
The beginning after the end: perfect duo

A young otaku dies and got sent to the leatest fiction he saw which was TBATE, how would this fan change the Fate of this world ?

Abdellah_Khajou · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs



After finishing our sparr against Dad, we went to our room, and I spoke with Arthur :

"it was a tiresome sparr, isn't Arthur?"

"Yeah, with Father dodging all of our attacks, I didn't think that there was this much gap between us and actual adults," Arthur said.

"We would get stronger way faster Arthur," I said trying to sound cheerful.

"Yeah, I know but I want to get stronger to protect our family,"  He said.

"I want to become stronger too, but we have time, take it easy," I said.

"Just leave that aside for now, can you re-explain the concept of the shadow clone technique again," Arthur said.

"Well, I just divide my mana into multiple clones and that's it, each one of them operates on its own, but I receive what they learn and their experience," I said.

"Theoretically speaking, it sounds possible, I'll try to see if I can do something similar, where did you get this idea from" He asked.

"Other novels I've read," I said.

"Does that mean that each of these novels are other separate worlds??" He asked.

"Maybe, no one knows for sure," I said.

"So we could be in another novel right now?" He asked.

"no one knows for sure, I said.

I thought about it for a second, It would be terrifying to think that I'm living what could be just a novel that people read. Arthur probably felt the same way when I told him, he probably felt shocked, and and it would take a lot of self-control to not freak out.

Arthur started meditating to purify his core and I did the the same thing, and then it was dinner time.

"Alice, I have to tell you something," My father said.

"What is it, Reynolds?" She asked.

"Darling, the kids are a prodigy, I thought that leaving them to train on their own, would be a good option, but by doing  That I would be holding them back, we have to get them a mentor, and I know the perfect place to go to, I have a friend in Xyrus, we could go there, " My father said.


" Alice please consider it, we' 'll be wasting their future, kids it's your future, Do you have a say in this, " My father asked us.

" Can't we go together and meet the mentor?" Arthur said.

Then my parents started laughing.

" We didn't think of it that way, " Mom said.

After eating dinner, we went to our room, Arthur started reading a book, and I started thinking about my next steps, even after a whole year I wasn't able to make those radioactive golems, it was a pain in the ass, to even try and experiment on it, I had multiple clones destroyed just because of the wrong experimental approach to it. Arthur will meet soon Sylvia, and I'll have to make sure that Mom and Father are safe from the bandit's attack, I'm going to meet with the Twin Horns and the Helsteas soon.


I was reading a book about elemental affinities, while my brother was meditating.

Then I heard Mom's footsteps approaching us, she opened the door quickly and found me reading the book.

"Arthur you have to sleep we're going to leave tomorrow, you can take books with you,  look at your brother he's already sleeping," Mom said.

"This soon already?" 

When did this bastard sleep, why didn't he alert me?

"Your father's friends are leaving tomorrow and they are going to take us with them," Mom said.

"ok have a good night, Mom," I said.

As soon as mom left the room, I got up from my bed and went running I hoped high and augmented my body with mana :

"Betrayer!" I said, before landing on Tom's "sleeping" body.

"Awch, I'm glad I augmented my body with mana beforehand," Tom said.

"You knew Mom was coming right!?" I  said.

"yes kinda felt her mana signature coming, you didn't? "

" No I haven't, is it because your core is at a higher level than mine? "I asked.

" Maybe, now we gotta go to sleep," He said.

I gathered a few books and went to sleep, morning came by quickly. Tom woke me up, taking his revenge in the process, the problem is I wasn't protecting myself with mana so the hit did hurt.


After waking up Arthur, aggressively.

We had breakfast and went to meet with the twin horns.

Adam with his strong body and red hair, Jasmine with her black hair and reddish eyes, Helen Shard,  the captain of the team, Durden with his giant body, and Angela with her huge...

"Arthur, Tom present yourselves," Father said.

"I am Arthur Leywin, nice to meet you, and thank you for accompanying us," Arthur said.

"I am Tom Leywin, this guy's twin, and thanks for helping us out," I said.

"Are you sure this guy is your father's's's kids???" Adam said.

"Twins that's so cute look at them," Angela said. And hugged both of us, she placed our heads on her huge... And I wasn't able to to to breathe here.

Cute, no one ever told me this word and as men, cute isn't a nice word to tell a man but to them, we were just kids after all.

Durden grabbed us out of Angela's reach, and placed us on the ground, he introduced himself. and said :

"They weren't breathing Angela, are you planning to kill them"

"Hey kids, I'm Helen Shard this team's captain, and I hope we have a nice trip together," Helen said.

Nice isn't the appropriate word to describe this trip, but no one knows yet.

Night came by, and Adam said:

"Rey, you said they were training right, how about I use them for my warm-up?

" Be careful Adam, they're still children after all " Father said.