

This is a fan-fiction of THE BEGINNING AFTER THE END, In which a soul gets 5 wishes from the God and his world of choice to be reborn. 7CH/WEEK

Novel_Lover459 · Fantasy
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25 Chs


3rd POV

'Arthur has scaned the area and was on his way where the slave traders are'.


'He was standing on the branch of a tree while watching the slave traders tying Tessia with ropes to which she was struggling to escape'.


BOSS- "Make sure to tie her tight, I don't want to lost her again". He said to his men's to tie her tight.

FOLLOWER 1- "Hey boss why don't we enjoy her first and then sell her in the market, hehe". He said with a creepy smile on his face while licking his lips to which Tessia trembled.

BOSS- "YOU IDIOT, don't you know how much a virgin elf girl is of in the market. Don't try to do something funny with her after selling her you can have fun in a brothel". He said while shouting to which the former twiched and said.

FOLLOWER 1- "Alright, you don't have to shout on me". He said and picked the girl and locked her in the carriage.

'When all this was happening Arthur was listening to them and he was angry really angry'.


'When I heared them I was angry, just to earn some money they destroy innocent girl's lives and who knows how many have they already destroyed. Humans really have fell very low, sigh'. As he was thinking he heared Sylvia's voice.

SYLVIA- "So what are you going to do with them". She said to him while looking with bloodthirsty eyes towards the Slave traders.

ARTHUR- "I am going to give them something even more horrible then death that they are going to ask me to kill them". He said with a bloodthirsty look on his face and disappeared.


'They were going to leave but suddenly everything froze, it was like the time has stopped and a monstrous pressure fall upon them while droppeing their bodies to ground and suddenly they heared a monstrous voice and what they saw next shocked their soul completely they saw a being of dark red colour with thousands of eyes on his body'.

ARTHUR- "I WILL ONLY ASK ONE TIME HOW MANY WOMAN HAVE YOU SOLD UNTIL NOW". He asked with a deep monstrous voice, for once Sylvia was also shocked by seeing this appearance of Arthur he was looking like a 'GOD OF DEATH' who fall upon this world to judge the sinners but she came out of her thought knowing that she has to stop getting shocked by ARTHUR'S every action now because she knew that in the future he is going to do even more absurd things.


'He didn't know what happened suddenly a moment ago they were ready to leave but the next moment they were all crawling on the ground like some ants and when he saw who was responsible for all this he was scared to his soul, he didn't know what that is, is that a human or a monster or a demon, that creature has thousands of eyes on his body and a mouth with razor like teeths, he was just too scared that he even pissed and shit at the same time and when he heared what he asked he knew that if they didn't answer they will die that instant'.

BOSS- "W-W-We d-d-dont r-remember". He said shuttering with a face full of fear and shaking like crazy.

ARTHUR- " SO YOU DON'T EVEN REMEMBER HOW MANY INNOCENT WOMEN'S LIFE HAVE YOU RUINED , THEN IT'S DECIDED". He said as as the eyes of the slave traders lost their colour and their body froze.


'They don't know what happened suddenly they were in a dark place and suddenly they heared a voice'.

"YOU ENJOY IT WHEN INNOCENT WOMEN ASK YOU TO SPARE THEM RIGHT LET'S SEE HOW YOU REACT WHEN THE SAME THING HAPPENS TO YOU". As he said and many orcs appeared in front of them with droll on their face while walking towards them with lustfull expression.

SLAVE TRADERS- "N-No a-anything b-b-but that, w-we are s-s-sorry". They were begging like crazy to spare them but before they could say anything more they were captured by the orcs and the orcs started using them to their desire, they used every hole present on their body while assaulting them.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, TELL ME HOW DO YOU FELL, TELL MEEE". Arthur said with a large monstrous voice but the reply didn't came.


'We could see the bodies of slave trader lying on the dark ground while blood and white liquid coming out from every hole on their body, their legs and hands were twisted to the wrong side but they were still alive and suddenly the boss said with a broken voice'.

"P-P-Ple-ase K-Kil-l u-us". As he said and suddenly a the scene changed.

3rd POV

'The spell that Arthur used was a illusion spell and time in the illusion world and the real world goes different, even if in illusion many years has passed but in real world only few seconds has passed which made this ability really scary.'

ARTHUR- "They have already died, let's dispose them". As he said and blue flames covered there bodies and they turned to ashes.

SYLVIA- " That ability is really scary Art". She said to Arthur.

ARTHUR- "Let's free Tessia, she must be scared". He said while walking towards the carriage and broking its lock where he came face to face Tessia who was hiding in the carriage while her hands, legs, and mouth were tied with rope.

'When Tessia saw that someone has came inside while the cariage she was scared at first but when she saw that they were not the slave traders but a boy with a handsome face and red hair she became relaxed expecting that he might came here to save her and she was right when he frees her from the rope and helping her to stand up'.

ARTHUR- "It's alright now, you don't have to be scared of me I have taken care of the slave trader, so you don't have to worry by the way my name is Arthur what's your name". He said with a gentle smile and helping her to stand up.

TESSIA- "T-Tessia, my name is Tessia and h-how did you did t-that you don't look that much older than me". She said while taking his hand and standing up.

ARTHUR- "You don't have to worry about that, first take these clothes they might be your and change then we will talk". He said while giving her the clothes which were lying on the ground.

TESSIA- "A-Alright, and t-thank you Arthur for saving me". She said with a small blush while taking the clothes.

ARTHUR- "No problem, you change I will wait outside". He said and came out.

SYLVIA- " She looks cute,you are also going to seduce her like you did me right". She said while giving him a teasing smile.

ARTHUR- "Who was the one who hugged me first huh". He said with a teasing smile to which she turned her face and pounted.

SYLVIA- "Humph, fair enough".

'As they were talking Tessia came out of the carriage'.

TESSIA- "Arthur I have changed the chothes". She said while coming out of the carriage.

ARTHUR- "Then let's go you are an elf so we have to take you ELENOIR right". He asked while looking at Tessia.

TESSIA- " Y-Yes b-but I don't know the route". She said with tears in her eyes.

ARTHUR- "You don't have to worry about that I know the route, I will take you there". He said while patting her head to which a smile formed on her face.

TESSIA- "Really, thank you Arthur". She said as she hugged him tightly to which Arthur also hugged her back.

ARTHUR- "It's all right let's go and I think you should climb on my back I am fast that way we can reach there early". He said while bending down so that she can climb up. In height Tessia comes near his shoulder.

TESSIA- "A-Are you sure". She asked with consern she does not want to trouble him.

ARTHUR- "It's all right you don't have to worry, I am stronger then I look". He said while assuring her to which she nodded and climbed on his back and Arthur started running towards Elenoir.

'If Arthur wanted he could have made a portal for Elenoir but he didn't because he wanted to explore more in this life and even he was not running seriously, he was just running normally, if he ran with even 10% his potential then his surrounding would have been destroyed completely. After running for some hours they reached their destination'.

ARTHUR- "Wake up Tessia we have arrived". He said while waking her up to which she opened her eyes and sees trees with some symbols on it, which were the teleportation symbols used to go inside the city,

TESSIA- "You are right Arthur we have arrived, let me activate the portal". She said while going towards one of the trees and placing her hand on it then coming back near Arthur then suddenly the symbols started glowing and the next moment both of them were dissapered from there.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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