

Tanya gave a last glance at herself in the mirror. She was getting ready for the mating ceremony. It was scheduled for the evening and would be followed by a feast and revelry. She looked better than she had ever looked before. The dress fell to her ankles, the small slit at the back lending it a sophistication, which made her appear elegant. Precious stones shone on her ears and neck, the set belonging to Neil's mother. She was ready to walk out, when the door was pushed open and Rose walked in. Patting her stylish floral hat in place, she gave a critical glance over Tanya, clearly not liking what she saw. "You look exquisite my dear," she smiled falsely. "This color never suited my Renee. I have always told her that she was made for the rich shades, the vibrant hues. These pale shades never make one seem attractive," she twisted her lips into the travesty of a smile. "Although, I think it goes with that mousy hair you have." Tanya groaned inwardly. She certainly didn't have mousy hair. It was brown, though nothing compared to Renee's wild red one. "Thank you," she pretended to be pleased. The woman continued, "I don't envy you though. You are going to have a tough time ahead with Neil's curse getting stronger day by day." Tanya's heart sank. It was the second time someone had mentioned the curse, and she had no idea what they were talking about. She must make it a point to ask Neil about it.

Standing beside Neil, Tanya welcomed the Alphas of the neighboring packs and their families. She had never expected the werewolf families to be dressed in the height of fashion. The males were handsome in their tuxedos and the females ravishing in their evening gowns. To look at them, no one could guess their true identities. Her lips ached from smiling constantly, while she shook hands numerous times. When the last guest had been welcomed, she and Neil proceeded to the seat of honor. A hushed silence fell in the hall as Ray, as the Beta, announced that the marking ceremony was about to begin. There was curiosity and doubt in every eye as they prepared to witness a human being marked as the Luna of such a powerful pack. Neil turned to her, placing a hand at her shoulder, he pushed aside her curls to bare her neck. She watched in expectation, her heart racing as in front of her eyes, she saw Neil's fangs extending. Tanya felt her palms become sweaty, as in an intimate fashion, Neil licked the area he had exposed. Before she could know what was going to happen, Neil had sunk his fangs into her neck, at the juncture of her shoulder. Expecting to feel pain, Tanya instead felt a wave of pleasure course down her spine, eliciting a soft moan from her lips. Neil felt her sigh in enjoyment, a wicked smile twisting his lips. The sound of applause filled the hall. Soon a toast was raised to their union, and they drank champagne to a round of good wishes and felicitations.

Neil drew her to the dance floor and another round of applause followed. She placed her head on his shoulder as they flowed with the strains of the romantic song. Tanya felt as if her happiness was complete. How had she got so lucky, she wondered. Maybe within the year she and Neil would plan a family. Her heart picked up pace at the thought, making her face glow with an inner radiance. Ray, watching from the sidelines, caught his breath. She was breathtaking in her lavender dress, which was faithfully molded to every curve of her body. The thought of her impending fate made him want to throw up. As the song ended, he cut in on them, taking Tanya's hand from Neil's, and waltzing with her in his arms. "You look beautiful. I have never seen a better Luna than you," he whispered in her ear. "What a kind thing to say! Thank you Ray. You look good too. I think all the men here are more handsome than humans," she sighed. Ray laughed at that, a deep attractive laugh, and she felt Neil's gaze bore into her back. He was scowling in displeasure. "Your husband is jealous," Ray remarked. She saw Neil glaring at them. "He has no reason to be," she replied. "I doubt that. Half of the men here must be wishing that they could spend tonight with you," Ray's lips curled in a taunting smile. "Then they are in for a disappointment. I have no wish to spend tonight or any other night with anyone except my husband."

After her dance with Ray, she danced with a couple other men. Alpha Jeremy of the Blue Moon Pack, was quite nimble footed while with Alpha Donald of the Green Hill Pack, she was constantly afraid of having her foot squashed. Dinner was a lively affair. Tanya glanced in surprise at the lavish spread, from tender venison, to mouthwatering meat pies, spicy roasted chicken, to a tempting pork shoulder among others. She wasn't feeling hungry though, just lightheaded with all the champagne she had drunk. As the buffet was underway, she chose to take a few bites out of Neil's plate instead. He took a spoonful of airy souffle, offering his spoon to her. As she opened her mouth and Neil brought the spoon to her lips, her gaze collided with Renee's. Tanya was astonished at the loathing and pure malice she could glimpse in the other woman's face. Just how far did her friendship with Neil go, for her to detest his wife so much? Had they been lovers? Did Neil ever promise to marry her? The questions crowded in her head, making it ache. Feeling the need for fresh air, she excused herself, walking out of the crowded room into the garden outside.

Ray found her sometime later, sitting on a bench and inhaling the fresh night scents. "Bored?" he inquired. She shook her head, "No. just overwhelmed." He sat down beside her, placing an arm at the back of the bench. "Why do you think Renee hates me so much?" she asked out of the blue. "You must be mistaken. Why would she hate you?" Ray gave an evasive laugh. "Don't try to fool me Ray. Her parents dislike me too. Even….even Tara….hates me. I don't know why," her voice wavered with emotion. Ray saw a drop of tear glisten on her eyelashes, before tumbling down her cheek. He felt his heart shrivel with pain. She was so hurt at the idea of being hated by these people who meant nothing to her, what would she do when she found out that even her husband, Neil hated her enough to plan her death. Oh he wasn't above using her for his own satisfaction, but he was heartless enough to rip her into pieces when the time came. Ray felt a feeling of helplessness wash over him. "Don't mind them sweetheart. Tara is no more than a foolish child. Renee, on the other hand, has grown up with Neil and feels possessive about him." She turned her face towards him, gazing with wide, guileless eyes, trying to take in what he had said. With a groan, Ray placed a quick kiss on her lips, drawing her into his arms. She hugged him, taking comfort in having at least a true friend. "Tanya!" The silence of the night was broken by Neil's voice, shaking with rage. She looked up to see his eyes glowing with an unholy light. The beast had taken over him and his fingers were extended into claws.

Tanya removed Ray's arms from about her, fearful for him. In this mood Neil could kill both of them easily. Standing up she took a step backwards. Neil advanced menacingly towards them. Pushing Ray out of his way so that he fell on the ground, he spoke in a tight voice, "Our guests are waiting to take leave, Tanya." She accompanied him in silence, and once inside, she forced herself to smile at the departing guests, all the while aware of Neil's simmering anger. "Where do you think you are going?" He barked when the last guest had departed and she was about to make herself scarce. "To….to…..our room," she stammered. He marched her to their room as if taking an offender to the gallows. Once inside, he pushed her against the wall, bringing his face near to her. "How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from Ray?" he ground out.

Neil looked at the trembling woman pressed to the wall. Her eyes were wide with fear, while she bit her lips in consternation. Why did he feel this inexplicable jealousy whenever he watched her with Ray? She was nothing to him. Less than nothing. He only used her to assuage this strange desire he felt for her. A desire he could not explain even to himself. Now that he had marked her as the Luna officially, he was free to kill her. He could do it now and be free of the curse for ever. He willed his fingers to turn into deadly talons, raising them to her throat. It would be so easy to rip her slender neck which still bore his mark. To his surprise, she turned her face into his claws, kissing each tip. "I love the beast in you, Neil," she whispered against his lips. Neil felt hunger surge inside him. Picking her up, he carried her to their bed, laying her gently, before joining her there. Later, he watched her sleep, her face a study in innocence. To look at her, one could never guess how sensuous she could be in bed. Sometime after midnight, she woke up to find Neil standing by the window, smoking a cigarette. She joined him there, hugging his bare back. "Something has been troubling my mind all evening Neil," she spoke, when he turned towards her. "What is it?" he asked, his eyes roaming her body barely covered by the wisp of lace which she called a nightgown. "What is this curse everyone keeps talking about?" Tanya asked curiously.