
The Beauty of a Beast

The Dragorian Empire was vast and powerful. It swept across the land like a plague, destroying everything and bringing it under the control of Emperor Zinj. Bloodthirsty and ruthless, he ruled the Empire with an iron fist. However, in order to consolidate his power and solidify his reign, he needed to establish a dynasty. He had countless wives and concubines, but none seemed capable of bearing him a child. He did have one son, however, the Crown Prince Daimon. It was under Daimon’s command that the armies of the Empire laid waste to countless kingdoms, crushing all resistance, and bringing them under his father’s control. His fearsome countenance, commanding presence, and bloodthirsty nature resulted in him being bestowed with the title, the Beast. Lady Rowena, the only child of King Roland and Queen Mathilde of the Solarillon Kingdom, has been chosen to be the bride of the Crown Prince Daimon. A terrified and reluctant bride, she is hastily shuffled off to the heart of the Dragorian Empire to be wed to the scourge of the world. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Excerpt: “Come here, Dear Husband.” She patted the bed beside her. His eyes widened in shock. His body seemed paralyzed even as it burned with lust. He swallowed hard and subconsciously licked his lips. Seeing his hesitation, she moved her shoulder just enough for her gown to slide a few inches off of it to reveal her pale creamy skin. Then she pulled at the ties to the neckline of her nightgown undoing the bow and loosening them enough to reveal a generous amount of the upper swells of her bountiful breasts. Seeing his interest, she then ran her slender fingers down her breasts, over her softly rounded stomach, and down her long legs. His eyes hungrily followed her every movement. Aware of his intense gaze devouring her, she pouted sexily and asked him “Or do you not find your bride attractive?” Rooted to the spot, his mouth opened and closed several times without making any sounds. He shook his head to clear the fog in his brain. At last he spoke, “Do you know what you’re doing?” His voice was thick and hoarse with lust and his throat was dry. She laughed, her voice thick and sweet as honey. “I’m a virgin, but I’ve been instructed in the arts of the bedchamber.” She rose to her knees, dropping all pretense of being a shy blushing bride, and looked deeply into his eyes. “Do not worry, Husband. I have been an excellent student in both theory and practice.” He swallowed hard as his heart raised, his hands became clammy, and his groin tightened painfully. “That’s…that’s not what I meant.” He stammered sweating profusely. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ How will she survive being thrown into the Beast’s lair? Can this beauty tame the Beast and rule as Empress?

BatOctopiSnakeSpdr · Fantasy
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151 Chs

The Imperial Zoo

General Zhan had raced out of the chamber to catch the courier who had delivered the package. Surprisingly, he caught up with him just outside the palace gates. Unfortunately, someone else had caught him first as the man had had his throat slit. No information would be gained from him now.

His clothes were common, and his pockets were empty. There was nothing of any identification value left on him. No distinguishing marks such as scars, birthmarks, or tattoos of any kind were visible. He could have been anyone, so he was no one in particular.

Zhan cursed in frustration and kicked the ground. How dare someone attempt to assassinate the Crown Prince and his Bride? Who would have the audacity to do this? And why use snakes? He needed to speak with Killian and see if his investigation could possibly have any connection to this incident. He hoped Killian returned soon.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

While Zhan searched for answers to the mystery of the venomous vipers, Daimon led his irrepressible bride to the Imperial Zoo that was one of his father's many prized possessions.

When the staff saw the Imperial Couple arrive, they quickly bustled about to see to their comfort. One ran to get the Head Zookeeper.

"Take these and provide them a suitable habitat." Daimon ordered gesturing to the docile snakes curled affectionately around his wife. She seemed reluctant to let them go. And the zoo staff seemed even more reluctant to take them. But they dared not disobey.

Before he could stop himself, the Head Zookeeper inquired "Why does My Lady have such poisonous pets?" He quickly bit his tongue to prevent further breach of protocol by asking unnecessary questions of the Lady Empress.

"Venomous. Not poisonous." She stated simply.

"Beg Your Grace's pardon?" he asked. Again, cursing himself inwardly for his slip.

"I said, they are venomous. They are not poisonous." She enunciated each word clearly and slowly but was obviously irritated at the question. Whether it was because he didn't understand the difference between the two words or because he'd dared to question her at all, he wasn't sure. It didn't matter he reason. If she was displeased, she could have him killed regardless of his intent.

"Poisonous refers to something that is either full of a toxic substance or is a toxic substance itself. Venomous refers to something that can actively inflict poison into another creature such as through a sting, scratch, or bite. One is passive, while the other is active." She said as if explaining the difference to a child. She seemed disappointed at best, and disgusted at worst, that the head of the Imperial Zoo did not seem to understand the difference.

"I…I know that" he replied hastily. "In my surprise at seeing such creatures, I misspoke. The Emperor has long wanted to add these vipers to his collections. However, those he'd sent to collect them have never returned."

"And" he hastened to add, "I'm just getting hard of hearing in my old age; therefore, I did not hear the Lady Empress when she so graciously corrected my misuse of the term. Consequently, I asked Her to repeat Herself. Please forgive this old incompetent man." He bowed respectfully.

"It's okay" Rowena said. "Whether poisonous or venomous, the end result is usually pain and often death." She spoke with such a lilting voice and a sweet smile that everyone, but Daimon was further unnerved by her demeanor. Daimon was impressed.

"Now, now" she cooed to her pets "go along with these men. They'll make sure you have lots of warm places to stretch out, cozy hiding places to curl up in, and all the yummy food you possibly want." They hissed/purred in response as if they understood every word she said.

The zoo staff looked on with a considerable confusion and surprise as well as a healthy amount of fear. Despite their vocation, they had never seen anyone so comfortable with such dangerous creatures. They knew well that familiarity breeds complacency which, in turn, can lead to injury or death. But she acted as if they were harmless pets.

She glanced at the Head Zookeeper as she said "Right?" He paled visibly but hurried to assure her that her beloved charges would be well cared for.

"they will temporarily be held in tanks as we prepare a suitable habitat. Rest assured, they will have the best care. And, of course, you may visit them whenever you choose Your Highness." The Head Zookeeper said.

Rowena gave him one of her dazzling smiles. Daimon felt a twinge of jealousy at that but shook it off. He knew Rowena was not trying to seduce the old man.

Eager to change the subject and to improve his standing in her eyes, the Head Zookeeper suggested "While your pets settle in, shall I show you the rest of the collection?"

Daimon nodded as Rowena beamed with excitement.

The Head Zookeeper spent over an hour showing them the various creatures and their habitats. He went into great detail about where and how and when each creature was obtained – some were gifts, some were rescued from the illegal animal trade, some were from the private zoos of conquered kingdoms, some were from expeditions into foreign lands, and some were captured in hunts organized for the amusement of the Emperor and those he felt like entertaining.

Daimon paid little attention to the information being imparted. Other than noting Rowena's intense interest. His mind was on the assassination attempt. Besides, being a Beast himself, he had little interest in the particulars of lesser beasts. Its not like that information could help him deal with his own Beast's needs.

While Daimon's eyes began to glaze over listening to the man drone on, Rowena seemed to eagerly absorb every word. She asked lots of questions about their dietary requirements and other care needs. The Head Zookeeper was impressed.

And he finally relaxed a little as Rowena seemed to regard his information as accurate and trustworthy. But one could never let their guard down around a member of the aristocracy, especially someone as high-up as the wife of the Crown Prince.

"Let me show you the Aviary. It is one of our grandest achievements." He said with considerable pride. Although other kingdoms trained raptors to help with hunting, only the Imperial Zoo had an aviary with over a hundred different species of raptors and other birds of prey.

Out of necessity, the aviary was divided into multiple sections so that the birds would not feast on each other. And the nocturnal ones were kept segregated from the diurnal ones. It was an enormous building of glass with ceilings so tall as to comfortably enclose a small forest of full-grown trees that were tended to by several gardeners.

They entered the enclosure to find a dove walking nonchalantly on the ground so engrossed in pecking at seeds that it was otherwise oblivious to its surroundings. Suddenly, a hawk swooped down and seized the hapless bird in an explosion of blood and feathers.

Thank you for reading!

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