
The Big O: The Final Act - Act 35: The Memories of Tomorrow

New changes come to light as everyone begins moving forward with their lives. Roger and Dorothy finish up their largest cases. The future of Big O and Roger comes into question, making Roger reevaluate his purpose along with Big O’s. Dorothy comes to terms with her father’s actions. Roger concludes terms with Dorothy.

ReikaR33 · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Words of Another

Shortly after visiting her father's grave, our permission was granted to access the memory archives. Angel and Dastun joined us. Angel was now showing a slight bump on her midsection and Dastun broke the news to me about the pregnancy. I told Dastun the names of people who owed me a drink the next time I was at Speakeasy or Instro's place, to which he laughed.

There was a lot of information to go over and Angel saw to it that we could have copies, provided they were destroyed once we were done using them. For the time being, and seeing how big Dorothy was getting, I told Norman to forward all future calls unless they were from special council. This proposal needed to be a priority. October blended into November. Many days were spent in the office looking over information. Now legally married and partners in the firm, Norman and I moved her desk, now facing mine. It made it easier to pass the information back and forth one another and it was much easier to have conversations.

The research proved to be very valuable. Dorothy's insight, along with Beck's occasional input, with the Bigs also helped as well as we could modify it to fit our needs and the Bigs. Our overall goal was to establish an organization that would explore and connect with the remaining outposts of humanity. The world was far too big for the PEF to be the only hope of civilization. We wanted to find others and connect with them, and if they should show their true colors, and threaten the peace we had fought so hard to achieve, I could use Big O to protect us. Our hope was to find the other Bigs as well, Big Duo and Big Fau, restore them if necessary and if possible, they would find it in themselves to join us in our endeavor, as Dorothy believed her father had initially created the Bigs to protect mankind, with Big O leading the forefront of that goal.

One day, I was out and about in the city, trying to clear my head from the proposal, and I happened to spot Norman's motorcycle parked in an abandoned lot on the way home from a drive.

Roger stepped out of the car. Dorothy was at home at the mansion, as she was nearing the end of her pregnancy term and decided to take it easy. Roger had spotted Norman's bike from the road and stopped to investigate. He knew Norman had taken off for some grocery shopping, but this was a first for him to see his bike parked somewhere and without him nearby. Roger stopped to look at the abandoned building.

It looked like a church. The roof had caved in, but the entrance wall was still standing, the cross rusting from exposure. Roger held up his hand to block out the sunlight. He could make out the words, "Kyrie Eleison," over the door, but time had weathered them. He stepped inside, pausing to admire the main hall. He found stairs in the corner and descended down them.

There was something about this place that told him to remain quiet, mainly for reasons out of respect. The stonework was beautiful the further he descended, as it had been protected from the wear and tear of the elements. He paused when he saw light, making himself small against the wall.

He found Norman, praying before a statue with candles lit and flowers set before it. Roger squinted, trying to make out the details of the statue. The statue looked like a woman wearing a cloak over her head, one arm held close to her chest, the other outstretched, like she was welcoming someone. Norman was quietly muttering to himself, but Roger could make out the words in the silence. It was the same prayer Dorothy had recited when Angel's power had taken over her in the hangar.

Roger felt like he was intruding and tried to quietly slip away, but he kicked a stone. This caused Norman to cease his prayer immediately and pull out his 1911, pointing in the direction of the sound. Roger stepped out with hands up.

"It's only me, Norman."

Norman shook his head, furrowing his brow. "Master Roger, I could've shot you!" He re-holstered his weapon.

"I apologize for startling you, Norman. I saw your bike as I was passing by, and I just wanted to see if you were alright."

Roger walked over to Norman, now taking a good look at the statue. Part of the face had been worn off due to time and possibly vandals as it looked like the face had taken a decent hit from something hard. Roger stared at it for a moment, admiring it. If it had been in its prime, it would've probably been a beautiful statue.

"This is my confidant," said Norman, with a small smile, "She listens to my joys, sorrows, woes… she's been here as long as I can remember. And through her, I have found peace with my life, especially now after you and Mistress Dorothy saved us from such a terrible fate. I come here as often as I can, paying tribute to her."

"She's a beautiful woman," observed Roger.

Norman smiled. "It's not her physical beauty alone that captivates me." He pointed at the words on the bottom of the statue. "FAITH, LOVE, PEACE" were etched into the base.

"There were times in my life… well, let's just say those words became my mantra to guide me through trouble times. They are so simple, yet so profound. Had I but known what role they would've played in recent events, I probably would've taken more care to emulate them," he said with a small chuckle.

Roger turned to Norman. "So, all the times you told me and Dorothy to have faith…"

"There are her words and possibly words from another. I do not understand some of them, the ones written in a different language from the books lying around, but the ones in English… have such wonderful versus, at least the ones that have survived all these years after the event."

Roger sighed, staring at the statue.

"You know, after I hit my head and was laying there in that cavern, I felt despair. After everything that had happened, I thought I had lost and everything and everyone I knew was going to suffer. And then…"

Roger paused, looking up at the ceiling.

"I was on the edge of the darkness, Norman, and Dorothy called me back once again, even if it was through her comm link. Despite everything, she came back because she believed in me and I guess, I realized, I needed to believe in myself, during that fight. Yet, at the same time, I don't think it was entirely just me. I mean, Angel played her part, but… I dunno…"

Roger lowered his head, looking at the floor. Norman raised an eyebrow.

"What is it, Master Roger?"

Roger looked at Norman with a small smile. "It's nothing. Forget it. Just me being ridiculous."

"Oh, come now, Master Roger. Surely, whatever you were thinking was not ridiculous enough to stop you in your train of thought. All secrets are safe here, in front of my confidant."

Roger smirked. "I was thinking, I know Dorothy, Big O, and I worked together that day, but I think there was something else."

"Like what, sir?"

"Not sure."

"You feel there was an additional power perhaps that helped you win the fight?"

Roger shrugged, sticking his hands in his coat pocket. "Maybe…"

Norman smiled. "If you feel that way, then perhaps it was the faith in yourself, the faith from those around you who helped, and maybe faith from the heavens above. Maybe perhaps, what these books call, divine intervention, or God, but not in the sense you and I know God as. I'm surprised that you are concerning yourself with events from the past that have already been decided, sir."

Roger gave a small smile. "That's true. I've never been the religious type. But… at the same time, I think Dorothy, Big O, myself, and Angel… we had help that day. I can't shake that feeling."

"Then perhaps, sir, it was a combination of your faith and love, not only for Mistress Dorothy, but for the world, and what the world could be. Faith and love in that alone is very powerful and unless I am mistaken, according to those notes, it's what supposedly powers Big O. How? I don't think we'll ever know. To have the world constrained to a stage when, according to these books, it is work of wonder created by God himself. Is it true that God did all of this? I don't know. So much has been lost over time. I rather leave such mysteries alone and worry about what I can within my reach. As of late, that seems to be you and Mistress Dorothy, along with her pregnancy."

Roger grinned sheepishly. "I take it she's been raiding the fridge and waking you up at night. I'm sorry. I try to keep the kitchenette stocked, but…"

"It's quite alright, sir. Such things are expected when the lady of the house is expecting, and it's probably amplified with expecting twins. However, it seems you have more troubles on your mind that my lady confidant could help with."

Roger sighed and smiled. "This proposal has been on my mind. Dastun wants a mechanized unit of smaller mechas to take on threats larger than the MP can handle. Of course, Big O is the last resort if they can't handle it, but obviously, Big O can't be called for everything now and destroy the city in the process. Of course, I'm also concerned that we have the best intentions now, but what will happen twenty, thirty years down the road, or when I'm long and gone? And it makes me feel uneasy that we may be heading down the same path as before… all because of 'good intentions…'"

Norman put a hand on Roger's shoulder.

"That's why it's important to impart the lessons learned from today to the future generation so that they understand, and are able to protect the peace. You and I, we can only do so much in that regard. It will be up to the next generation to make the decision whether they choose to listen to us, and use the information we give them to help themselves, and make discoveries on their own. But you, sir, have always had the gift with speech. I'm sure future generations that will join the organization will turn to your words of wisdom in times of need, or for inspiration. I guess now, you need to have faith in the future, and faith in the people that come after you to protect the peace."

Roger smiled to himself. "You're right, Norman. I guess I'm being ridiculous."

Norman smiled and they began walking up the stairs. Roger stopped for a moment.

"Dorothy and I… we've been trying to plan out the ceremony for December. And we discussed it last night before bed. We feel… since it was always you that had faith in us, that you should be the one to join us together, during the ceremony… if you want to, that is…"

Norman stopped and slowly turned around to look at Roger, his one good eye, open wide in shock at these words. Roger felt flustered seeing Norman looking at him in such a way, that he tried to do damage control.

"I'm sorry… we just thought…"

"No apologies needed, sir! It would be the greatest honor and my pleasure, to join you and Mistress Dorothy officially in front of your friends, sir!"

Norman bowed deeply in Roger's direction, Roger chuckling.

"Thank you, Norman," and they both continued walking back up to the street.