
The Beginner's Guide to a Hollow Existence.

Usually, being a Hollow in the world of Bleach is a struggle. Imagine constantly hungering for more power, all due to your existence as a Hollow. If only there was a guide to help you out! ... Yeah that's what this story is about. A man who is suddenly dropped in a cruel, war torn, spiritual world. With average, well, everything really, the only advantage he has? A personal wikipedia. "Tell me. How do I evolve? How do I gain power?"

Arcus_Orcus · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Get Jebaited | Quincy vs Soul Reaper

6'0 vs 5'11

That's how he feels right now. He stands over these filthy peasants, short as fuck hollows.

But for serious, being a Menos Grande SUCKS! Sure, he gets a lot of extra reiatsu, about 2x more before he evolved, so 3600 points of reiatsu. That's a lot, he thinks. Also he's got a cool overcompensating beam attack, but other than that? He feels so DAMN SLOW! And now he's got voices in his head! Note: Voices. Not Voice.

Where am I?! What am I?!

Slaughter. Kill. Death Death Death.


Praise be to lord Aizen.

Honestly it was really hard to differentiate his instincts from the voices. 'Guess I won't be getting help from my instincts for now.' Another thing he learned is that apparently, that Menos he killed earlier was really REALLY weak. A perk of evolving into a Menos Grande is that his reiatsu sense evolved alongside him. The first perk of that is that he could now tell what the thing he's sensing is! The second is that he could sense from much farther away.

That includes the really strong reiatsu signatures.

Do you know how terrifying it was to sense a 50k reiatsu point hollow?! That scared him to death! He thought he was about to die the moment he evolved. No, it was just a- "What was it again?"

<Q. What was that 50k hollow signature he sensed?>

<A. That was an <strong>Adjuchas, The middle-class evolution of Hollows. They are Menos Grande who have struggled and devoured tens of other Menos Grande.>

Yeah, and Adjuchas! So yeah, that was a jumpscare and a half. Other than that, it seems like the average Menos Grande was significantly stronger that 2k points one that he killed. That one was probably a newly evolved one, then. At least as newly evolved one, maybe two months old is, at least.

He sighs. At the very least, he doesn't think his Menos Grande phase will last too long. "What's my progress right now?"

<Q. What is my current evolution progress?>

<A. 18%>

18% from 3600 reiatsu points! It's seriously not that bad. He just has to kill, what, twenty something Gillian? 

It was just unfortunate that Menos Grande were so rare. Within the 100km range he could sense, he sensed a grand total of... 5 of them! 100 fucking kilometers! 5! 100! 5!

Has he made his point yet?! He sure fucking hopes so!

Now, onto better news, Adjuchas are even rarer than Menos. There was only two of them withing that very same range. Thank the fucking lord.-

What was that. That smell... What the hell is that? It smells like something... Something good...

He couldn't control himself. That smell... It reminds him of when he was hungry and sensed a human. It was that irresistible smell. His body moved on its own. Seems like another Menos Grande also smelled that smell. Hell nah, he's getting there first. Fuck that guy.


Ichigo remembers a few nights ago, he and Rukia went out to hunt a hollow. Only for there to be none. It had happened a bunch of different times. But that night stood out in particular. "Grr... How many times has it been that you've forced me out to fight a hollow... Only for there to be no hollow?" He was, suffice to say, irritated. Not that he was the only one.

"Quit whining and get back in your body!" Rukia was equally irritated for the same reason. "Fine, but get that Soul Pager of yours checked." Ichigo complies, putting his soul back into his physical body. "Hey! It's not on ME if the soul pager goes off! We just have to assume it's a hollow and go check it out!" The petite former-Shinigami girl argues in kind. She really didn't know why the Soul Pager was having so many false alarms! It's not like she's an expert in these kinds of things. "My point stands! That thing's obviously busted." "Well, it's not like I can just get it fixed at some shabby back alley phone repair shop!"

Well... Actually no, she literally CAN get it fixed at some shabby back alley shop. Urahara Shoten. If only he actually answered his goddamn pager.

"Two Shinigami bickering? How unprofessional."

Step Step Step

"It's a fine evening, isn't it? Ichigo Kurosaki. Rukia Kuchiki." They were both immediately put on high alert. "Who are you? And How do you know our names if you don't mind me aski-" "I don't mind at all. I also know you can see spirits, Ichigo." Now they were put on even higher alert. Whoever this guy was, he was very dangerous. "And you know that how?" Before the white clad teen could answer, he sensed something. "It seems another hollow has appeared." "You don't know th-" Rukia was immediately interrupted by the signature beeping of the Soul Pager.

'There's no way...!' She pulls out her soul pager, and sure enough. A reiatsu signature. "He's right...!" "Alright, which way?" The white clad teen answers for Rukia, pointing to his right. "That direction. Can you really not do something so simple as Reikaku?" He clicks his tongue arrogantly. 'How pathetic.' All in all, the description was right for them, at least for now. But maybe in the future that could very well change. "And you call yourself a Shinigami?" 

Suddenly, from the cross bracelet he had on his wrist, a sky blue light expands into an arch shape. No... It was more accurate to call it a bow. The boy pulls back on the bow as a sky blue arrow manifests in the string.

He fired. The arrow flew through the air with great force. The moment the hollow had appeared out of a garganta, it was pierced straight through the skull. Safe to say it was dead.

"Th-The signal's gone!" "So tell me, who or what are you?" A pause. The boy's opinion on Ichigo was only getting worse by the second. "Uryu Ishida. I am a Quincy. And Shinigami are my enemy." Rukia and Ichigo could only stand there speechless before the boy- Uryu Ishida, disappeared into the night.


Okay. Ichigo had to get some answers. With the help of one Orihime Inoue, he was able to find where Uryu Ishida was. (It wasn't that impressive, in fact he just looks more like an idiot, since Uryu shared the same class as him.) As any good information gatherer would do, he stalks the Quincy. It's not weird.

"How long do you plan to follow me, Kurosaki?" Ah shit. "Guess I'm not as sneaky as I thought I was. Since when did you know?" Really, he was curious. Surely it couldn't have been too long. "Since the time Orihime and you saw me back in class." Oh. Well that's a bummer. "Geez. That long? Impressive. Guess I wasn't as sneaky as I thought." Uryu glared at the substitute Shinigami. His glare all but said 'Are you stupid or something?' 

"The way you let your Reiatsu leak out, even a normal human would've noticed something odd. What an amateur." Ichigo scowled. What a jerk! This guy's got one hell of a stick up his ass!

"What did you just say?"

"It's obvious you're untrained. Even a trainee would know basic Reikaku."

"There's a difference between you and I, Ichigo Kurosaki." Uryu now fully turns around with a challenging gaze. "When I arrived, I sensed your high Reiatsu. Had you been any good, you'd have known the same." Ichigo has had enough of this guy, Uryu was seriously getting on his nerves. Just before he could respond- "I even know the exact date you became a Shinigami." "Wh-?!" "Hell, I even know Rukia Kuchiki's true identity." Ichigo could only clench his fist in frustration. It had just been cemented that Uryu Ishida was way more competent than he was.

"Why don't we play a little game, Shinigami?" What was that now? A game? "Let's have a... Duel, you might say. To see who's stronger. Quincy or Shinigami? Then you'll see how useless Shinigami truly are." 

"Alright... Where and when?" Ichigo only asked for courtesy. He had no reason to fight Uryu.

"Here and now." Ichigo thought that he had to be joking, but looking at his serious face... It seems like he meant it. "Tch. That idea's ridiculous." Ichigo clicks his tongue. "That would be one hell of a time waster, neither do I have anything to prove. I've never heard of a Quincy before, nor do I know what you have against Shinigami, but whatever it is. It has nothing to do with me." Quincy, Shinigami, whatever. Ichigo really didn't care. He only became a Shinigami so he could protect his loved ones anyway. Not for some 'family legacy', 'Shinigami pride', or whatever have you.

"How surprising." Uryu's words dripped with sarcasm. "The Shinigami is afraid to fight." "Don't try to egg me on. It's not gonna work. Besides, I'd destroy you." A lie, really. Ichigo knows that Uryu would wipe the floor with his face. After all, he has no experience with fighting against non hollow opponents with reiatsu. Ichigo starts to walk away. This stalking session's been productive. Maybe he'd learn reiatsu suppression from Rukia later. "Ah... I get it. You're just a substitute, aren't you? You don't have permission." Ichigo stands still from Uryu's provocation. Alright, he's had enough of this guy.

"That does it..." Ichigo's voice was dripping with venom. "If you want a duel, let's duel." Ichigo takes out a... lion plush thing from his bag. "It's about time, Ichigo!" And it speaks. Uryu really shouldn't be shocked. But that's not something you see everyday. "Your bag is so damn stuffy! Are you trying to kill me?!" Ichigo glares at the rude plush. "Soul candy. Now." Kon's face went from anger to dread. "N-Now, let's not get hasty here- Gwak!" 

Ichigo sticks his arm in Kon's mouth. "Come on... It's gotta be here somewhere... Aha!" He pulls out his arm, taking a piece of candy from the plush's mouth "I feel violated..." Kon says with a wheeze. Ichigo downs the candy. His soul phases out of his body as Kon, the Mod soul gets into his body. Now he's ready. "So... How are we doing this?" Uryu smirks. Maybe Ichigo's less incompetent than he thought. Uryu reaches into his chest pocket and takes out a small white tablet.

"And that is?" "Hollow bait. If I crush this, hollows will start to flood this area." "What the hell?!" Ichigo was not liking the sound of that. "Upup. Not done. Whoever kills the most hollows in 24 hours will be the victor. Simple, right?" Uryu's explaination made Ichigo grit his teeth in anger. "What the hell, Uryu?! If you do that, it'll put everyone in danger!" This guy was really going to use something like that in a populated town? It'd level the area before they knew it! Uryu was confident though. Ichigo thinks it's more cocky.

"Calm down. No one is going to get hurt. After all, I'll be there to take the hollows down before they can cause any real harm." Ichigo growls. What the hell is Uryu thinking? If it really lives up to what Uryu said, there isn't enough of either of them to go around protecting everyone! Even if Orihime and Chad joined in... "If you were any good, you'd do well to follow my lead before anyone gets hurt." And with that arrogant comment, Uryu crushed the bait. The duel was on. 

That was how it started. How is it going now?

"On your left, Shinigami!" Uryu warned, a flying hollow was approaching Ichigo rapidly. "I know!" He shouted back, but he wasn't worried. Uryu had his back. Right now at least. The flying hollow was killed with terrifying accuracy, meanwhile Ichigo dashed past Uryu to kill another enemy hollow who was about to attack him

There was one glaring concern though. "Wh-What the...!" Uryu sounded horrified. A first for Ichigo. "What is it, four-eyes?" Uryu points upwards to the sky, pointing to the cracking barrier of dimensions between Hueco Mundo and the Human Realm. "What the hell is that?!" Kon was, understandably terrified of the thing. Rukia was too. 'That can't possibly be...!' Suddenly, a pair of huge hands begin to spread it wide open. A giant long nosed Hollow has entered the fray.

"Whatever that is... Looks like it's not just any normal hollow." "But... I don't understand! That tiny amount of bait couldn't have attracted such a powerful hollow!" "Well, it's here whether we like it or not." The hollows start to surround the two fighters. "Here they come!" The two said in synchronization. The plan was simple, really. Kill the small hollows. Then take down the big one.

Before they could engage however, their time and power had just been saved by an obscene amount of bullets turning the hollows into swiss cheese. "I-I'm sorry we're so late...!" Ururu apologized. Meanwhile, Jinta, a red haired child takes down three hollows at once with a giant club. "But thanks for waiting anyways!"

Kisuke Urahara, just a regular shop owner and his employees have evened the battlefield. "How's it hangin', Ichigo?" Ichigo widened his eyes. "Mr. Hat n' Clogs?" Chaos erupts around them as gunshots, brutal clun beatdowns, and Tessai's power cleans up the surrounding horde of hollows. "How's about we take care of the smallfry hollows, yeah? Focus down the big guy."

Meanwhile, after a bit of struggle, the pinocchio hollow was finally able to get through the portal. "Menos Grande..." Rukia finally managed to say something through the overwhelming dread. "A what?" "A Hollow that has eaten hundreds of its own kind, melding together into one super massive hollow hivemind... It's too much for any beginner Shinigami!"

"What's the big deal then?" Ichigo rests his oversized Zanpakuto on his shoulder, though Uryu is looking at him in disbelief. "It's just an overfed hollow. And well. As the saying goes. The bigger they are..."

"Ichigo, no! You're no where near strong enough to!-" Kisuke stops Rukia's exclaimation right in its tracks, earning him a glare from Rukia. "Urahara! Are you trying to get him killed?!- Guah?!" A binding bakudo stops her in her tracks. "Relax, Lady Kuchiki... This'll make sense soon." "Th-This is... Shibireyubi...?!" "This is a battle Ichigo must fight. An enemy he must face." Kisuke's tone changes to an unusually, and as far as Rukia knew, uncharacteristically serious tone. Did he know something she didn't?

 He rushes towards the Menos Grande's leg. "The harder they fall! Haaah!!!" The Menos Grande reacts to this reckless abandon by kicking forward. Ichigo swings forth to its leg!


And nothing.

"Woaaah!!!" Ichigo was launched right back to where he started, but this time, he's pretty sure he's broken a few bones. "That has got to be the dumbest thing I've seen you do today!" Uryu exclaimed. "What were you thinking?!" Uryu grasps his bow, shooting an arrow straight at the Menos' face, but all it did was leave a dent. "Damn it!"

"Well, I mean... I figured that if I just hacked away at it, eventually it'd fall down right? Then we'd be able to attack the mask directly!" The deafening silence and judging stare from Uryu told Ichigo all he needed to know about what he thought of that plan. Uryu relents with a sigh. "Come on, let's think of another plan-" Uryu touches Ichigo's Zanpakuto. Suddenly, a rush or reiryoku entered his body, and subsequently into his bow causing it to become significantly empowered!

"Woah! When did your bow get so big, man?" Uryu ignored Ichigo's remark for now. He had better things to think about. 'Is this... His Reiryoku?! There's so much of it! It's impacting my power too!'

"yu... Uryu... Uryu!" "Wha-" "Snap out of it man!" Ichigo managed to wake the Quincy from his stupor. "Ichigo... I've got a plan.


"This is dumb." Looked dumb too. The idea was that Ichigo would use Zanpakuto to channel his Reiryoku into Uryu, essentially using him as a battery for spirit power to enhance Uryu's arrow. Unfortunately, Uryu INSISTED that he strap Ichigo's Zanpakuto on his head for 'Maximum Efficiency', leading to Uryu looking like some shitty offbrand unicorn samurai. 

"It's better than your plan at least! It's our best chance of beating that thing. Besides, you were just wasting your Reiryoku for nothing!" "Tch... Didn't have to be so rude about it, damn." Uryu groans in frustration. "Suck it up! Just follow my lead and release that energy already!" "... And I do that how?" Remember when Uryu thought Ichigo was actually not that incompetent? He takes it back. This carrot cosplayer is not at all competent. "How do you not know?! How have you been battling hollows all this time?!" "Brute force." Uryu was stunned for the second time in this one conversation.

"Brute force... I can't believe it." Ichigo didn't think it was that weird. Most- Actually, all the hollows he has encountered didn't really take much else. "Seriously man, I just don't get how this stuff works most of the time. If it's so high, it should always be at max, right?" Ichigo could just feel the disappointment in Uryu's gaze. 'Is... Is this guy serious?!'

The Menos Grande decided that, you know what? It's about done waiting for their domestic to be over. It begins to charge a massive Cero blast, catching everyone's attention. "No... It's going to shoot a Cero... Both of you! Run!" Rukia tries to warn the two. Uryu would've been more than happy to comply. Unfortunately, he knows that isn't exactly on the table right now. He clicks his tongue. "There's no other way. Ichigo! Let's-" Enact his plan he would've said, but he was interrupted by Ichigo taking his sword back and doing another reckless charge. "Ichigo!" Uryu growls. There's no way he was really planning to take on that massive blast alone!

He was. He was planning on taking the blast alone. The Menos Grande finishes its charge, and fires! "Hrrk!" Ichigo managed and is managing to tank the beam of reiatsu! He doesn't know how, but if it works, it works! The spectators (barring Kisuke) looked on in shock. Those who could use Reikaku looked on in further disbelief. 'What is this Reiatsu...?!'

The question as answered as Ichigo pushed his blade further to reveal his Zanpakuto, glowing white with powerful Reiatsu, emanating pure power. 'Ichigo's power is increasing!' Indeed it was. For every passing moment, for every second the Cero clashed against his white glowing blade, more of his Reiatsu was pushed forth into his blade. In fact, he was even starting to push back. 'That's right... Even if his Reiryoku constantly leaked, most of it would definitely be kept in his own body...' Uryu analyzed his power. 'But of course... All that power being held back... If that power was to be released all at once!' It would be one hell of a burst of energy.

"HaaaAAH!!!" Ichigo's war cry echoed out! With struggle, he starts to swing his swo-

A giant Menos Grande hand crushes the other Menos Grande's head mercilessly, interrupting the Cero beam and entirely invalidating Ichigo's strike. "What?!" Ichigo exclaimed. Kisuke, Uryu, and the rest were immediately on high alert. It wasn't odd to see a hollow fight and eat another, but usually not in the midst of a battle. The ambushing Menos Grande stuck its head out the Garganta. "Now, what's happening here-" The Menos Grande... spoke?! "No way...!" Rukia thought that these things were hiveminds! If the towering hollows did try to speak, it'd be random grumbling at best.

"O-hoho-kay!- You guys are threats!" Looks like the Menos Grande had a personality too. Was that sarcasm she heard? "I'm just- Gonna take this guy, alright?" It- He dragged the corpse into his Garganta. Presumably to devour it. "Peace out!"

And like that, the abnormal Menos Grande is gone. "...What?" Kon said. Yeah, Rukia thinks that that's a fair enough reaction. After her talk about it being a hivemind (and she's right! It is a hivemind!), a sentient Menos Grande with its own personality and being just up and proves her and hundreds of years of study wrong?! What the hell is that?!

Kisuke meanwhile, was very curious. An intelligent Menos Grande? Is that a creation of Aizen, or is he simply an exception? If so, how did it come to be? It didn't even attack any of them. Kisuke was concerned at first, readying up to use Benihime if necessary. But after that? Now Kisuke's wondering if he could do anything with that Hollow. Hell, it seemed human and in control enough to even possibly be an ally.

Listen, Kisuke is as much of a Shinigami as he was a hundred or so years ago, slaying and purifying stray Hollows in his off time. But he wasn't above allying with Hollows to defeat Aizen. He'd definitely have to get in contact with that hollow.

First, it had his curiosity. Now it has his attention.

And a certain traitorous Shinigami's attention too, of course.


Tch. Fucking killstealer.

Anyway, lemme just look at my calendar reaaaaal qui- IT'S ALREADY BEEN ALMOST A WEEK SINCE I LAST POSTED WHAT

Yeah, sorry about that. I got stuck at my cousin's place for the funeral, had to go to and from my place twice because the actual burial date got delayed. I'm so sorry, but I shouuuld be back now.

As always, if I made any mistakes, both for lore and for grammar, do not hesitate to correct me.

K thank's for reading gamers.