
The Benevolent King and Crazy System

Entered into a completely different world, severe poverty, greedy government, Chatra is faced with many dire challenges. "This world, this world must be repaired!" Follow the story of Chatra who enters the body of a poor man named Dirga Widada. With a crazy system, let's change this crazy world for the better!

BangSamaaaa · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Mad Twins

After an hour, Prince Adinata Wijaya Baskara returned to his hall. However, seeing that the floor of the hall was still very clean, his face immediately boiled. "They haven't come back yet?!"

"Not yet, Sir." One of the warriors in the left row answered.

"There seems to be a problem." Prince Adinata was silent for a moment before continuing, "Prawira Renjana, take 3 warriors with you and look for them, dead or alive!"

"Yes, Sir." A warrior of tan skin color, almost two meters tall, long hair, and has a sinister stature. Overall, there is nothing interesting about him, other than his left hand which has six fingers. As for his level of strength, he was at the late stage expert realm.

He then looked at his three comrades who were standing across from him, giving them a nod; hint that he chose them. Three men who were almost the same height as Prawira stepped in unison. Two of them are twins, but have different levels of power. Although their individual skills are not that good, but they are a very strong force when together. That's why Prawira chose them.

The other warrior is a handsome man, milky white skin color, has an oval face shape with a small black dot under his lips, giving off a sweet and charming impression. However, behind his strong charm, he is a crazy psychopath! Once, he skinned an innocent young man, simply because the young man had a small black dot under his lip that looked just like him.

The four special warriors bowed several times in front of Prince Adinata Wijaya Baskara; some kind of blessing upon their departure, before they left the hall.




They arrived at a shabby looking bamboo hut. To think the hut was tilted to the right, what fool made it? In fact, Prawira thought with just a little gust from it, the hut would collapse in an instant. However, Prawira's focus was not on the hut. He only looked at it for a while, before finally ignoring it completely.

Not far from the bamboo hut, two corpses in the same warrior attire as them, lay with wide wounds to their stomachs.

"Weren't there originally three of them?" One of the twin warriors asked Prawira. He stepped over to the corpse that had the largest body, inspecting the wound.

"That's right, I saw that the three of them left the palace firsthand. But, where did that one person go?" A moment of thought, Prawira continued, "What his power level?"

Standing not far from the Prawira, watching his brother examine the wounds of the dead warriors, he replied, "I don't know for sure. Maybe it's still in the basic realm, or maybe below it."

"You guys, look at this!" The handsome warrior called from behind. Immediately, they headed to his place. On the ground you can see the footprints of two adults leading into the forest. However, it was like they were pointing in all directions; made the four warriors draw two conclusions. First, there were many people who killed the two warriors, then they fled in groups in all directions, in order to minimize casualties if they were chased. Second, that the other warrior were traitor! Either because the woman in question was his wife or mother, so he and his brother killed the two warriors. Then, with their clever brains, they made numerous footprints on the ground to confuse the warriors who were intent on pursuing them. However, seeing that there was only a single wound on each of the warriors corpses, they concluded that the second option was the answer!

"Smart boy, really smart boy." Prawira said while laughing happily, as if he had caught a big catch.

Shortly after, he continued again, "I will take the north side. You can choose where you want to go, depending on how your instincts lead you!"

Seeing Prawira's shadow slowly disappearing as if swallowed by darkness, two twin warriors, Nakula Pangestu and Sadewa Pangestu, decided to take the east side. Meanwhile the handsome warrior, Angga Sanjana, decided to take the west side. When one of them found a clue, they would send a signal throughout the forest using their energy, so that all of them gathered at that point.




Notification appear from the hologram screen!

Special Mission made!

Survival mission!

"It's a pity, your death seems to come sooner! Behind the darkness of the forest, there is a very terrible power. With your current strength, you can't possibly be able to fight them, no matter what!

However, what about this? Teleport skill! Has a cooldown of 3 seconds with a transfer range of 20 meters. Ah, of course this won't make much of a difference. But, who knows?

Hold on until morning comes!"

Rewards :

* Teleport skill

* Luck (+25%)

* Intelligence (+25%)

* 1000 gold coins

Punishments :

* Teleport skill permanently disabled

* There isn't any! But it depends on your luck!

All those messages entered Chatra's head. And, the first thing he thought of was, "Why isn't there a mission to protect Batari, Nuraga, and Adanu? Does that mean they are all definitely safe?"

Chatra felt relieved in his heart, but he immediately shuddered after thinking of another possibility, "Damn! I just realized this! Missions appear when the catastrophe is only an inch from the time it happened. When they are really cornered, that's when a new mission will appear. Why would I think of relying on this system?"

At first Chatra thought of relying on teleport skill continuously until morning came. However, what about the three people on the tree? There would be many chances of them being caught if he just avoided the warriors of the Wijaya Kingdom. He had to take the warriors of the Wijaya Kingdom as far as possible away from the forest, so that there would be no chance for them to find the three people.

"But, how? If I fight them head-on, even the system says that I will definitely lose!" Chatra was silent for a moment; thought of a solution, before continuing, "How about ..."


A spear stabbed into a tree which was only a few centimeters from Chatra's nose. Realizing that his life was almost over, he fell to the ground. "Terrible speed."

"That was close." Someone's voice came from behind the darkness. Shortly after, two male figures of twins appeared.

"What are commoners like you doing roaming the Dark Forest?" One of them who still had the spear said. He is Sadewa Pangestu.

"Did you see a warrior pass through this forest?" The man who threw the spear; Nakula Pangestu, said as he walked towards Chatra. He flashed a hideous smile, making Chatra shudder, "What the hell is this guy?! You almost killed me, Damn it! How can you innocently ask with a smile like that?" Chatra said in his heart.

Chatra got up, clasped his hands together, then said, "Greetings, Sir. I'm just an ordinary citizen who happened to pass by here. My rooster was missing, so I was looking for it."

Nakula Pangestu kept walking, so that he was only one meter away from Chatra. Pausing for a moment in that position, suddenly he hit Chatra's stomach; made him fly backwards so that his back hit a tree; made him spit out a mouthful of fresh blood.


"Ah, looks like he really is an ordinary citizen. How could someone like him be able to kill a basic level warrior in one hit."

Nakula and Sadewa immediately left Chatra after retrieving his spear; ignore it completely. However, seeing them moving towards where Batari, Nuraga, and Adanu were, Chatra said, "Sorry, Sir. It's a dangerous place there."

Nakula and Sadewa immediately turned around, but only Nakula returned with a hideous smile. "Interesting man!"