
The Best Saiyan

What i did not copy anyone, i only got inspired by them

Adrianix1234 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

I Died and got Wishes

Everything started on a normal day, actually it was a beautiful day outside, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming in days like this guy like Matt should be working like hell… but that didn't happen

Matt was murdered… by a lightning bolt on a clear day… poor sunofa

Now normally, Soul of the recently deceased are sent to soul society *Cough Cough*

I mean are cleansed of memories and sent to reincarnation

But something was different for Matt, he didn't went to the place all souls go, in fact something weird happened, a portal opened and swallowed Matt

Matt then stood there as a soul in the void, in an weird illuminating state, you know which one… the one you get into while you're having ideas of how to build houses in Minecraft instead of listening to your teacher, and when you get out of it most of the class has already passed, the one where time doesn't matter

Matt was being enlightened, he was reminiscing his life, all those novels, movies, series, books, fanfics, etc…

He was having great ideas, and creating his own fanfics in his mind… and so time passed for Matt,

'And that's just a Theory! A Game Theory'

While Matt was making a Theory of what would happen if Kratos was reincarnated in Percy Jackson verse something finally changed

Something shining was approaching Matt

At first he didn't know what it was… a Sun? A Light Ray? Superman One Million?

It was a Comet… it was a weird one as well, it almost resembled an Old One but less Gory,

It was Purple and had multiple Eyes I'm talking like hundreds of them and they were all Watching Matt…

"Hello" it said

"Hi" Matt said

"What are you doing here?"

"Idk Chilling"

"Hmm, Well you are kinda in my Dimension…"

"Yeah? Sorry Man? I just died and got here, could you idk get me reincarnated?"

"Yes, by your naming sense i would be called a male, well, basically your soul has been slowly absorbing my Energy, and basically that leaves us with two options… I can Help you become more, you can become one like me, and watch over all Reality, All Time and Space at our Disposal"

"Or i can make you Reincarnate, obviously i will have to drain you of my energy, because even the tiniest drop could accidentally destroy a multiverse"

"Don't worry it will be used for wishes or perks for this new life for you"

"That's hard to choose… but i think I'll choose number Two"


"That's it?"

"Yes, now just choose your wishes"

"How many do i have?"

"It's literally Energy, it could be countless of small wishes or a couple of big ones"

"Well then… were do i will reincarnate? Because it's very different being born in a planet similar to Earth than in Solo Leveling or a cultivation verse"

Hmm good question, i can only start your journey but i don't know were you will end up

I can give you two choices i use 1% to know your fate and tell you or 5% to send you to wherever you want, but if you choose the second option you will kill a baby soul that you will be taking place on"

"First one"

"Hmm it appears you are lucky you know the universe you will be going on…

Apparently it is called WarHammer 40K"


"Oh Sorry i mistook the Name it is the one you call Dragon Ball"

"Ufff you give me quite the scare, old man"

"Sorry young soul"

"Well my first wish is being a Saiyan obviously not a normal one, i want you to create a perfect Saiyan Bloodline, basically i get all the upsides of a Saiyan x10 while removing the Downsides (both universe Seven and Six), even make it like a cultivation verse and purify it or whatever they do to give more power to their bloodlines, while I'm not a legendary or a Ancient one i got better potential than even an Ancient Legendary Saiyan"

"Will you be born Naturally or extracted and put in a Nursing Capsule?"

"What's the Difference?"

"Basically they Add a ton of chemicals that boost their innate potential, but also made them easier to anger while putting down their chances of unlocking super saiyan.

Also it saves their mother from becoming attached to their children if they are extracted, if you were born Naturally your Mother would Love you in a way that's unnatural for Saiyan, they supposedly only care about strength"

"Put me in a Capsule, but make me a Experiment of King Vegeta, (a secret Weapon if you can say), he was preparing for his son's birth and he started to develop a new chemical with a bunch of good Adn, that will adapt to my body perfectly changing and improving my Dna and genitics to even better, Galvan Mind, Viltrite power of getting stronger with Age, Truffle talent with Technology, Anodite Energy Manipulation… add also whatever you think is best"

"Ok, you have 90 percent of energy"

"What? Thats like super op"

"What can I say? Im literally a god of All existence, and what you asked for isn't even that Hard there's probably a Cultivation protagonist that could do it for you if you gave them the materials…"

"Well, let me think… ok

I want the Adaptation Power that Peter Parker has in "the Spider by I'mjusttryingtofindmyway"

"10 Percent"

"Why that much?"

"Because it's pretty powerful, you can basically absorb a couple of blood from everyone and gain his abilities"

"Ok do it"

"80 percent Remaining"

"Well what about this i want a power that gives me the ability to travel yo other verses"

"Sure 30 percent, by the way it's limited to only working on your own power, so basically will only work when you become the strongest in the 12 universes or near that"

"Do it"

"A Sys-"



"Because you'll end up relying on it and it's "skills" never working on improving for yourself"

"Well what about making me Undetectable even by multiversal level beings, so no ultimate enemy traveling back from the future to kill me or my mom like eobard did to Barry"

"Sure 15 percent"

"Do it"

"Aha! The last one is a complicated one,

Make a entire Planet, but with a bunch of ruins with all Kinds of techniques and treasures and inheritances tests, Magic, Martial Arts, Cooking, etc… of all the Anime's movies, Games, Series, Novel, Fanfics… etc… basically make it the best training ground ever in everything and then send me to it, because the serum King Vegeta injected me with resulted me in a failure (cause it didn't cause much change in me at least that is noticeable)

So they sent me to this planet to conquer it, because in the system it appeared similar to earth full of a weak race (near my power level), but something malfunctioning they detected like if my ship had exploded and now think that my lost signal meant my death, so i have all the time in the world to learn everything i want…

"Sure 30 percent"

"Ok do it…"

"You have still 5 percent"

"Holy shit just how much energy i absorbed?"

"You been here a very long time…"

"Well use every left to give my family a blessing to a happy life"

"Ok, well thats all here you go" and a enormous hand made of barely visible energies tapped me and i knocked me out


After the soul disappears and started to get reincarnated

'Heh, that kid basically created the the plot armor with his final wish all of his family descendants became at one point or another all the protagonist he read about thanks to only having one blessed molecule of their family'

"DADDY" a gorgeous girl approached the comet, than suddenly just transformed into a man

"What happened my little sweet heart"

"Why hasn't my Soul Mate appeared… i did that Ritual a lot of billions of cosmos ago, you said you found mother after using that ritual!!!"

"But my baby girl is still to young, and the Ritual knows it, you should wait another 3 or 4 Big Bangs then he'll show up"

"You think so?"

"I know so, let's go find your mother she's was going to make your favorite pie flavored as dc universe"


'Well i just have to get him distracted for a while, in a couple of reincarnations more he will develop his own energy by the blank left by mine to finally meet her without his soul dying directly, my baby girl can't control her energy as good as me'