
The beastly tycoon.

The Advent of mana. A mysterious event that has yet to be unveiled. One day, the cosmos exploded with a bright light, no harm was done, there was only light. From then on a new kind of energy spread throughout the universe. For its similarities to what's described in fantasy books, the humans named it "Mana." New lifeforms birthed and bred unceasingly through the cosmos. The races already existing evolved to something greater. Intelligent lifeforms predicted the worst and started to seek and secure resources around them. Factions formed and war ensued. To cease the endless self-destructive wars. Two neutral factions were formed from all kinds of races. The Universal Merchants, and the Alliance of the greater good. Laws of war were enforced amidst the chaos. And thus the law of the strong took place. Weaker races were given a chance, a test. If they failed to prove their worth, the race that discovered them gained the rights of ownership. They were tyrannized, stripped from their knowledge, and the planet would be exploited for its resources. Eventually, a blue small planet brimming with life was discovered. and various factions coveted its resources. The Federation of the greater good and the Universal Merchant intervened and bestowed the test. It was time for humans to struggle for survival. ----- "What are you doing?" "If I own the world, then I can be more motivated to protect it right?" *** Davi Reis, the man who used future knowledge to dominate the world!

Stupid_villain · Urban
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5 Chs

I won't allow others to be your suffering.

After seeing Dr, Adriana the psychiatrist. Julia drove Davi to his laboratory and stayed silently beside him as an assistant, but his research was simple, He was studying the difference in the biology of our earth compared to 'Haven' beyond the portals.

He didn't even need to get up from his chair. So Julia had nothing else to do.

She was supposed to watch his state of mind daily, to avoid tragedy. But it didn't matter how she saw it. The man who couldn't notice a tomato slice stuck on his chin through four whole hours while working so seriously couldn't possibly cause a tragedy.

She knew his past well, how he killed three men with his bare hands in his childhood, while malnourished. And how he killed and gained respect in the slums for four years. But his family was in danger then. And only he could do anything about it. For her, it wasn't a beast act, it was pure last resort.

Julia didn't know if it was because she shared the same poor background with him, but she couldn't understand how fighting to protect himself and his family. Could be something so bad and evil that you had to live like a monk, avoiding excitement and temptation.

Julia pondered these thoughts while watching his back and counting how long would take for him to notice that he was holding the very plant he was trying to find for the last half-hour.

'Oh, he saw it.'

Davi looked at his hand dumfounded, then he turned his back and saw Julia looking on her phone and muttering under her breath "thirty-four minutes."

He clenched his teeth "You're supposed to be my assistant!" He barked.

"I'm doing my best." She replied with a stern glare.

"'Best my foot!"


After eight or so hours of work, at twenty-two pm, Julia brought the exaushted Davi back to his apartment. This was the worst part of the day for her.

Davi had to be in a constant state of exhaustion, so his 'destructive' nature didn't distract him.

Through the day he was functional but by the end of the day, his appearance hovered between wobbling marathon champion to someone who just donated half his blood. But somehow he still managed to stay awake.

One time she subtly told him she wouldn't report it If he napped between commutes. Breaking her words to her employer; his father. And betraying the nature of her job entirely. But he shook his head and still adamantly kept his awake until midnight.

The end of the day for her comprised of two parts. The first was watching a man tragically waiting for the alarm of his phone to go off so he could let go of his mind and faint away on the sofa.

The second. Is her nausea at the thought of going back to her apartment, a floor under him. And sleep on the same bed as a man who she knew was regularly going out doing booze and hookers.

She hated the end of the day.


The high-pitched cellphone alarm rang out. In the same instant, Davi let himself go into unconsciousness.

Not half an hour later, a sudden pressure took over him like a gorilla suddenly sat on his chest, his mind went reeling.

'This is the awakening!' was the only thing Davi thought before a sudden rush of memories came over his mind. It was like he lived a lifetime.

He lived through the day. a being beautiful like an angel descended on earth and stated the trial was over and that humans weren't worthy of joining the alliance.

He watched humans being enslaved, while the earth's resources were stripped away.

He survived and managed to live a thousand years. He went from depressive to indifferent a lot of times. He made war and struggled, and then he was sent back in time

When he came to himself again. It was five in the morning.

Davi sat down, blood was streaming down his nose.

He chuckled with a mix of sadness and happiness.

He could feel his abnormally tuned six senses again. His pool of mana was shallow and small. 'I really was sent back, you bastards.'

knocks came through the door.

'Julia' specific memories about her flashed in his mind.

'That merlin, he partitioned my memory so that it isn't overburdened.'

One more knock rang out.

He knew she was coming from the moment the elevator's doors opened. For a beast that fasted for half millennium, Her natural scent was too alluring. But his mind his will is trained and he calmed himself down.


As usual, Julia entered without a second thought.

Her eyes rested on Davi and she froze.

It wasn't because he wasn't ready to go as usual, or because of the blood on his face. Nor his playful smirk.

'His eyes...'

She watched through five years as this man's sense of self thinned away. That man who was always fatigued...

Julia felt it in his gaze. He was alive, he had resurrected. He didn't move but she knew he woke as a completely different person who went to sleep.

"H-How." She stammered

"The Awakening." His voice deep, with a hint of indifferent laziness, rang back to her.

His gaze on her, filled with hidden thoughts shook her out from her daze. Flustered she grabbed her cellphone.

"G-Good, I'll mark an appointment with Dr. Pinto to evaluate your trait and physic. It's Sunday but I think he'll make an exception for you."

He silently watched her while old memories of their time flashed in his mind.

The tv suddenly turned on.

[Today with the hunter news! The hunter group 'Aspiring Five' is going on their first expedition alone! you may know them as the The future of humanity!-]

'Aspiring five? the first expedition!?' Davi widened his eyes.

"Julia, what day is today?"

Surprised at his unusual agitated tone. Julia answered.

"Today is the first of July."

A set of memories flashed in his mind. The first of July, the day humanity encountered dark elves for the first time

The five aspirings, a popular group of sons and daughters of the wealthy who graduated on the first hunter institute. Went on to stream a simple expedition in 'haven'.

The dark elves who watched from afar as Humanity slowly explored the discovered 'haven' finally decided to approach and initiate contact.

They stumbled on the young and dumb Aspiring group. They feared each other, tensions arose, and the Aspiring group attacked, killing two dark elves a young and one old. While two of the aspiring group died. That fight escalated in full war. Although people evolved faster because of it, countless of people with potential died an early death.

'I can't let it happen.'

"Julia, forget appointments and find me the contact info of Madam Reis."

Davi said and brusquely walked past her.

She flustered.

"D-Davi, you're still wearing the clothes of yesterda-"

"No time. also, do it while we walk" He stated and ran to the elevator.

Confused but with no time to think Julia just followed him and started to find the contact number of Davi's father's recently divorced wife.

As the elevator went down he closed his eyes, 'The dark elves wanted to reach the academy directly, and the group had just left, the fight happened in the wolf vicinity.'

The elevator went down and he sighed. He had just awakened, his body barely qualified to enter 'haven' and he had to stop a group of graduated hunters and dark elves from fighting.

Julia heard his sigh and looked at him. 'He sighed so dejectedly, but why... is he grinning?'

The elevator door opened, and Julia typed a number on her cellphone and passed it to Davi.

Again he closed his eyes and all the information regarding Madam Reis came to his mind. After three calls an icy tone came from the phone.

"Aren't you the bastard son that Nando forgot he had, then rescued from the slums after seventeen years?"

Davi laughed "In the flesh Ma'am. And you're the old wife replaced by the young hot lover right?"

Julia looked at him with wide eyes.

He smiled and walked to the car. Julia hurriedly followed and started the engine

'To her house' he mouthed.

Madam Reis heard that and trembled. But didn't want to lose composure and let the boy win. She laughed refreshingly, "Boy, state your business."

"I have a way to stabilize the spatial tears and also know how to manufacture the Reis portals.'

"...I'll need more than words." She said.

"I'm going to your house right now. Let me use that thing you have in your basement. then we'll discuss business."

"Knowing what I have in the basement is just good espionage, not proof you have what you say."

"Haah" He sighed 'This is annoying...'

In a stern tone of voice, he said. "If I wanted to do you harm, I would've already told my father or gone public with it, and you'd be crucified and isolated. If you let me use it, you'll share my father's monopoly on accessing 'haven.'

'If she says no, then I'll have to barge in..' He thought and his obsidian eyes went colder.

The thirty-eight years old woman didn't answer and thought about it.

'If he's lying, then it ends there, but if he's telling the truth, then I'll regain what was stolen from me.' HEr mind shone with resolution.

"Fine." She answered.

The lazy smile came back to his face.

"Arrange a mask for me too," he said ending the call.

Julia had only eyes for the road, she didn't know what he was doing, but she just followed his words.

After a few seconds of silence, Davi opened his mouth.

"I"ll transfer half my wealth to your account."

Julia's hand slipped and the car almost went out of the road.


He smiled, he remembers well how she liked to mess with him and seeing her react like this was refreshing.

"I'll break relations with Reis enterprise today. You'll be working for me from now on. It'd be more convenient if you're in possession of my money." He said and looked at from the passenger seat.

"If you don't like it, there's no problem, you can just keep working for him. I'll find another assistant."

She frowned. The idea of leaving him bothered her, and him talking about separating after so much time together so casually pissed her off even more. In a cold voice, she spoke.

"I don't mind working for you, but sharing your wealth is too much. What kind of wife shares half of another men's wealth? Besides, how can you trust me so much?"

The car went cold and silent, through the whole travel she felt his stare bora a whole on the back of her skull.

After twenty minutes of travel, they arrived at the villa. Julia didn't speak all the way. After her words, she suddenly felt difficult talking to him.

As they left the car. Davi looked at the back of the woman who avoided his eyes the whole time.

He knew her future, She would keep on her marriage in spite of her husband's emotional abuse and brothel habits, after five years like that, they'll have a son and a daughter, he'll reduce his bad habits and become a good father and husband. And at least until the earth was destroyed they lived well and happily.

She started walking to the gates of the villa. Davi looked at her back and pondered unceasingly. He was still afraid of letting his nature free. But he was also tempted...

Not hearing him move, Julia stopped, looked back and waited for him.

At that moment when the sun shined on her, his beastly nature decided.

He chuckled loudly. His obsidian eyes locked onto her.

He walked up to her and stood a palm away. he was ahead taller and looked at her from above. She had to look up to him.

His stern and cold voice softly reached her ears.

"Not only you'll share my wealth, but you'll also arrange an apartment for us to live together, in the building I bought for my family. and you'll do it today. if you want anything from where you lived until now, I'll get it later.

If I come back, and you still didn't do it. then we don't need to work together anymore."

He said and walked away.

She could hear him muttering under his breath.

"If you'll allow yourself to suffer, then I might as well be the one to torment you and no other."

Action next chapter!

Stupid_villaincreators' thoughts