

Ray observed his cousin and Tanya as they sat preparing the invitations for the mating ceremony. Her face was radiant with the happiness she thought she had found with Neil. He knew what Neil was planning. This ceremony, where he would mark her as his Luna, in front of the whole pack, would mark the beginning of the end. The end of Tanya's dreams which she fondly thought, would come true. His heart ached for the girl who had given her everything to Neil, not knowing that he was plotting the ultimate betrayal. That, one night she would find him with the blood lust on his head, ready to tear into her. To rip her into shreds, a sacrifice to appease the curse which plagued his life. How could he, Ray face that day? Peering into his own heart, he knew he had come to love Tanya, for her guileless attitude, her tender heart, and her unique beauty, which was more of the spirit than of the body. He also knew that she considered him no more than a friend. Maybe a good friend, but friend nonetheless. Neil had her unbounded love and loyalty, which frankly his cousin did not deserve. Righteous anger filled Ray. He would not stand to see the woman he loved, destroyed selfishly by his cousin. He would do everything in his power to save her from his clutches, even if it meant sacrificing his own life in the process.

Tanya glanced at her image in the mirror fixed on the wall of the boutique. The dress she had on, was a silk one in pale lavender with a delicate lace border. It fitted her snugly, accentuating her slim but shapely figure, and complementing her skin tone. She twisted to see the deeply plunging back, wondering if it was too revealing. "It is perfect," Neil commented from the sofa where he was reclining. "It seems to be too expensive. Maybe I should try something simpler…" she mused. "Sweetheart money is no issue, and it suits you as if made exclusively for you. We will take this one," he told the proprietress who was waiting eagerly to please the Alpha. It was a discreet but expensive boutique, catering to the few rich families in town. Tara had suggested it to Neil, pointing out the unsuitability of Tanya's clothes, but instead of the ridicule she had expected, Neil had declared a shopping trip, causing Tara's face to fall. Next stop was the jewelers' where she tried out varied rings, each more ornate than the other. The diamonds, sapphires and emeralds vied in outshining each other. Tanya looked with dismay at the showy, large rings, which sat heavily on her slender finger, settling at last for a filigreed ring encrusted with rubies. It was tastefully elegant and Tanya loved it at first sight. Her heart lifted when she saw Neil's approving glance.

They were coming out of the shop when they came face to face with a middle aged couple who had just walked into the shop. They were clearly well acquainted with Neil, for they stopped to greet him, the man shaking his hand, and the woman kissing his cheek. "Tanya, meet Rose and Paul, Renee's parents. Folks, this is my wife Tanya," Neil completed the introductions. "Oh dear, so glad to meet Neil's wife at last!" the woman, clearly a fashionista, embraced her with a too wide smile, which Tanya suspected to be fake. "Renee had mentioned you, and I was planning on paying a visit to you one of these days, but fancy meeting you here." Paul, a rotund man with a balding pate, patted Neil on the back with a show of joviality. "Neil is like a son to us. He and Renee have been close since they were teenagers," he entwined his fingers to demonstrate the closeness, a sly look in his eyes. Tanya nodded her head mutely, unwilling to make any comment in Neil's presence. Neil obviously thought highly of the couple. She did not wish to embarrass him. "We will see you at the mating ceremony," Neil bid them goodbye with the invitation.

Tanya sat on a wooden bench, wallowing in the pleasure of the fresh breeze laden with the sweet scents of flowers. Her appreciative gaze took in the wildflowers blooming in profusion in the grasslands beyond the impeccably manicured lawns, which extended right up to the woods. Soaking in the warm sun, she saw a pair of doves on a nearby tree. To her surprise, one of the birds flew quite close to her, landing to perch on the bench by her side. As she cooed to the bird, it flew to settle on her shoulder, making her laugh at its antics. Neil was out with his father on some business of the mines. Only Tara was home, for Ray had left early. She had noticed that Ray had been troubled the last few days. She had tried to find out the reason but he had prevaricated, making Tanya wonder what the matter was with him. Was he upset because of Rhea or was it some other pressing matter which made him distraught? The dove was fluttering around her head when Tara and Renee came out of the house. Renee must have arrived unnoticed. "So, what is the new Luna doing?" Renee inquired with a saccharine sweet smile. "Just enjoying the sights of Nature. What is a Luna supposed to do?" Tanya remarked lightly. "Oh, apart from bearing the Alpha's cubs?" Renee stroked her own stomach, implying something which Tanya chose to ignore. "She has varied duties. From looking after the welfare of the pack to arranging get-togethers for all, to solving any disputes between the female members. Believe me darling there is a lot for a Luna to do, but I guess being a human you know nothing about these things. It is a position suited to one who is brought up to take it on," Renee's lips twisted into a smirk.

Renee gave a swift look at the ring on Tanya's finger. Her parents had told about the meeting at the jewelers' and she had to come to see it for herself. What had got into Neil that he had bought this woman a classy ring? Although Renee knew about the plan which Neil had for Tanya, knew that she was there to serve a purpose, but she hated this woman on sight. After all, she was sharing Neil's bed, for however short a time it might be. Her eyes went to the mark on Tanya's slender neck, clearly an imprint of Neil's passion. She curbed the desire to rip apart Tanya's heart from her body. It would be so easy to fell her with a blow of her claws, but it would destroy Neil's well laid plans to remove the curse. She found Tara note that too, her face scowling at the hint of the intimacy between this woman and Neil. Of course, Tara had no idea why Tanya was here, and Renee had no intention of telling her friend of Neil's plans. She did not wish to make a martyr out of the other woman. If she had to die, let her death be ignominious. That was how they would explain it to the pack. Impute some crime against the woman. She had complete faith in Neil that he would do everything to gain the pack's sympathy on the death of his Luna. After a respectable period, she, Renee, would take her place, become the real Luna of the pack.

"There is some news Marina. Duffy and Bogart have returned from the wolves' den with the latest tidings," Sabine informed her friend. Duffy and Bogart, the familiars, entered, excited. "Today we went right up to the girl. She is really the new Luna, but it seems that she is not much liked by the two women we saw with her. From what we could pick up, they bear her ill will." waving a hand at them to leave Marina fell into deep thought. Was her intuition true. Did Remus' great grandson, Alpha Neil mean her harm? Marina felt a pang of guilt. Was her curse going to be the reason for some innocent human's death? If it was so, she, Marina had to stop it at any cost.

"May I ask you something?" Tanya softly whispered to Neil in the darkened room. She was lying in his arms, the afterglow of his passionate lovemaking, bringing a smile of pure bliss to her lips. "Hmm" Neil placed butterfly kisses along her shoulder. "Do you think I will make a good Luna?" she asked, uncertainty lacing her voice. "Why do you ask?" he murmured, his finger tracing circles on her bare back. Distracted by the pleasurable feelings Neil's finger aroused, she tried to answer him. "Umm...just asking. I am after all a human. I don't wish to give the impression of being ignorant of my duties." "Your foremost duty is to please your Alpha," Neil said, drawing her to himself, and bringing his mouth down on hers. With a squeal of protest she tried to evade him. "That's not the answer Neil," she retorted. "It is the only answer you are getting for now," he grunted, before proceeding to show her again just what pleasing the Alpha entailed.

Returning to the house late that night, Ray heard the laughter and moans issuing from Neil's bedroom. He had spent the best part of the day with Joe, going through ancient manuscripts, trying to find any means whatsoever to overthrow the curse without harming Tanya. It had been an exercise in vain. They could not find anything which could help. The mating ceremony was scheduled for the next day, and he was losing hope. Would he succeed in saving the woman he loved, or would he lose her to Neil's ruthlessness?