

This is a fan-fiction of THE BEGINNING AFTER THE END, In which a soul gets 5 wishes from the God and his world of choice to be reborn. 7CH/WEEK

Novel_Lover459 · Fantasy
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25 Chs


3rd POV

'Just as Both Arthur and Tessia appeared in the city of Elenoir, they came in front of a big beautiful city'.

ARTHUR- "I have to say this place is really beautiful". He said while seeing the city.

TESSIA- "Isn't it, let's meet my parents Arthur and ". Just as she was going to complete her words suddenly many soldiers came in front of them while kneeling down in front of Tessia.

SOLDIER- "Are you all right Princess, we were really worried when we get the knews that you gone missing, where were you all this time and we have already informed his majesty and the queen they will be here any moment". He said and next moment a big carriage of pure gold came from which Tessia's parents came out.

MERIAL- "Tessia" Tessia's mother called her and ram towards her to which Tessia also ran towards her mother

TESSIA- "MOM". She said and hugged her mother with tears in her eyes.

ALDUIN- "Where were you tessia, we were really worried about you". Tessia's father also came to her and hugged her".

VIRION- " Son we should first get inside this is not the right place for all this and Tessia is he the one who helped you". Virion grandfather of Tessia said while pointing towards Arthur.

TESSIA- "Yes grandpa, Arthur is the one who helped me, Arthur come here meet my family". She said to her grandpa while going towars Arthur to get him.

ARTHUR- " So you are a princess, Tessia". He said to her with a teasing smile to which she blushed and pounted.

TESSIA- "Humph, it's not my fault you never asked about my family, hehe". She said with a smile on her face while taking him to her family to introduce him.

" Mom, Dad, Grandpa he is Arthur and he is the one who helped me".

ALDUIN- "Tessia first let's go home, we will talk there". He said and all of them sat in the carriage and returned to the castle.

3rd POV

'In a big luxurious room we could see Arthur sitting on a chair and in front of him were Tessa's dad, mom and her grandpa and two guards for their protection, while Tessia was sitting next to him'.


'When he get the news that Tessia has returned with a human boy he reached there as soon as possible while he was happy that his granddaughter was fine but when to saw with whom she had came he tried to see through him but he was shocked knowing that he can't even sense his mana core or even a little amount of mana and again got shocked when he saw that the boy was looking towards him, that's why he said his son to return in the castle'.

ALDUIN- "So you are the one who saved our daughter, now tell us who kidnapped her". He said with a voice full of authority while looking towards Arthur.

ARTHUR- " I will tell everything but first you should send Tessia to her room for some rest, the past days for her were very difficult ". He said while looking towards Tessia.

TESSIA- "N-No it's alright I am fine and -". She was going to complete her words but Virion interrupted her.

VIRION- "He is right Tessia, now go to your room and rest". He said to her with a smile on his face.

TESSIA- "Alright grandpa, but Arthur after this you have to come with me I am going to show you my city". She said and ran out of the room.

'Tessia's parents were surprised that their daughter has became more energetic while talking to Arthur'.

ALDUIN- " Now tell me boy who were they". He asked with authority in his voice to which Arthur just smiled.

ARTHUR- "Tessia was kidnapped by the slave traders".He said while shocking everyone.

ALDUIN- " I knew it, those fucking humans". He said with an angry look.

VIRION- "Arthur right, what happened to the slave traders". He said while observing his every action and he was really impressed, he was treating them like any normal people, if in his place there was anyone else they would have bowed their head while showing respect.

'But what Arthur said not only shocked Virion but everyone present in the room'.

ARTHUR- "I KILLED THEM". He said while taking a sip of tea.

ALDUIN- "You really want us to believe that". He said while refusing to believe his words.

ARTHUR- " I don't care if you believe me or not". Arthur said whie taking another sip of tea. That was when the guard shouted.

"How dare you a mere human said such disrespectful words to his majesty, if you don't want to die kneel down and ask for forgiveness". He said while appearing behind Arthur and putting the sword on Arthur's neck.

'Just as virion was going to say something they were all shocked when they see that the guard has been sent flying and then they heared Arthurs deep monstrous voice'.

ARTHUR-"ME KNEEL DOWN THERE IS NO ONE IN THIS WORLD WHO CAN MAKE ME KNEEL". He said while looking looking towards Alduin to which he trembled in fear, he don't know what to say this is the first time he was seeing such a situation, he was completely shocked how can a kid emit such an dangerous aura while he was thinking he heared his fathers trembling voice.

VIRION- "W-W-Who a-are y-you". He said while looking at him with fear in his eyes, but when they heard what Arthur said they were again shocked.

ARTHUR- " GOD OF BLOOD". He said with a big smile on his face and suddenly the pressure around virion and others was disappeared.

" Let's me say it clearly I don't care if you are a king or whatever and you are only alive because you are tessia's father and I am going to stay in the castle for a while did you get it". He said while looking at Alduin.

ALDUIN- "Y-Y-Yes I g-get it". He said shuttering.

ARTHUR- "And you don't have to be scared of me I am not going to do anything to any of you, because I don't want to make Tessia sad". While saying this he gets up and left the room.

VIRION- "haah,Damn that was scary". He said while taking a deep breath.

MERIAL- " W-who was that kid father, and how can he be that strong at that age". She asked him while still looking at the door.

VIRION- "I don't know I couldn't see through him, but I am sure of one thing 'HE IS THE STRONGEST PERSON I HAVE MEET IN MY ENTIRE LIFE' I don't think I can even stand for 1second against him". He said while resting his head on the table. When they heared him both of them were completely shocked, a kid not much older then Tessia is already that much strong.

"Son its our luck that Tessia is his friend if not I don't even want to think what could have happened".

ALDUIN- "Yes father and I will keep in mind to treat him with respect from now on". He said while looking at his father.

VIRION- "It's good to have him as our friend then our enemy". He said and left the room.


'It was night and he was lying on his bed, in the evening he and Tessia had gone to see the city and she was jumping from one place to another like a cat with a small smile on her face, after seeing the city we came at first Tessia was sad that we are parting away but then I told her that tomorrow we will again go out and she hugged me and ran towards her own room'.

ARTHUR- "Sylvia you can come out now". He said and suddenly Sylvia appeared in front of him.

SYLVIA- "So , did you miss me darling". She said while hugging Arthur tightly to which Arthur turned her around and pinned her to the bed.

ARTHUR- "You noughty woman let me satisfy you a little". He said as he made her clothes dissapere and made her naked and took her one of her boobs in his mouth and started sucking it like a hungry kid.

SYLVIA- " AAAAH❤❤❤ not so hard darling, uuuuh❤ please be gentle". She said while moaning.

'After Sucking her boobs he came near her face and started kissing her'.


ARTHUR- "Open your legs and show me your pussy". He said going between her legs and came in front of her hairless pink wet pussy.

SYLVIA- "Here lick me darling❤❤". She said as she opened her legs.

ARTHUR- "Then here we go". He said as he started licking her pussy aggressively while playing with her ass hole with his fingers.

SYLVIA- " AAAAH❤❤❤ not both at same time AAAAH❤❤❤". She said while moaning loudly.

'Arthur then entered his tonge in her wet pussy and started licking her and drinking her juices which were delicious, while his finger was playing with her ass hole, after some time Sylvia screamed loudly and came.

SYLVIA- "AAAAAAAH❤❤❤❤ I am cummmmming❤❤❤❤". She said while cumming all over Arthur's face.

" T-That haah was am-amazing darling, I can't wait to feel your big meat inside me ".

ARTHUR- " You have to wait until my body grow completely unlit then I will satisfh you like this". He said as he cleaned him and Sylvia.After which they lay on the bed and fall to sleep.

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