
The Benevolent King and Crazy System

Entered into a completely different world, severe poverty, greedy government, Chatra is faced with many dire challenges. "This world, this world must be repaired!" Follow the story of Chatra who enters the body of a poor man named Dirga Widada. With a crazy system, let's change this crazy world for the better!

BangSamaaaa · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Magic Divine Keris

That smile! Only Sadewa understood with certainty the meaning of that smile! As if knowing what would happen next if Nakula was left alone, Sadewa immediately said, "You go! Don't disturb our work!"

"I saw that there were many large beasts there. That's why I chose to return, Sir."

Chatra is still in a down position. His back and stomach ached terribly. Truly, he had never received any pain up to this point. However, even so, convincing them not to go in that direction should of course be his priority.

"We are special warriors from the Wijaya Kingdom. Of course we are much stronger than you can imagine!" Sadewa continued.

"Sir, believe me! It's very dangerous in there." Chatra put on a serious face; hope these two bastards are convinced. However, listening to Chatra's constant complaints, making Nakula annoyed, approached Chatra while saying, "Is there something you are hiding there? Why are you trying so hard just to hold us back? Wouldn't you be very happy if we both died being eaten by the large beast you mean?"

Seeing Chatra trembling in place, without waiting for his answer, Nakula continued, "Ah, you must be the brother of the runaway warrior, right?"

Seeing his return to that hideous smile, Chatra felt a terrible terror! "W-what are you talking about, Sir? Really, I was just worried about you guys."

"Does he think that Adanu and I are siblings?" Chatra thought that for a few seconds before coming back to reality.

Concluding that this wouldn't work with just words, it seemed like he had to make this commoner realize that he was different from the ordinary Wijaya warriors.

Nakula changed his hideous smile into a deadpan expression. He then raised his right hand, pulling it behind his back. His fist gave off a strange blue light, as if a stove fire was burning there; made Chatra believe that he would die if he accepted that.

"This time I have to dodge!"

In the previous attack, Chatra was actually able to dodge it. Due to his high senses and luck, of course he could guess where the attack was going. However, due to his high senses and luck, he realized that avoiding the attack was tantamount to seeking death! In the next attack, Chatra was sure that there would be a huge gap from the previous attack. However, what difference would it make if receiving an attack this time was also tantamount to seeking death? It's better to minimize the death itself even if only for a moment.

Chatra activated the teleport skill and started to think quickly about the place where he would move. After that, his body seemed to be pulled by something strong; it felt as if he was being sucked in by a tiny hole with an incredible suction power, making him want to throw up because it felt like his insides were being torn apart.

"Damn it! It feels like I'm an elephant forced into a rat hole. It hurts so much!"

Chatra swore that in the future, he would only use the teleport skill in situations where it was absolutely necessary. It was impossible to get used to this skill. The sensation of wanting to spit out his entire bowels was truly terrifying. However, thanks to that also Nakula only hit the air. Seeing the air that was hit as if to evaporate, Chatra who had only moved a meter back from where he was before, realized with certainty that he would really die if he received the attack.

"Ha ha, you are right, Brother, he is the one." From behind Sadewa laughed with an expression that was as terrible as Nakula.

"W-what?!" At first Chatra thought that Sadewa had a better character than his brother. But, it's all just acting! Apart from his face, it turns out that their nature is also the same! Damn mad twins!

Chatra immediately got up, took the Magic Divine Keris in his inventory, and took steps to run.

Seeing the charm of the Magic Divine Keris, the twins were flabbergasted. However, before they could express their admiration for the beautiful keris, Chatra had arrived in front of Nakula. With no experience with the sword at all, of course Chatra only knew one ultimate move. Pulls his left arm towards the back as deep as possible, then throws it towards the opponent's stomach horizontally. It was a powerful attack. A pesilat in the basic realm will surely die receiving that attack. However, a pesilat in the basic realm is on a completely different level from a pesilat in the expert realm. Receiving the attack, it only made a simple scratch like someone running in the forest and accidentally hitting a thorn.

It was Chatra's best attack, but seeing that the resulting damage was just like that, frustrated Chatra! It's a belly or a rock, Damn it!

Nakula jumps back. Seeing the wound on his stomach, he couldn't hold back his annoyed expression. "Shit! You..." However, his words were immediately stopped due to the sudden burning sensation that emanated from the wound.

The wound was only a minor wound. Even for Nakula, receiving injuries that were twice as severe as that didn't even mean anything. However, the passive effect of the Magic Divine Keris; burning for a minute, is a completely different pain. It was a pain that no one could endure, not even a pesilat in the super expert realm!

Nakula screamed, patted his wound, rolled on the ground; hope the terrible pain subsides. "Why is this, Bastard!"

Seeing that, Chatra was ready for his next attack. However, the effects of the pain only lasted for a minute. Don't let that bastard heal without receiving more serious injuries! However, before Chatra could deal an attack, Sadewa ran at a terrifying speed and arrived in front of Chatra in an instant.

Sadewa turned his spear. That movement, making the blades of the spear move horizontally, struck Chatra's stomach. Chatra was aware of the direction of the attack, but his body didn't really listen to his mind, so he only had time to protect his right rib with the Magic Divine Keris, while his left rib received quite a bit of damage.

Receiving the attack, Chatra was made to take two steps back.

Sadewa then approached Nakula who was still rolling on the ground, then said, "Hey, Damn it! What's wrong with you?"

Sadewa knows well that his brother is a humorous man. However, doing that in the current situation, wasn't he going too far?

"I-I don't know either, but it hurts so much! It seems the keris is the cause!" Nakula just said what went through his head, then focused back on the burning sensation. If it wasn't his brother or Prince Wijaya who asked the question, he would have killed him!

"That keris?"

Sadewa's attention then focused on the Magic Divine Keris that Chatra had stuck to the ground, to hold his body from falling. After realizing what a keris was, he couldn't help but be surprised. "I-is that the Magic Divine Keris?!"