
The Best Saiyan

What i did not copy anyone, i only got inspired by them

Adrianix1234 · Anime & Comics
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Gula The Weak Saiyan

Every day in planet vegeta was the same, fighting, hunting, killing, and more fighting, this is the typical life for the saiyans, sometimes if you were born lucky you will be sent to conquer some planet… why? Because for the Saiyan life is easy, if you are stronger than everyone else then everyone else has to obey you, that's why if you were born weaker than 5 battle power your parents would mercy killing you… as you were destined to be a slave for the rest of your life as one of the lowest class saiyan

If you got the 5 power level at least you get the chance of getting to minimum of being average with training and that's after you conquered a planet in your kid growth phase

Everything was as normal as every other day except for two parents, Cumber and Chaya were getting their baby extracted from her, because at being the elite warriors of King Vegeta they were often sent to conquer planets that the low class could never do…

When the procedure was done and the Baby Gula was in the Nursing Capsule… they got the Shock of their Lives

Their son… was born with 2 battle power

"My son can't be a low class Saiyan"

The father was already preparing a ki Attack to exterminate him…

Normally the mother wouldn't interfere but this time she did…

"Stop it you idiot remember that King Vegeta needed trash to experiment the new nursing chemicals that are being prepared for Prince Vegeta birth…"

"Well at least this trash will be worth something…"

And so they went, they told King Vegeta of their Son's battle power, and they gave him to him so that the scientists could experiment on, and King Vegeta Reward them with a mission to conquer a planet with the average of 8,000 battle power, were they could fight to their content

The Scientist, started testing him, to know the limit were it could survive, and after a lot of failures (poor trash) they had the supposed "perfect serum" which should increase the innate talent of the Saiyan without side effects, this serum has a lot of different Dna, from creatures all over the Galaxy, (King Vegeta won't tell anybody but there's even a little Frost Demon Dna that he almost Died to Get) but it was Worth it, because with his Son's Help he will Defeat Frieza and become the Owner of the Galaxy, now it's just need a little of a boost, that's why he's creating this serum, if it helps even a Low Class to become a Middle Class then the Serum is Complete and Ready to use

So that's what they Did, the Injected Little Gula with this Serum and…

He increased the Power… From a 2 battle power he became a 100!

What a waste of time though King Vegeta,

The Saiyan Scientist were already Tired, because King Vegeta had them working nonstop on a cause that they saw useless, one of the bolder ones even said "My king, the reason it's not impressive, is because we got it wrong we should not be trying to improve the Saiyan Race with others Dna, we are already Perfect, we should be trying to create something that brings out the potential inside us, if we could create something that let us have the power of Ozaru while having the normal body we'll be invincible…"

And then King Vegeta killed him with a blast

"He disrespected me, but as I'm a merciful king I'll hear his last wishes, get to work, i want something like that, also for this Experiment… sent him to conquer a world when he enters his kid phase, but sent him on the new improved truffle technology, we can't afford to have Freeza knowing about this… (King Vegeta is one of the Few that knows Freeza spies with his scooters)

And just like that Gula spent most of his time during his first 2 years being examined for all changes made by the serum…

After having his first spurt his power Increases from 100 to 1000 an incredible jump in strength to be sure but still not enough to be a low class Saiyan, the next two growth spurt are already calculated…

The baby to kid one is the biggest jumpin power his teen growth spurt at sixteen will be a 3x multiplier and his adult one just a shy 2x so at best he will become a Middle Class Saiyan with 6000 battle power

(Low Class: 1200-4999

Middle Class: 5000-7999

Elite Class: 8000-10000

Super Elite Class: Over 10k)

The reason the Saiyan sent kids to conquer worlds is because if they increase their power before rheir growth spurt by fighting they'll have better chances to become useful soldier, if they return with less than 1200 power they'll never get to fight again (unless it's spars with other Saiyans) and get trapped as slaves doing normal jobs like being a mechanic or a scientist

Never getting chances to become stronger

The scientist were having a chat to choose the world to sent Little Gula to…

"Guy check this out" one of them said

"This Planet has a bunch of beasts with 1000-2000, there no intelligent race because they wiped themselves out, apparently they were a weird race that half if them preferred fighting with martial arts and the other half were cowards that used magic"

At that all Saiyans showed disgusted expressions, Magic is a cowards art, yeah, it's powerful, but you had to get studying it instead of fighting with your fist to improve

"Apparently one Stupid mage made a spell trying to wipe out the martial Artists and Accidentally killed the Magicians as well, Now there's only weird beast on this planet like Lizards that can breath fire or freeze you with their ice powers…"

They discussed it for a while until one asked "What's the gravity?"

"x1.5 gravity" (Vegeta's one not earth's)

"Hell send him there, if he doesn't survive doesn't matter we have six months left till Prince Vegeta is born and we don't have time to lose here"

(Saiyans Gestation Period for my fanfic is minimum 9 months, this is when the extraction is available, maximum 3 years rumors amoung Saiyans is that the longest time inside the womb the more powerful you are, longest recorded pregnancy is 4 years and 6 months by Broly)

So, little Gula was sent to this weird planet