been in labor for over nine hours. But at some point, the yells stopped. Dastun and Angel heard the lift come down to the kitchen. Norman stepped into the kitchen and was grinning widely.

"I am proud to announce the Smith Household welcomes young Master Timothy Wayneright Smith and young Lady Rose Mary Smith into the world, both weighing 8 lbs 12 oz and measuring 18.5 inches. Master Roger said Mistress Dorothy is expecting the both of you," and Norman bowed deeply.

Angel smiled widely at Dastun, who nodded, smiling. They all walked to the lift, riding it up to the living room. Once the gate opened, she ran across to the master bedroom, Dastun trying to keep up with her, pausing at the door frame.

After Dr. Plebanski had finished giving care to Dorothy, Roger and Dr. Plebanski helped Dorothy in the shower to help clean her up, then moved to the bed. Norman had placed candelabras around the room as the emergency lighting was not bright enough to light the room. She was laying upright with Roger sitting next to her, holding one child in his arms while Dorothy held the other. Roger kissed Dorothy on the forehead.

"Well done, Dora girl, well done," he murmured, nuzzling her. The babies cooed and Dorothy smiled, kissing Roger on the lips.

"She looks like you. She has your hair and your nose. Our son has your head, but my color of eyes and my color of hair."

"Funny how that works?"

Roger looked up to see Dastun and Angel watching them. Dastun was holding Angel's hand and they walked in, Angel giving a small hug to Dorothy, Dastun clapping Roger on the back.

"Way to go, you sonuva gun. You gonna have another?"

Roger and Dorothy looked at each other. "We're thinking about it. Not sure yet," said Dorothy.

Dastun studied Roger for a moment has he held his son in his arms, gently swaying him back and forth. Roger was in his own world as was Dorothy. Roger leaned in closer to Dorothy, putting his head together with hers. Dastun smiled and clapped his back once more, standing. Angel was by Dorothy's side, beaming at her and the baby in her arms. Dr. Plebanski, Carlye, and Norman were cleaning up the bathroom as Norman had brought a large basket to put the used towels in.

"Well, if you two do decide to have another, Dorothy will need some time to recuperate from this one," said Dr. Plebanski, throwing towels in the basket, "Twins are risky business as it is, but… you did well. We're nearly finishing up cleaning… oh!"

The doors leading to the back courtyard from the bedroom opened wide from a sudden gust of wind. Roger handed Dorothy the baby as he went to go close them, but something caught his attention in the storm as the lightning flashed. He stepped out, feeling the cold rain on him.

"ROGER!" yelled Dorothy, but he ignored her.

He saw something in the clouds, taking shape. The rain was getting in his eyes, making it hard to see.

"Come on… show it to me, one more time," he murmured.

Dorothy had no strength in her legs to get up, but she turned to see what Roger was looking at. The lightning flashed once more and Roger saw the clouds, and he grinned. He turned around, now completely soaked.

"Hey Dorothy! I figured it out!" he yelled. A flash of lightning followed by a loud clap of thunder lit up the sky, drowning him out.



Dorothy remembered something he told her a long time ago, "Some people like to stand in the rain without an umbrella. That's what it means to live free." She began laughing at the irony.


Roger jogged back inside, making sure the doors were secured. He shook his hair out, trying to form it back into its original hair style when Dr. Plebanski smacked him with a dry, clean towel.

"STOP. DOING. STUPID. STUFF. YOU. STUPID. HEAD!!!" She said as punctured each word with a blow from the towel. Roger caught it, grinning sheepishly.

"OKAY, okay… I get it. It was work related, Dr. Plebanski. I'm sorry."

"Then change your profession! I'm tired of your work being the reason for your lapse in judgement!"

She stormed off, grumbling as Dorothy, Norman, Dastun, and Angel laughed. Roger toweled himself dry and then realized he needed to change.

"I'm starving! Norman!"

"Yes sir?"

"My treat. Get some take out and we're opening the liquor cabinet tonight. My kids are safe, and I know how to wrap up this proposal!"

Dorothy grinned at Roger, who turned to look at her, grinning nervously as Dr. Plebanski yelled at him once more, "YOU BETTER NOT SKIMP ON THE FOOD EITHER, YOU LOUSE!"

Everyone then stepped outside, following Norman as Roger shut the door, changing into dry clothes. Dorothy held the babies, shaking her head.

"What caught your attention outside?"

"I'm not sure. Give me a second and I'll draw it out."

He finished getting dress, wearing a black shirt and slacks. The rain had done a thorough job of soaking him. He sat with Dorothy on the bed, taking a notepad and pen from the nightstand, sketching out two symbols.

"That one… that one's ours…"

He had drawn an omega symbol on the paper that evolved into the shape of the Griffon carrying a rolled-up scroll in its beak and holding a blooming rose with a thorny stem inside the symbol. Dorothy smiled.

"It's like the cockpit of Big O with the joycons, but the scroll, that's you, and the rose is me…"

He nodded. "I offer terms and you offer the firm peace. The Griffon represents the freedom we fought for, its protector. The omega symbol is obviously for Big O."

"So, you want that for us? That was in the clouds?"

"In that flash of lightning, that's what I saw. Seeing as Big O will be the only unit for right now for this new group, I figured this would fit us perfectly. But I also saw an emblem for the proposal."

He had drawn the sun with arching rays, a lightning bolt running through it.

"I think I'm gonna call it The Survey Core Alliance. What do you think? Our main objective is to go out and explore, connect with humanity, when we find them, and build new relations. It will work with the PEF, but have some independency so that the government doesn't try to influence it too much. A neutral party."

"That sounds great. Well done, Roger."

He set the notepad down on the dresser and held Dorothy close, taking one of the babies again. Dorothy began to nurse one. Roger kissed her on the forehead, leaning in close as he held Dorothy with this free arm, as the storm finally began to break, the remnants of the golden dome now beginning to come into view.