
The Aviary

Suddenly, a hawk swooped down and seized the hapless bird in an explosion of blood and feathers. It disappeared into the trees with its prize to feed in safety and seclusion. The only evidence of the kill was a pile of feathers splattered with blood.

The group was a bit startled to see the kill happen only a few feet away. The Imperial Zookeeper hastily looked to the Lady Empress. He expected to find such a delicate and noble lady to be in distress. However, he found the opposite.

"It appears we've arrived at feeding time" she remarked cheerily. She lifted her skirts and stepped over the bloody remains as she continued walking down the path winding through the aviary. The Head Zookeeper was surprised at her casual demeanor. Daimon was, once again, amused. He followed her further into the enclosure as the zookeeper hurried to keep up.

They walked through the aviary for another 30 minutes or so, but nothing else dramatic happened. Most of the birds watched them with a wary eye from the safety of their perches. The group glimpsed a few here and there, but most remained out of view.

They left the aviary to continue their tour of the other animal enclosures. The zoo was full of predatory animals – canines, felines, raptors, and reptiles. The larger animals – wolves, various big cats, crocodiles, bears, Komodo dragons, etc. – all had spacious habitats in which they could roam freely. Each habitat was expertly designed to mimic their original homes encompassing expansive areas for hunting and exploring as well as smaller enclosed spaces perfect for the seclusion necessary for rest and raising young.

Smaller enclosures held wolverines, foxes, and other mammals that could be dangerous, especially if threatened. These areas too gave them space to roam as well as hidden dens. Real and fake trees, rocks, ponds, and other physical features were provided to create the most realistic environment as well as to provide emotional and intellectual enrichment for the animals. All of this was designed and implemented by the Head Zookeeper who genuinely cared for the animals under his charge.

Rowena seemed captivated by it all. She marveled at each amazing creature and asked many questions about their diets, habits, and histories. She was impressed with the attention to detail and thought that had gone into the design and implementation of the various habitats. Each was perfectly suited to the needs of its inhabitants.

Having an eager audience pleased the Head Zookeeper enormously. It was so rare for anyone to visit the zoo anymore and the Emperor was only interested in the savagery and power of the animals, not their grace and majesty. He couldn't care less about them other than how they showed his domination over the world.

It was good to find a kindred spirit who loved the animals as much as he did. He relaxed under her attentions.

Rowena companionably took his arm and let him lead her through the zoo, listening enraptured to his every word. Again, Daimon felt the sting of jealousy seeing how easily Rowena and the old man chatted. But he knew he had no one to blame but himself.

Although Rowena's enthusiasm was infectious, Daimon's mind kept wandering to the puzzle of the gift of vipers. He tried to figure out who had sent them the vipers and if he, or Rowena were the intended target. Regardless, this brazen attempt could have killed either of them or both. He needed to ensure that Rowena had continuous protection, especially since he could not be around her all the time. 'I should have known my enemies would not even let me enjoy a honeymoon' he mused wryly.

There were also several large buildings which housed smaller creatures as well. One held tanks of various sizes and designs, each home to a different type of reptile or amphibian. Rowena was particularly interested in the habitat for brightly colored frogs who, they were told, secreted a toxin through their skin. Their colors encompassed the entire spectrum of the rainbow, but they all had black spots on their backs and black flippers on their feet.

Daimon sensed that Rowena really wanted to hold a few of them, but she wisely held back. The thought both amused and terrified him. He realized she had led a very sheltered life, but her seeming inability to recognize the danger posed by the poisonous and venomous creatures housed within amazed him. He would have to warn the zoo staff that, although the Lady Empress could visit the Zoo as she wished, under no circumstances was she allowed to touch any of the creatures. Even the vipers she had brought today. He didn't trust that animals had any loyalty. And they certainly wouldn't recognize and acknowledge her as the future Empress even if they weren't feeling hungry or threatened.

He sighed. Between her own childlike impetuousness and the various threats to their lives from outside forces, protecting her was going to be a monumental undertaking. General Zhan's mentor Samson oversaw the Imperial Guard. He would have him personally select a contingent to serve Rowena. Now that he thought about it, it was surprising that Emperor Zinj and not seen to it beforehand. That in and of itself was suspicious.

He would rectify that situation immediately. In addition, he would speak with Killian's protégé Valder to establish a contingent of Shadow Guards to be her unseen protectors. Satisfied with this plan, Daimon tried to turn his attention back to his wife's current activity.

The next building that they entered housed animals even smaller than the reptiles and amphibians living in the previous structure. There were scorpions, spiders, and stinging insects of astounding diversity. These were the least interesting to Daimon. But as usual, Rowena seemed enthralled.

The arrival of General Zhan brought a welcome reprieve for Daimon. He was anxious to hear any updates.

"Is it time to go?" Rowena asked, the disappointment evident in her voice. Daimon smiled indulgently.

"You can continue your tour. General Zhan and I have business to discuss. I will join you for dinner in our quarters later." Impetuously, he briefly gave her a peck on the top of her head. If Rowena was surprised, she didn't indicate it. She smiled at him and promised to join him for supper at 7 that night.

"She will be in good hands, Your Highness" the Imperial Zookeeper said bowing to him.

"I know." Daimon replied as he was leaving. His tone indicating dire consequences should anything happen to her.

The Head Zookeeper swallowed hard, but Rowena's gentle tugging at his sleeve reminded him of his duty as tour guide. He had to trust that everything would be alright.

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